Using AutoCAD Release 9 in 800 by 600 Graphics on the Paradise VGA1024 Card. We have supplied a driver for AutoCAD Release 9 that will allow you to use the 800 by 600 extended resolution graphics capabilities of the Paradise VGA1024 Card with AutoCAD's Advanced User Interface. The driver is in the form of an AutoCAD Device Interface or ADI driver. ADI is a generalized driver format that allows you to load drivers into memory prior to running AutoCAD. To use this driver, you must have AutoCAD Release 9 with a version 3.1 ADI "generic" driver. This driver conforms to the AutoCAD display device interface specification version 3.1. This driver requires that you are using your Paradise VGA1024 Card in conjunction with a multi-frequency monitor capable of displaying 800 by 600 resolution. If you are using fixed frequency VGA monitor you should install AutoCAD Release 9 for standard 640 by 480 VGA resolution. This driver is designed for AutoCAD Release 9 only and does not support AutoShade or AutoSketch. If you are using an older version of AutoCAD (versions 2.18 through 2.60) you can use the ADI version 2.1 drivers, "DS800.EXE and DS480.EXE," included on the Paradise VGA1024 Card Utilities disk. Use DS800.EXE to display 800 by 600 graphics on your multi-frequency display. Refer to the Paradise VGA1024 Card Software Guide. Use DS480.EXE to display 640 by 480 VGA resolution graphics with these older versions of AutoCAD. Configuring AutoCAD for the 800 by 600 graphics mode. 1. Copy the file DS800R9.EXE from the supplied Paradise VGA1024 Card Utilities disk to your AutoCAD diskette or directory. This file is a program that loads an ADI driver, which allows AutoCAD to work in the Paradise VGA1024 Card's extended resolution 800 by 600 mode. 2. Run DS800R9.EXE. You will get a message that reads: --- AutoCAD Device Interface (ADI) Display Driver --- This indicates that the AutoCAD driver for the 800 by 600 mode of the Paradise VGA1024 Card has been loaded into memory. 3. If you are using a mouse or graphics tablet that requires a separate driver, be sure that its driver is loaded at this point. 4. Execute ACAD to start the AutoCAD Release 9 program. 5. From the main menu choose option 5 to configure AutoCAD Release 9. 6. From the configuration menu choose option 3 "Configure video display." 7. Choose the option for "ADI display v3.1" driver from the list of available video drivers. If there is no option for "ADI display v3.1" make sure that you are using AutoCAD Release 9, or you may need to obtain an ADI generic driver update from AutoDesk or your AutoCAD dealer. When asked for the hexadecimal interrupt code, choose the default -"7A". 8. Make sure all other configuration options are set as appropriate for your computer equipment. 9. Exit to the main menu and keep your configuration changes. 10. AutoCAD is now ready to run in the 800 by 600 resolution graphics. Running AutoCAD Release 9 in the 800 by 600 graphics mode. If you have not configured AutoCAD as described above, do so now. If you have done the configuration as described above, you can start AutoCAD by simply loading the "DS800R9" ADI driver and your mouse or other pointer driver prior to executing the AutoCAD program. The commands can easily be incorporated into a batch file. Your batch file might look like the following. DS800R9 (Loads the Paradise VGA1024 Card's 800 by 600 ADI 3.1 driver.) MOUSE (Loads mouse driver - this would depend on type of pointer or mouse used.) ACAD (Starts AutoCAD program.) Option: You may choose to run AutoCAD with an inverted black background rather than the white background that is standard by invoking the driver with the parameter of "-i." Type: DS800R9 -i