Registration Crack for WebDisk v1.0 (Ararat Software) ===================================================== by romeo-JUANDA After you run the crack, you find that the program is registered to no one with no serial no. If you want it registered to you, then do this : 1. Run regedit.exe (c:\windows\regedit.exe) - the registry editor 2. Click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER|Software|Ararat |WebDisk|User 3. If you do not see Email, RegID and UserName on the right window, then create these string values. (e.g. click on Edit|New|String Value and type Email ... etc) 4. After you have created these string values, double click on them and type in what you want (e.g. for UserName, type romeo-JUANDA etc) 5. When you run the program, it will be registered to your inputs (e.g. in this case, to romeo-JUANDA) -romeo-