Mac 2 PC Pro Plus for Windows                                 : s/n: 123456-1234
Mac Executor for Windows 95                                   : s/n: 2175023 key: idw2hqyu3juvs
Mac-N-Dos v1.0 for Windows                                    : s/n: 7000-0002-1199-0165
Mac320 (mac)                                                  : SB23-0015-0057-1800
MacDos 1.0.1 (mac)                                            : 4294930727
MacEKG 2.0.7 (mac)                                            : 12345Z9L2416
MacLabelPro 1.6.3 (mac)                                       : 5117081730
MacLink 7.5 (mac)                                             : 603050-1601
MacMod Pro 3.2.2 (mac)                                        : 013953150
MacOpener 2.0                                                 : s/n: 983798-0308
MacPassword v3.8.0                                            : s/n: NOV30195MAY261951
MacRenderman 1.3 (mac)                                        : 978862966
Macro Model v1.5 for Windows                                  : s/n: 0428-4079-2071
MacroDirector v5.0 for Windows                                : s/n: 55777-37077-29378
MacroMedia 3D 1.2 (mac)                                       : T120-12345-CP4U
Macromedia Director Academic v4.0 for Win 95                  : DRW404-0429-1085-7007
Macromedia Director v4.0 for Windows                          : DRW400-1895-9074-2077
Macromedia Director v4.0 for Windows (2)                      : DRW400-9811-4074-3073
Macromedia Director v5.0                                      : zdrw50inst
Macromedia Director v5.0.1 for Win 95/NT                      : s/n: DRW500-55777-37077-29378
Macromedia Extreme 3D for Windows 95                          : s/n: 45110-0855-0288-44562
Macromedia Extreme 3D v1.0                                    : 45110-0037-0012-60272
Macromedia Fontographer v4.1 for Windows                      : 65241-0499-0166-21702
Macromedia Freehand Graphique v5.0 for Windows                : s/n: 10350-0276-0089-83911
Macromedia Freehand Graphique v7.0 for Windows                : s/n: FWH700-70812-27097-26570
Macromedia xRes 2.x for Windows                               : 55020-0398-0128-22598
MacroMind Accelerator (mac)                                   : A300-12935-CP4U
MacroModel 1.5 (mac)                                          : MM150-GC-10997
MacSafe ][ 2.0 (mac)                                          : 686279
MacSEE v4.6                                                   : s/n: 950241
MacTEX (mac)                                                  : 00229.002
Magic Notes v1.6                                              : Name: tHATDUDE  Reg: 208641551
Magic v1.33 for Dos                                           : s/n: 15002688
MagnaRAM 95                                                   : 006-18B-38309
MagnaRam ( see also Quaterdeck )                              : 00757620MR1
MagnaRam for Win 3.1 & Win95                                  : 011-18B-99630
MagnaRam v2.0 by Quarterdeck for Win95                        : 122-28B-66138 or 009-17G-00000
MagnaRAM Version 2.0                                          : 011-18b-99630
MailCall                                                      : name: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL s/n: 12048100 or name: TeLLeRBoP s/n: 6279742
MailCall (2)                                                  : name: Me! s/n: 1710564 or name: You! s/n: 2834107
MailCall (3)                                                  : name: 2U! s/n: 1355489 or name: 4U! s/n: 1372111
MailCall (4)                                                  : name: Somebody! s/n: 6230164 or name: Nobody! s/n: 4745037
MailCall (5)                                                  : name: Xxx! s/n: 2923422 or name: ED!SON s/n: 3313727
Major BBS v6.25                                               : NWGEEGD9J
ManagePro v3.1                                                : s/n: T7R5D9102541
ManneQuin v1.1                                                : s/n: 10012345
Mapedit v2.24                                                 : BJJNBKBA
Maple V 3.0 (mac)                                             : MAC-5303-951412-1
MapLinx v3.0 for Windows                                      : s/n: 012995
Mapple V v3.0 for DOS and Windows                             : s/n: DOS-5203-676023-1
Marathon 1.x (mac)                                            : 429715FNNZBCZEYX (net)
Marathon 2.0 (mac)                                            : S11NUC7TJJ98M7F4
MarkzTools II+ 3.5 (mac)                                      : 5068033
Marvel screen posters for Windows                             : MVW-92958-1201
Masquerate v1.0b                                              : name: CracK De WareZ s/n: Twiddle
Master Converter                                              : 000550*368740
Master Juggler                                                : s/n: MVW-92958-1201
MasTer oF MaGic v1.2 Sales Update                             : s/n: 113871A dreg: 061095
Master Snoopy's Math v1.0                                     : s/n: BCJV95TJ01C
aster Snoopy's Spelling v1.0                                 : s/n: IZMJAK0059J
MathCad PLUS v6.0 Professsional for Windows                   : s/n: P6000795D04043
MathCad v5.0 for Windows                                      : s/n: P501069D00368
MathCad v6.0 for Windows(95)                                  : s/n: 12345678901234 or s/n: V6000795D01136
MathCad v6.0 Plus                                             : P603D, R15033, ISBN 0-942075-79-X
Mathematica 2.2 (mac)                                         : 2804-76464-85066-4534
MatheMatica v2.0 for Windows                                  : s/n: 4703-00611-95714-5316
MatheMatica v2.1 for Windows                                  : s/n: 2549-51771-93417-6270
MatheMatica v2.21 for Windows                                 : s/n: 5870-34471-82354-3005 or s/n: 5864-85363-82354-3843
MatheMatica v2.33 for Windows(95)                             : s/n: 5863-84987-52354-3605
MathType 3.1 (mac)                                            : 1-505 1-1405 666-452 666-5729 00000666-00005729
MatLab v4.0 for Windows                                       : s/n: 335339
Mattise v1.5.2                                                : s/n: 1733767 or s/n: 1733920
Maximizer for Windows 95                                      : s/n: LWIN306061
MaxiMizer v3.0 for Windows                                    : s/n: 515-133165
Maxon Crazy Sounds Extra for Windows                          : s/n: 10204418-5249
Mayor BBS v6.25                                               : NWGEEGD9J
MBBS v6.2                                                     : s/n: NWGEE6D9J or s/n: YNDHYJP4C
MBBS v6.25                                                    : NWGEEGD9J
McAfee Scan v1.00.306 for Win95                               : s/n: 001-2JBW-8YIA
MDesk +v1.2 for OS/2                                          : name: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL s/n: MD04 4u1Tex29W or name: TeLLeRBoP s/n: MD04L5u1Tex26W
MDesk +v1.2 for OS/2 (2)                                      : name: Me!!! s/n: MD04!6u1Mex29W or name: You!! s/n: MD04!1u1Yex24W
MDesk +v1.2 for OS/2 (3)                                      : name: 2U!!! s/n: MD04!8u12ex23W or name: 4U!!! s/n: MD04!1u14ex28W
MDesk +v1.2 for OS/2 (4)                                      : name: SoMeBoDy! s/n: MD04e0u1Sex21W or name: NoBoDy! s/n: MD04o1u1Nex28W
MDesk +v1.2 for OS/2 (5)                                      : name: Xxx!! s/n: MD04!8u1Xex27W or name: Dark Wing s/n: MD04k6u1Dex29W
MDesk v1.2 for OS/2                                           : name: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL  s/n: MD04 4u1Tex29W
MDiff-MPatch v1.40 for Dos and OS/2                           : s/n: SSGG@!VLS457-VBDA name: PREDATOR666/UCF
Meal Master v8.01                                             : name: Cracker s/n: C-397-1068
MechWars +v1.9g                                               : sysop: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL bbs: G.!.$ s/n: XA0NC0KFGYF3 or sysop: TeLLeRBoP bbs: G.!.$ s/n: XA0N88P .
MechWars +v1.9g (2)                                           : sysop: You! bbs: G.!.$ s/n: XA0NDKG92YN3 or sysop: Me! bbs: G.!.$ s/n: XA0N4KAA98U2
MechWars +v1.9g (3)                                           : sysop: Nobody! bbs: G.!.$ s/n: XA0NDT04R9AY or sysop: Somebody! bbs: G.!.$ s/n: XA0N9R46BCQT
MechWars +v1.9g (4)                                           : sysop: 2U! bbs: G.!.$ s/n: XA0N1UC2TY93 or sysop: 4U! bbs: G.!.$ s/n: XA0N1UC2UD8P
MechWars +v1.9g (5)                                           : sysop: ???! bbs: G.!.$ s/n: XA0N8QN7GYF3 or sysop: Xxx! bbs: G.!.$ s/n: XA0NDRG5A8T2
Mechwars v1.9g                                                : sysop: Batman  bbs: Gotham  s/n: XA0N88P78WU7 or sysop: --- bbs: ---  s/n: NN8A1HVD0UYB
Mechwars v1.9g  (2)                                           : sysop: XXX bbs: XXX  s/n: CCHL5GQF88V2 or sysop: ??? bbs: ???  s/n: AALN1AD4ABRU
Mechwars v1.9g  (3)                                           : sysop: You bbs: XXX  s/n: XA0N08F82DWP or sysop: ***  bbs: ***  s/n: XA0N5BR1HUEB
Mechwars v1.9g  (4)                                           : sysop: Me bbs: XXX  s/n: XA0N4TA4BUQB or sysop: Who? bbs: XXX  s/n: NN8A49U51FXK
Mechwars v1.9g  (5)                                           : sysop: Nobody bbs: XXX  s/n: XA0N1QV7T8A2 or sysop: Somebody bbs: XXX  s/n: XA0N9QL70RYF
Media Master v3.2.1 by Vision Imaging                         : s/n: 1001512
Media Studio for Windows (beta-version)                       : s/n: ABETA-40490-29051
Media Studio Pro 2.5 for Windows 95                           : s/n: RIE22-964-05882
Media Studio v1.0 for Windows                                 : s/n: NNAEA-40721-02586 or s/n: RINEA-40632-01934
MediaMaker 1.5                                                : 1987-1065-3071
Meeting Maker 1.0 (mac)                                       : MV 000563 Administration Pwrd: admin
Meeting Maker XP (mac)                                        : (50 User) PF6C-B724A-6R6R2
MegaPhone 1.0.2 (mac)                                         : Serial Number:  AAA-AACV-CJF-7PM8-B693
MegaPhone 1.0.2 (mac) (2)                                     : Access Code: AFG-VHFT-C6Q-1DWH-BFGR
MemInfo Plus v4.0 for Windows                                 : s/n: QVBI@J2D>Memory Commander                                              : s/n: M209037-KXYC
Memory Commander v4.0                                         : s/n: M209800
Mentor Plus Flite Star 10/93                                  : s/n: 9243210
Mesa v2.1.1+200 for OS/2                                      : s/n: M000-6560-1251-8706
MetaFlo 1.2.6 (mac)                                           : 14648 15028 19131 2106737 2113107 2119234 2120247 2120471 227512 228433 230918 234512 234711 2353
MetaWare HI C/C++ v3.01                                       : s/n: 921343 or s/n: 050360 or s/n: 190761 or s/n: 241069 or s/n: 113431
MetaWare HI C/C++ v3.01 (2)                                   : s/n: 060173 or s/n: 240531 or s/n: 210434 or s/n: 210458 or s/n: 090258
Metz Netriever                                                : s/n: ED!693
MGM Cad 2.5 (mac)                                             : II 220301
Micro Planet Gravity News Reader                              : s/n: PVGHJ-VYGYY-3QP2E
Micro-scope v5.06                                             : MS-1231393
Microangelo v2.0                                              : name: Crack Da WareZ s/n: S970309
Microangelo v2.0 (2)                                          : name: Cracked  s/n: S7445966
MicroAngelo v2.1                                              : Name: tHATDUDE  Reg: S3111576
MicroFocus/370 Assembler v3.1.16                              : s/n: URNB0UPP/000000000
Micrografx ABC Graphic Suite v6.0 for  Windows 95             : s/n: 102D-D3EF or s/n: AG9501XX05917
Micrografx Designer v4.1                                      : s/n: DRW400-9811-4074-3073
Micrografx Graphics Works v3.2                                : s/n: GW1001CXX31525
Micrographic Picture Publisher v5.0 for Windows               : NTA-NTA-01A or nta-nta-01a
Microphone II 3.0 (mac)                                       : B 008617
icroscope v5.04                                              : s/n: MS-5132690
Microscope v5.06                                              : s/n: MS-1231393
Microscope v6.01                                              : s/n: MS-6000821
Microsoft CD-Key universal key                                : 999-1234567 or 111-1111111
Microsoft Access ADI for Windows 95                           : CD-KEY: 040-4031420
Microsoft AutoRoute Express v4.0 for Windows                  : s/n: 32098-025-0191712
Microsoft Excel 4.0 (mac)                                     : 00-065-0400-46250964
Microsoft Excel EIS Builder v1.1 for Windows                  : s/n: 065-501-580
Microsoft Excel v5.0c for Windows                             : s/n: 01854-055-0504633 or s/n: 15922-020-0012191
Microsoft Excel v7.0 UK for Windows                           : s/n: 33610-062-0103145
Microsoft Golf v2.0                                           : s/n: 00-000-00186-052V100
Microsoft Great Greetings v1.0 for Windows                    : s/n: 32521-082-0109954
Microsoft Hell Bender for Windows 95                          : CD-KEY: 415-0027516
Microsoft IntelliPoint v1.10 for Windows(95)                  : s/n: 37991-025-0514927
Microsoft Money v2.01+ for Windows                            : s/n: 00-105-0200-99999979
Microsoft Money v3.5 for Windows (German)                     : s/n: 20342-066-0023392
Microsoft Money v4.0 for Windows (German)                     : s/n: 045-0112631
Microsoft Office 7.0b for Windows 95                          : s/n: 415-0151383
Microsoft Office Professional for Win95                       : s/n: 425-1921701 or s/n: 103-0145657 or s/n: 102-0128344 or s/n: 452-4286967
Microsoft Office Professional for Win95 (2)                   : 27716-102-0128344 or 26716-103-0145657
MicroSoft Office Professional v4.2 for Windows                : s/n: 14080-000-4203561
MicroSoft Office Professional v4.3c for Windows               : s/n: 28779-051-0101444 or s/n: 27716-102-0128344 or s/n: 26716-103-0145657
Microsoft Office Professional 97                              : s/n: 53491-111-1111111-74956
Microsoft Office Professional 97 (2)                          : s/n: 425-0669077 or s/n: 8067-0106275 or CD-Key: 4190-0186517
Microsoft Office Professional 97 (3)                          : cd key needs the 4th digit to be +1 of the 3rd digit ie: 0001-0000000 -or- 8889-8888888
Microsoft Office 97 OEM version                               : s/n:00100-OEM-0123456-00100
MicroSoft Planner for Windows                                 : s/n: 076-051-090
Microsoft Plus! 95                                            : CD-KEY: 411-2781863 or CD-KEY: 411-0126066 or CD-KEY: 411-7111936 or CD-KEY: 114-0125497
Microsoft Plus! for Win95                                     : s/n: 411-0950392  s/n: 425-1096667
Microsoft Project 95                                          : CD-KEY: 040-0252649
Microsoft Publisher 95                                        : CD-KEY: 757-2573155
Microsoft Publisher for Win95                                 : s/n: 425-1096667
MicroSoft Publisher v2.0 for Windows                          : s/n: 00-164-0200-80012578
Microsoft Registration Hacker MSREGHACK                       : 123456789
icrosoft Return to Arcade for Windows 95                     : CD-KEY: 415-1712656
Microsoft Source Safe 4.0 for Windows 95                      : CD-KEY: 411-0173307
Microsoft Uninstaller                                         : I2031123
MicroSoft Visual Basic Standard v4.0 for Windows 95           : s/n: 411-0356356 or s/n: 411-0085933 or s/n: 411-1454815 or s/n: 411-0173307
Microsoft Visual Basic v4.0 enterp. Edition                   : CD KEY:411-0250176
MicroSoft Visual Basic v4.0 for C++                           : s/n: 666-6666666
Microsoft Visual C++ v4.0                                     : CD-KEY: 415-1712656
Microsoft Visual C++ v4.2                                     : CD-KEY: 040-0331304
MicroSoft Windows v3.11 for Windows                           : s/n: 00131-002-6600743
Microsoft Word 6.0                                            : user: rac    01698-053-0102765
Microsoft Word for windows 95                                 : 32857-113-0137987-64504
MicroSoft Word v6.0a NL for Windows                           : s/n: 23227-020-0054534
MicroSoft Word v7.0 UK for Windows                            : s/n: 32857-113-0137987
Microsoft Works 4.0 For Windows 95                            : 33977053011175600000
Microsoft Works 95                                            : CD-KEY: 425-0977766
MicroSoft Works v3.0 MultiMedia Edition                       : s/n: OEM-MMWRKS300
Microsoft Works v3.0 or 3.0a NL for Windows                   : s/n: 16429-020-0000284
MicroSoft Works v4.0+ for Win95                               : s/n: 33977-053-0111756
MicroStation 3D                                               : s/n: 3808340313 license number: 2046732303
MicroStation 95 for DOS and x86 Windows v05.05.01.65          : s/n: 00088193000085
MicroStation CAD 5.0 (mac)                                    : 1669548699
icrostation CAD v5.08 for DOS and Win                        : 6362-CURRY-FRIKA
MicroStation Cad v5.08 for Dos and Windows                    : s/n: 6362-CURRY-FRIKA
MicroStation PowerDraft Cad v5.5.0.5                          : s/n: 00088193000085
MicroStation v5.00 1/2                                        : Your name: Intergraph Corporation Organization: FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
MicroStation v5.00 2/2                                        : s/n: 00000038000038 license number: 3231059559
MicroStation v5.00.95 (5.1)                                   : s/n: SGBXI48AB-0500A
MidiSoft Music Studio for Windows                             : s/n: 1010422-2159
MidiStudio v4.1 for Windows(95)                               : s/n: pmrFmh9q5f3v2k0zyaw
MiniCAD 6.0.0b2 (mac)                                         : 16B1-ARLMDXAQ-000000
MiniTAB (mac)                                                 : M8208005
MiniTab v10.0 Statistical SoftWare for Windows                : s/n: WC1020775
iniTab v9.2 for Windows                                      : s/n: W92006400
Mirage Ray Tracing Engine for 3D-Studio                       : s/n: 942559
mIRC v4.52                                                    : name: MIRC  s/n: 5545-573826
Mirc-16 v4.52 16-bit for Windows 3.1                          : Name: mIRC Supporter Registration No: 1869-196544
Mirc-32 v4.52 32-bit for Windows 95                           : Name: mIRC Supporter Registration No: 1869-196544
Mirc-32 v4.6 32-bit for Windows 95                            : name: PARASITE '96 code: 11606-973008
mIRC 4.6                                                      : name: Cracked 	number: 9696-1070977
MircoAngelo 2.1                                               : name: MicroAngelo  s/n: S3272932
Mircosoft planner                                             : 076-051-090
MitemView (mac)                                               : 11089
MKS Source Integrity v7.1c for Windows 95                     : s/n: 4040099599
obileMath for Newton (mac)                                   : 2100000000000000
Mod 4 Win v2.xx                                               : name: Registered Version code: 308435988047381282
MOD4Win +v2.30 for Windows(95)                                : name: Cracked s/n: 236273118978589877
MOD4Win +v2.30 for Windows(95) (2)                            : name: GARGAMEL'95 s/n : 951589925305770743
MOD4Win +v2.30 for Windows(95) (3)                            : name:  s/n : 220389582148317632
MOD4Win +v2.30 for Windows(95) (4)                            : name: Shere Khan company: KSB, Ltd. s/n: 430278180632329310
Mod4Win v2.20                                                 : name: cracked s/n: 236273118978589
ModEdit v3.02                                                 : name: Everybody s/n: FF4FAA6BEA48483E1FFC5D3E5E
Model Studio 3D for Windows                                   : User Name: DoH!RuLeZ! Company Name: HeLLAND iNC. s/n: 27 Verification #: 863547
Model Studio 3D for Windows (2)                               : User Name: DoH!RuLeZ! Company Name: HeLLAND iNC. s/n: 17 Verification #: 863528
Modem Doctor v5.2                                             : s/n: M4B00635
Modem Doctor v6.0                                             : s/n: M6D00810
Modem init Strings - Database v1.1                            : (edit $BASE.KEY)  line #1: (your name)  line #2: 47110815
Modem Init Strings - Database v2.1                            : name: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL adress: G.!.$ zip:  country:  s/n: 3F62644E3C474840
Modem Status                                                  : name:aka Modemsta s/n:1239123
ModemShare v7.0 for DOS                                       : s/n: S#36230005251
ModemShare v7.0 for Windows 95                                : s/n: S#36230005251
ModemSta v1.7 for WinDows                                     : name: Whatever s/n: 1239123
onarch for Windows                                           : s/n: 1003818
MoneyMap Personal Financial Director for Windows              : password: CASH
Moray 2.02+ GUI Modeler                                       : name: United Cracking Force  code: 9F10B935
Morph 2.5 (mac)                                               : 4606000800
Morph Studio SE v1.0 for Windows                              : s/n: RNAEB-50199-00845
Morph Studio v1.0 for Windows                                 : s/n: RINEB-40807-02342 or s/n: RINEB-50114-00001 or s/n: RINEB-50125-00006
orpher v2.1 for Windows                                      : name: (anything you like) code: 97044
Morpher v2.5 for Windows                                      : s/n: 1306206233
Mphing Magic                                                : s/n: 0-672-30320-5
Mortice Kern Systems v3.1 for Dos and Windows (6 users)       : s/n: 3041129678
Mouse Odometer                                                : Name: !unknown!   s/n: 3297264518
MouseTrap                                                     : User Name: Martin Karlsson Serial Number: 0MFX8FNMY1932K9CFFH3
MPEG Audio Layer 3 Encoder/Decoder                            : s/n: ED00A30FF000009
MR/2 Ice v0.99c for OS/2                                      : name: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL s/n: 82722969 or name: TeLLeRBoP s/n: 82721592
MR/2 Ice v0.99c for OS/2 (2)                                  : name: Me! s/n: 82720319 or name: You! s/n: 82720640
MR/2 Ice v0.99c for OS/2 (3)                                  : name: 2U! s/n: 82720324 or name: 4U! s/n: 82720326
MR/2 Ice v0.99c for OS/2 (4)                                  : name: SoMeBoDy! s/n: 82721576 or name: NoBoDy! s/n: 82721104
MR/2 Ice v0.99c for OS/2 (5)                                  : name: Xxx! s/n: 82720666 or name: Dark Wing s/n: 82721563
MR/2 Ice v0.99v for OS/2                                      : name: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL s/n: 3333 key: 81337680 or name: TeLLeRBoP s/n: 3333 key: 81336303
MR/2 Ice v0.99v for OS/2 (2)                                  : name: Me! s/n: 3333 key: 81335030 or name: You! s/n: 3333 key: 81335351
MR/2 Ice v0.99v for OS/2 (3)                                  : name: 2U! s/n: 3333 key: 81335035 or name: 4U! s/n: 3333 key: 81335037
MR/2 Ice v0.99v for OS/2 (4)                                  : name: SoMeBoDy! s/n: 3333 key: 81336287 or name: NoBoDy! s/n: 3333 key: 81335815
R/2 Ice v0.99v for OS/2 (5)                                  : name: Xxx! s/n: 3333 key: 81335377 or name: Dark Wing s/n: 3333 key: 81336274
Ms Golf                                                       : 186-052-0020EM
Ms Office for Win95                                           : CD-KEY 411-0250
S Works 4.0 For Windows 95                                   : 33977053011175600000
MTA                                                           : name: Batman s/n: 115335 or name: XXX s/n: 21208 or name: You s/n: 26997
TA (2)                                                       : name: Me s/n: 7187 or name: Nobody s/n: 119432 or name: Somebody s/n: 176441
MTA (3)                                                       : name: Who? s/n: 33953 or name: *** s/n: 10122 or name: ??? s/n: 15183
MTA (4)                                                       : name: --- s/n: 10845
ti Ad Creator 3.6 (mac)                                    : 117032 117051
Multi Ad Search (mac)                                         : 100066120
Multi-Disk (mac)                                              : PS001604(001)
MultiClip Pro 3.1                                             : ENV30307-002
MultiEdit 1993                                                : s/n: KAL610P3111332
MultiEdit v7.00e                                              : s/n: ME700E111111
ultiEdit v7.10a                                              : s/n: MEW700P000000
MultiMedia Designer by AT&T for Win95                         : s/n: 0E278002658
MultiMedia Solutions                                          : s/n: 205521
Music Magic Songbook v1.0 for Windows                         : s/n: 932667-2198 .
usic Time (mac)                                              : MV20-0-1045-1830
Music Time DeLuxe v3.0 for Windiws                            : s/n: MD10-0-12065-5121
Music Time for Windows                                        : s/n: MV20-0-02045-8738
Musical Arranger v1.0 by Yamaha for Windows(95)               : s/n: 11WA00939875E
MusicShop 1.0 (mac)                                           : 210.100.000115xx (x =  any number)
Mutant Beach (mac)                                            : 000234 003557
My Advanced Brochure for Windows 95                           : s/n: 3228-001372
My Advanced Label Designer                                    : s/n: 2223-87357
My Advanced Maillist & AddressBook                            : s/n: 2123-42935 or s/n: 2122-32574 or custom s/n: 34453
My Brochures Mailers and more v1.0                            : s/n: 3223-07984
My Invoices                                                   : s/n: 2643-20966
My Personal Diary v5.01                                       : s/n: MPDIARYNEW495
My Personal Diary v5.5                                        : Name: tHATDUDE!  Reg: MPDIARYNEW95
My School (mac)                                               : 6580040
My Town (mac)                                                 : 8620045
My-T-mouse v1.30 for Windows                                  : s/n: FT 1305766
MyLabelDesigner 1.0.1 (mac)                                   : 2227-30259
MYOB 5.0.4 (mac)                                              : JZ51726
MYOB Accounting 6                                             : name:  s/n: PT#MPCW3P2600-071795
Mystery at the Museums                                        : s/n: 0340151