C.A.T. IV 1.0                                                 : (Evaluation Copy SeRvIcEs)
C.B.S.O v2.6                                                  : p/w: SYSTEM
CA CliPPeR v5.30 build 32? (2)                                : s/n: 085511-432164 Name: MarQuiS De SoiR+e Compa: UCF
CA Clipper v5.30 build 32x                                    : s/n: 085511-732209  name: bit miXer  compa:THHG
CA Simply Accounting v3.0a for Windows                        : s/n: 1021602-52559
CA Simply Accounting v4.0b for Windows                        : s/n: 1020602-212703
CA Visual Object v1.0 for Windows                             : s/n:  1062301-96825
CA-Clipper for DOS                                            : s/n: FCD101080
CA-Clipper ToolKit for Windows                                : s/n: FTK201021
CA-Clipper v2.0 for Windows                                   : s/n: FCW201169
CA-Clipper v5.3 for Windows                                   : s/n: 1055110-23047
CA-DBfast 2.0 / win ,os/2                                     : 026220D30200
CA-REALIZER 2.0 / win, os/2                                   : 1064100-20010
Cable Management Systems v2.01 for Windows                    : s/n: CMS94DA0066
Cachet ( for mac )                                            : CM0000045VPM or CM0000567VOM
CAD Easy Electrical SymBols for AutoCad LT                    : s/n: 11301-001403-0120
Caere Image Assistant                                         : s/n: 3304B-D00-999999
Caere PageKeeper v2.01                                        : s/n: 3254A-C00-019114 p/n: 872-1052-011 Rev A
Caffeine                                                      : Password: say moof and enter
CakeWalk Pro Audio v5.0                                       : s/n: PCI12345666
CakeWalk Professional v2.01                                   : s/n: 209038-CPW-2.01
CalcWorks 1.4.x (mac)                                         : 0000000416 'Anonymous' To register: bring up the about box,
CalcWorks 1.5.x                                               : Hold down option key when clicking on Register SN:1526543729 1668272306 1593518657
Calendar Maker 4.1                                            : 2000000
Calendar v3.0 Enterprises                                     : s/n: 61001234 key: 191715
Calera WordScan v3.0                                          : s/n: BB3123456 or s/n: BB3450110 or s/n: BB3921343
Calera wordscan v3.0 (2)                                      : BB3450110
Calera WordScan v3.1 for Windows                              : s/n: HP3102305
Caligari true space v1.1 for Windows                          : 3 10 001 026188
Caligari true space v1.1 for Windows 2                        : 3 10 001 027601
Caligari Truespace v2.0                                       : s/n: 310015032904
CameraMan 2.0                                                 : CMSV0336
CANDI realmode NDIS-2 driver                                  : (CANDI 561E0800000 Candi.ini) s/n: 561E00800000
CANDI v1.31                                                   : name : Floppy of RealLife key: 000000ff559f
CanTax for 1995 v1.0 for Windows                              : s/n: 134-950128-0374079
Canvas 3.5.2 (mac)                                            : 3001700735
Canvas 5.0b2                                                  : 1565464
Canvas for Windows                                            : 5035430458
Canvas v3.52 for Windows                                      : s/n: 485110842 or s/n: 469748712 or s/n: 5035430458 or s/n: 450059719
Captain Kirk v2.00                                            : name: MarQuiS De SoiR+e s/n: CK2-L7R:IYD:KM1:LLG
Capture Prof. v1.1                                            : s/n: Y6792ih6t##F  name: >>> BILL HATES <<< comp/ United Cracking Force CapTuRe Professional v1.1 for Windows                         : s/n: Y6792ih6t##F name: >>> BILL HATES <<< company: United Cracking Force Carbon Copy (Mac)                                             : 100003660 or 100003661
CarBon Copy Plus v6.0 for Windows                             : s/n: 10588
Carbon Copy v2.5 for Windows                                  : s/n: 15003149
CarBon Copy v3.0 for Windows                                  : s/n: W30104791
CarBon Copy v6.0 for Windows                                  : s/n: 21566
CarBon Copy v6.0 Guest and Utils for Windows                  : s/n: 760835
CarBon Copy v6.0 Host for Windows                             : s/n: 805335
CardGames I v2.7 for OS/2                                     : name: DoH RuLeZ! s/n: RG42277
CardShop Plus for Windows                                     : s/n: 0729
CatDisk +v9.00                                                : name: Maroon s/n: G445000QIR
CatDisk v7.??                                                 : (Put the next line in your autoexec.bat) SET CATDISK=XYZZY
Catdisk v7.xx                                                 : (put the next line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT)  SET CATDISK=XYZZY
Catdisk v7.xx (AUTOEXEC.BAT)                                  : SET CATDISK=XYZZY
Catdisk v8.x                                                  : name: Maroon brand code: G445000QIR
CatDisk v9.00                                                 : name: Maroon  s/n: G445000QIR
CatFinder 1.5.5                                               : un: shadow fax s/n: 109176985 or 235642596 or 235983691 or 258605775 or 453029002 or 687233582 .
Catz, Your Computer Pet                                       : s/n: 1287-6097-3288
Catz                                                          : s/n: 5467-2039-9862
CC Mail DOS 2.01                                              : 19344 030400
CC Mail v1.11 for Windows                                     : 19342 030390
CC Mail v4.0/DOS                                              : 19340 030380
CCGREP V96.7.25                                               : First name: tHATDUDE  Last name : PC'96  Company: Cracker   Reg Number: CYBERGREP
CD Copy 1.0                                                   : C.012169
CD Directory 1.0 (mac)                                        : 0400-5678-9012-5236
CD Directory 1.0.x                                            : 0400-4880-7344-0743 or 0400-5283-5483-8636 or 0400-5045-8441-9806
CD Namer 2.0.x                                                : 0027001335 'Anonymous'
CD Spectrum Pro v2.0 for Windows 95                           : s/n: 51095
CD Spectrum Pro v2.3                                          : 51095
CD-Gen v4.1 for Windows                                       : s/n: GEN-W-9507-008
CD-Quick Cache +v1.20                                         : name: DIR&MIR key: 96EE or name: 2U key: D987
CD-Quick Cache +v1.20 (2)                                     : name: XXX key: 1209 or name: THE_GUARDIAN_ANGEL key: 4E56
CD-Quick Cache +v1.20 (3)                                     : name: TELLERBOP key: 5AAB or name: SOMEBODY key: C864
CD-Quick Cache +v1.20 (4)                                     : name: NOBODY key: 3BCC or name: BEOWULF key: 3816
CD-Quick Cache +v1.20 (5)                                     : name: ????? key: B43C or name: YOU key: 00FD or name: ME key: DF92
CD-Quick cache v1.10                                          : name: Dir&Mir   key: 96EE
CD-Quick cache v1.11                                          : name: Batman     key: DDB4
CD-Quick cache v1.11 (2)                                      : name: \\\\\\  key: 2A15
CD-Quick cache v1.11 (3)                                      : name: Who?    key: 142E
CD-Quick cache v1.11 (4)                                      : name: ???     key: 7BBD
CD-Quick cache v1.11 (5)                                      : name: Nope    key: 0D33
CD-Quick Cache v1.30                                          : name: Me key: DF92
CD-QuickShare v1.0 for Windows                                : s/n: 1021-0656-3338-4191
CD-RoM Update +v0.3+                                          : bbs: G.!.$ name: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL s/n: 5348233 or bbs: G.!.$ name: TeLLeRBoP s/n: 25544768
CD-RoM Update +v0.3+ (2)                                      : bbs: G.!.$ name: You! s/n: 128531 or bbs: G.!.$ name: Me! s/n: 4760422
CD-RoM Update +v0.3+ (3)                                      : bbs: G.!.$ name: NoBoDy! s/n: 1219538 or bbs: G.!.$ name: SoMeBoDy! s/n: 13907134
CD-RoM Update +v0.3+ (4)                                      : bbs : G.!.$ name: 2U! s/n: 2660038 or bbs: G.!.$ name: 4U! s/n: 2761018
CD-RoM Update +v0.3+ (5)                                      : bbs: G.!.$ name: ???! s/n: 12361499 or bbs: G.!.$ name: Xxx! s/n: 15526867
CD-ROM update v0.3 beta                                       : (edit CDROM.REG)
CD-ROM update v0.3 beta (01)                                  : name: Batman   bbs: Gotham    line #1: Registration key : 26579781
CD-ROM update v0.3 beta (02)                                  : name: XXX   bbs: XXX   line #1: Registration key : 12640594
CD-ROM update v0.3 beta (03)                                  : name: You   bbs: XXX   line #1: Registration key : 21353794
CD-ROM update v0.3 beta (04)                                  : name: Me    bbs: XXX   line #1: Registration key : 48085
CD-ROM update v0.3 beta (05)                                  : name: Nobody   bbs: XXX   line #1: Registration key : 33226941
CD-ROM update v0.3 beta (06)                                  : name: Somebody   bbs: XXX   line #1: Registration key : 25479647
CD-ROM update v0.3 beta (07)                                  : name: Who?  bbs :XXX   line #1: Registration key : 14504475
CD-ROM update v0.3 beta (08)                                  : name: ***   bbs: ***   line #1: Registration key : 1419400
CD-ROM update v0.3 beta (09)                                  : name: ???   bbs: ???   line #1: Registration key : 4669252
CD-ROM update v0.3 beta (10)                                  : name: ---  bbs: ---   line #1: Registration key : 1726522
CD-Wizard v3.10                                               : first name: MaC initial: uCF last name: Thunderbyte key: 20517 s/n: 12349
CD-Write v1.1 for Windows                                     : s/n: 111010065995601
CDPlayer v3.xx                                                : name: THE RiDDLER [E0D/P0W]  s/n: 79FB
CE Tiles 1.0                                                  : 100369
Chamaleon NFS v4.5                                            : S/N  34768840199594I3    Key code 2FA2
ChaMeLeon NFS Morpher v4.01                                   : s/n: 34649640121147S3 key: D7D0
ChaMeLeon NFS v3.14 for Windows                               : s/n: 34059131041712S3 key: A224
ChaMeLeon NFS v3.14 for Windows(2)                            : s/n: 3433223117197 P3 key: C4ED network auth: 077633 access code: 1-3-0-671515
Chameleon NFS v4.5                                            : 34768840199594I3 2FA2
ChaMeLeon NFS v5.0 NetManage for Windows NT                   : s/n: 34933445047297S3 key: B72E
ChaMeLeon v4.5 for Windows 95                                 : s/n: 34866345049070I3 key: 464B
ChaMeLeon v4.5 for Windows 95(2)                              : s/n: 34866345044981I3 key: EAAB or s/n: 34866345051840I3 key: A171
Chameleon v4.x                                                : s/n: 34059131041712 S3   key: A224
Chat with LiSa                                                : bbs: Registered BBS First name: Registered Last name: Sysop s/n: 456600268275
Cheat master                                                  : Make an empty file "
Cheat Master (all versions)                                   : (Make a empty file "A FOREST.SIG") (Free space between A and F is very important)
Check It v4.0 and v5.0                                        : 000-237032
Check List by TouchStone                                      : s/n: D2-002587
CheckIt Analyst v1.0 for Windows                              : s/n: A7-100163 or s/n: A4-137070
Checkit Diagnostic Kit v4.0 CD                                : s/n: D3-110036
CheckIt Pro +v1.06 (sysinfo) for Windows                      : s/n: A1-001725 or s/n: A2-003581 or s/n: A3-062402 or s/n: A4-115796
CheckIt PRO Deluxe v2.0 for DOS                               : s/n: A5-175324
Checkit PRO v1.06 for Win/DOS and Checkit v4.0+               : A3-097582 or A3-098294 or A3-114035 or A5-171754
Checkit PRO v1.06 or 4.0+ /Windows                            : A4-115796
CheckIt Pro v1.11 for Dos                                     : s/n: AS-171677
CheckIt Pro v4.0+ for Dos                                     : s/n: A3-062402 or s/n: A3-097582 or s/n: A3-098294
CheckIt Pro v4.0+ for Dos (2)                                 : s/n: A3-114035 or s/n: A5-171754 or s/n: A7-100163
Chem3D Plus (mac)                                             : 60086 KYAKRP
ChemDraw Plus 3.0                                             : Serial Number: 40770 Registration Code: CQXWPQ
Cheyenne ARCserve for Windows NT Single Server Edition v6.0   : s/n: CYLTY-C14XX-XK9WC-R7CXR
Cheyenne Backup for Windows 95                                : s/n: 2045685
Cheyenne Bitware v3.30U for Windows                           : s/n: 1600010823417
Chicago (Windows 95+-build 177)                               : betaside id: 101907 s/n: 999670C9E
Chinese Adobe PageMaker v5.0c                                 : s/n: 03-50C8-100094310
Chinese DBase v5 for Windows                                  : TA921A10058791
Chinese ET v5.0 for Windows                                   : s/n: 62256346
Chinese MS Plus for Chinese Windows 95                        : CD-KEY: 411-0252964
Chinese Office v7.0 for Chinese Windows 95                    : CD-KEY: 411-0252856
Chinese Star v2.0 Plus for Windows 95                         : s/n: CSTAR20S00-5000165 or s/n: CSTAR20S00-6001432
Chinese Windows 95                                            : CD-KEY: 975-4769754 or 422-2272456 or CD-KEY: 26495-OEM-0004791-53803
ChiWriter v4.1 for DOS                                        : s/n: C42243-ENWNU9X
Chromassage 2.0                                               : CH1-1500349
CICS v2.01 for OS/2                                           : single-user s/n: UN74802 multi-user s/n: UN74786
CICS v2.01 for OS/2 multi user                                : UN74786
CICS v2.01 for OS/2 single user                               : UN74802
CIDMan v1.28                                                  : name: PrOmetheus Tel No: 555-000-9999 s/n: ?421253GK@
Cindi v2.0 (NDIS-2 driver)                                    : (CINDI 555000D20000 cindi.ini) s/n: 555000D20000
CineMac 1.1.1                                                 : CFD101C3222
Cinepak Toolkit                                               : 1\15:90.99014:2756968448A45421:N/0 or 1\15:90.99014:2558263296987C21:N/0
CiPA (Common ISDN PAcket driver)                              : (CIPA 562200000000 [0x??] CIPA.INI) s/n: 562200000000
CiTrix Multi-User Link                                        : s/n: 91126000197
Clarion +v1.002 for Windows                                   : s/n: 407457
Clarion For Windows v2.0                                      : 721266-JBC
Clarion v1.5 for Windows                                      : s/n: 40734X or s/n: 40735X
Claris Easy Business Card Maker for Windows                   : s/n: 0005866781
Claris Emailer 1.0                                            : f804977886.3295
Claris File Maker Pro Deluxe 2.1 for Windows 95               : s/n: 0006063450
Claris Impact 1.0.x                                           : 0003116155 or 0003119496
Claris Impact v2.0 for Windows 3.1 and Windows 95             : s/n: 0006055899
Claris Organizer 1.0v2                                        : Enter any number with 6 or more digits
ClarisWorks (mac)                                             : 1120000
ClarisWorks v4.0 for Windows 95                               : s/n: 011-245578-112
CleanSweep v1.02 by QuarterDeck for Windows                   : 000-15C-72794 or 115-25C-22620 or 666-25C-23457
Cleansweep v2.0 by QuarterDeck for Win 95                     : 001-16C-26703 or 001-16C-56728
CleanSweep v2.03 by Quarterdeck for Win95                     : 001-16C-26703 or 000-16C-76312
CleanSweep v3.0                                               : 022-18C-96622 
CleanSweep v3.0                                               : s/n: CSWU3010127217
Cleensweep for Windows 95                                     : 000-16C-03475 or 026-16C-86098
Cleensweep v1.0 by QuarterDeck for Windows                    : 115-25C-22620
Cleensweep v1.0 for Windows                                   : 000-15C-72794
CleanSweep the uninstaller for Windows 95                     : s/n: 002-16c-22085
Clickette of the Sausage software 1/2                         : user name: Compu Terror company name: (Anything you Like)
Clickette of the Sausage software 2/2                         : Expiry Date: (Leave Blank) registration key: 050YPQE8YLARYLH2JW6W
Clickette of the Sausage software (2)                         : User Name: Martin Karlsson  s/n: 0N32YYVM6VRMHB23E5PJ
Client Biller v2.5 for Windows 95                             : s/n: 19735368
Clinical Pharmacology v1.2 for Windows                        : s/n: 6015526
Clinical Pharmacy for Windows                                 : s/n: 9412345
Clip4Win Database Server v1.01                                : s/n: DDS101065
Clipfolio 1.2 (mac)                                           : 1231120413450001
Clipfolio 1.5.1                                               : 1502091113247000003
Clipmate                                                      : name: PrOmetheus [Db0/BS96] s/n: F0113042612
Clipmate v4.0                                                 : name: CLIPMATE  s/n: FFF02011948
Clipmate v4.0 (2)                                             : name: Registered s/n: F0110717988
Clipmate v4.0 (3)                                             : Name: tHATDUDE   # of liscenses: 200  Reg: FC800378828
Clipper 5.3+ WIN                                              : s/n: 085511-432164  name: MarQuiS De SoiR‚e  comp/UCF
Clipper v5.01a                                                : s/n: CDX 232393
Clipper v5.3+                                                 : name: MarQuiS De Soire company: UCF s/n: 085511-432164
CloseUp Host/Remote v6.0 for Windows                          : s/n: 31B57D-1121111
CloseUp v5.0 for Windows                                      : s/n: 1BB463-852875
ClysBar v1.08b                                                : name: Crack da WareZ s/n: BMBKEJANEJ
CM Viewer v3.10                                               : 44718494P31
CM-Textfind v2.5                                              : name: TwinHead [TWH/BDC]   bbs: Blue Devils Courier   s/n: 377462064
CM-TextFind v2.5 for DoS                                      : (Cmtfind.exe /NRI) name: -- + TwinHead [TWH/BDC] + -- bbs: Blue Devils Courier s/n: 377462064
CM-TextFind v2.5 for DoS (2)                                  : name: TwinHead [TWH/BDC] s/n: 377197731
CM-Viewer v3.10                                               : s/n: 44718494P31
CMed 1.08b                                                    : name:Crack da WareZ s/n:BMBKEJANEJ
CMP QWK-reader v1.42 for Windows                              : name: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL s/n: 33333 key: 77090 or name: TeLLeRBoP s/n: 33333 key: 71901
CMP QWK-reader v1.42 for Windows (2)                          : name: Me! s/n: 33333 key: 68354 or name: You! s/n: 33333 key: 68966
CMP QWK-reader v1.42 for Windows (3)                          : name: 2U! s/n: 33333 key: 68343 or name: 4U! s/n: 33333 key: 68345
CMP QWK-reader v1.42 for Windows (4)                          : name: SoMeBoDy! s/n: 33333 key: 71863 or name: NoBoDy! s/n: 33333 key: 70693
CMP QWK-reader v1.42 for Windows (5)                          : name: Xxx! s/n: 33333 key: 69516 or name: Misha [UCF] s/n: 33333 key: 73051
CMPQwk v1.42                                                  : Name: tHATDUDE!  Reg: 66666666  Key: -27246
CO/Session Remote v7.0 for DOS, Windows 3.1/95                : s/n: 46290017865 or s/n: 86290020428
CO/Session v5.0 Host                                          : s/n: TT122335
CO/Session v6.1                                               : s/n: TT122337 or s/n: T500600845
Coach & Coach Pro                                             : s/n: 1552467
Collage                                                       : 06-1748-1438
ollage (mac)                                                 : 06-1405-6209
Color Fast v1.0 for Windows 95                                : s/n: CF0104614
Color Minder 5.5 (mac)                                        : 188877
Color Studio (mac)                                            : CS11305
Color View +v3.20                                             : name: -- + TwinHead [TWH/BDC] + -- s/n: 378839 or name: MaRooN s/n: 147250
Color view v3.10                                              : name: Twinhead [TWH/BDC]   s/n: 378839
Color View v3.20                                              : s/n: 147250  name: MaRooN
Colorado TapeBackup v2.5 for Windows                          : s/n: 80-0151-250
ColorIt 2.0 (mac)                                             : CI20A-xxxxx
Comet/CG 2.3 (mac)                                            : 22001175
Comma Net Mail v2.50 for Windows                              : s/n: 19211134581-6
CommandLine95                                                 : name: ED!SON '96 s/n: 901324
Comment                                                       : s/n: 1897867
Communicate Lite 1.0.1 (mac)                                  : 802860000000
Communique 2.20                                               : NAME :CePhYR  SURENAME:/|/|GE   SERiAL #:0005604bc11111110
Communique v2.20                                              : first name: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL last name: G.!.$ s/n: ??FBD492C5??????
Communique v2.20 (02)                                         : first name: TeLLeRBoP last name: G.!.$ s/n: ??576821A1??????
Communique v2.20 (03)                                         : first name: You! last name: G.!.$ s/n: ??8BBE22E3??????
Communique v2.20 (04)                                         : first name: Me! last name: G.!.$ s/n: ??4B044C46??????
Communique v2.20 (05)                                         : first name: NoBoDy! last name: G.!.$ s/n: ??880888E2??????
Communique v2.20 (06)                                         : first name: SoMeBoDy! last name: G.!.$ s/n: ??AED124EE??????
Communique v2.20 (07)                                         : first name: Xxx! last name: G.!.$ s/n: ??40DF95C2??????
Communique v2.20 (08)                                         : first name: 2U! last name: G.!.$ s/n: ??A4D18AE1??????
Communique v2.20 (09)                                         : first name: 4U! last name: G.!.$ s/n: ??0CB6C53D??????
Communique v2.20 (10)                                         : first name: ScSi2 last name: G.!.$ s/n: ??6E6B40EE??????
ComPact Disc Master +v3.4                                     : name: The Hand Of FATE! [THOF!/UCF] s/n: D8F2 or name: THE RiDDLER [E0D/P0W] s/n: 79FB
Compactor Pro 1.51 (mac)                                      : 16225913
Compel PE                                                     : s/n: ASYM10288
Complete Program Deleter v1.4 for Windows                     : s/n: 728679
Complete Writers Toolkit                                      : s/n: WT51191850
Compupic v1.29b17                                             : name: Me phone: 999999 s/n: BBWKBBVEPC
Compupic v1.32+                                               : Name: tHATDUDE  Phone: 765-4321  Reg: HX6TCFZBBB
Computer Works for Windows                                    : s/n: F16881
ConDiz v1.20+                                                 : s/n: 29944150 name: -- + TwinHead [TWH/BDC] + --
ConDiz v1.20b                                                 : s/n: 29944150  name: TwinHead [TWH/BDC]
Conference Room v1.x                                          : 1A5F-356E-860F-08DB
Conference Room v1.1                                          : s/n: 1154-1154-2154-1154
Conference Room v1.22                                         : s/n: F5EA-23E8-49D2-E689
ConFig +v8.02 (fullversion) (2)                               : Line#1 regnam: RENEGADE [XADi] Line#2 regkey: 75000
ConFig +v8.02 (fullversion) (Edit config.reg)                 : Line#1 regnam: RENEGADE / XADi Line#2 regkey: 60262
ConFig v8.?? (write in CONFIG.REG)                            : Line#1 REGNAM=THE RiDDLER [E0D/P0W] Line #2 REGKEY=2048149648 Line #3DEMOKE=1358645280
Conflict Catcher 3.0.x (mac)                                  : CC3-001-849-809
Connect and Notify v1.2 name: MCVD [ZIPWAREZ]                 : s/n : e10926
Connect SMTP Gateway for Novell                               : s/n: 00000744
ConText v2.0 OnLine Dictionary for Windows                    : s/n: 04.4101.20
Conversion Plus v3.5 for Windows 95/NT                        : s/n: 2004112-1209
ConVerSions Plus +v3.50a for Windows 95                       : s/n: xxxxxxx-xxxx or s/n: 1913279-1312 or s/n: 732991x-xxxx
ConVerSions Plus +v3.50a for Windows 95 (2)                   : s/n: 904954-2539 or s/n: 445940x-xxxx or s/n: 123456x-xxxx or s/n: 972319x-xxxx
ConVerSions Plus +v3.50a for Windows 95 (3)                   : s/n: 983798-0308 or s/n: 90495x-xxxx or s/n: 98379x-xxxx
Conversions plus for Windows 2                                : 823605-3171
ConVerSions Plus v2.0 for Windows                             : s/n: 11111111
ConVerSions Plus v2.53 for Windows                            : s/n: 983798-0308
Cool Edit 96                                                  : name=George Jetson Code=TLHNLGEW
Cool Edit 96 (2)                                              : Name: DiGe Serial: HZVDWZGP or name: NosyFred   s/n: FRJRMJRD 
Cool Edit 96                                                  : Name: Andre Lagua   s/n: TNDTMEWV
Cool Edit                                                     : name: cracked	s/n: lyaqbell
Cool Edit v1.50 for Windows                                   : name: You!    s/n: BMJZCPUX
Cool Edit v1.50 for Windows 2                                 : name:  CH:ILM    s/n: LLDDGCPZ
Cool Edit v1.50 for Windows 3                                 : name: TeLLeRBoP   s/n: GINSONXJ
Cool Edit v1.50 for Windows 4                                 : name: Guardian Angel    s/n: BZFLNMAR
Cool Edit v1.51 for Windows                                   : name: COOL MAN    sn: XJMINCLE
Cool Edit +v1.51 for Windows                                  : name: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL s/n: BZFLNMAR or name: TeLLeRBoP s/n: GINSONXJ
Cool Edit +v1.51 for Windows (2)                              : name: You! s/n: BMJZCPUX or name: SoMeBoDy! s/n: GAFSNOMS
Cool Edit +v1.51 for Windows (3)                              : name: Xxx! s/n: AJUZREJM or name: NoBoDy! s/n: IACXAURO
Cool Edit +v1.51 for Windows (4)                              : name: Me! s/n: ZREKPCZY or name: 2U! s/n: ZREBGTYI
Cool Edit +v1.51 for Windows (5)                              : name: 4U! s/n: ZREZERAI or name: CH:ILM s/n: LLDDGCPZ
Cool Edit +v1.51 Full for Windows                             : name: tHE riDDLER [uCF] s/n: XDRFJLMI
Cool Edit +v1.51 Lite for Windows                             : name: tHE riDDLER [uCF] s/n: ZPXSEWLF
Cool Edit 1.51 Win                                            : name: Misha [DOD/RAZOR/UCF]  s/n: LJLEOAJA
Cool Edit for Windows 95                                      : name: Andre Lagua s/n: TNDTMEWV
Cool Edit v1.52 Full for Windows                              : name: tHE riDDLER [uCF] s/n: CMFRQENH
Cool Edit v1.52 Lite for Windows                              : name: tHE riDDLER [uCF] s/n: NTCSJCLB
Cool Wave Editor v1.52                                        : Name: tHATDUDE!  Reg: VLLTICVT
Corel Click and Create for Windows 95                         : s/n: CNC-095U365763
Corel Draw v4.0 for Windows                                   : s/n: CD4-114-654454 or s/n: CD4-114-647459
Corel Draw v4.0 for Windows (2)                               : s/n: CD4-234-345567 or s/n: CD4-139-512793 or s/n: CD4-112-698959
Corel Draw v5.0 for Windows                                   : s/n: CD5-050-216533 or s/n: CD5-123-456789 or s/n: CD5-D50-819051
Corel Draw v5.0 Rev.E2 for Windows                            : s/n: CD5-050-118034
Corel Draw v6.0 For Win95                                     : s/n: CD6-2354-3963-4625
Corel Draw v6.0                                               : s/n: 1773 8307 4234 or s/n: 4480-1415-5172
Corel Draw v7.0                                               : s/n: DR7-683219552-7-8
Corel Flow v2.0 for Chinese Windows                           : s/n: CF2-C20-577300
Corel Flow v2.0 for Windows                                   : s/n: SW-Q023-CF-E or s/n: SAT-507-300794 or s/n: CF2-123-456789
Corel Gallery v2.0 for Windows                                : s/n: CG2-020-123456
Corel PhotoPaint 5                                            : PP5-063003
Corel PhotoPaint v5.0 for Windows                             : s/n: PP5-062483 or s/n: PP5-113889 or s/n: PP5-2522-97100
Corel Photopaint v5.0+ for Windows                            : PP5-062483
Corel Photopaint v5.0+ for Windows 2                          : PP5-2522-97100
Corel Ventura 5 for Windows                                   : s/n: CD5-050-118034 or s/n: CD5-123-456789
Corel Wordperfect Office 7                                    : WP7-8Q45777988
Coreldraw v4.0 NL for Windows                                 : CD4-114-654-454 or CD4-234-345-567
Coreldraw v5.0 for Windows                                    : CD5-123-456789
Coreldraw v5.0 rev. E2 for Windows                            : CD5-050-118034
Corelflow v2.0 for Windows                                    : CF2-123-456789
CorStream Dedicated Server v1.0                               : s/n: CBA 0009432
CPU Monitor Plus v2.30 for OS/2 v2.1                          : s/n: CPUP-V230-512073
cRACKING fORCE                                                : s/n: 100-29692373
Crazy Bytes 3 CD-ROM RAR files                                : s/n: $@642 kalimero246@$
Create-It (mac)                                               : CRM9301513
CreateIt for Windows                                          : s/n: IFSD-CI1.0-117
Creative Partner 1.0 (mac)                                    : 2B044-D29F-25567
Cross Communications v2.1                                     : s/n: 01159
Crosseye 1                                                    : User Name: Arnold Hansen s/n: 0H97DZBEYKHE3DYB0CET
Crosseye of the Sausage software 1/2                          : User Name: Computerror Company Name: 
Crosseye of the Sausage software 1/2 (2)                      : name: Daniel Barfie company: (Anything you Like)
Crosseye of the Sausage software 2/2                          : Expiry Date:  Registration s/n: 0HP1J4Y2TZV1DBRPD6VT
Crosseye of the Sausage software 2/2 (2)                      : Expiry Date:  Registration s/n: 0N8FVA60WC9N6JA2P52K
CrossPoint +v3.1                                              : (Registered networks includes RFC/UUCP) s/n: C0-1736661 or s/n: C101-300477
CrossPoint +v3.1 (2)                                          : s/n: C11232-2075543 or s/n: C12034-2255889 or s/n: C12345-2176741 or s/n: C23435-375295
CrossPoint +v3.1 (3)                                          : s/n: C32164-1218450 or s/n: C33110-342192 or s/n: C34521-144162 or s/n: C54321-1379929
CrossPoint v3.1 (Registered networks includes RFC/UUCP)       : C0-1736661 or C101-300477
CrossTalk XVI v3.81 for Dos                                   : s/n: 004133
CrossTies for Windows                                         : s/n: USA-101-00779084 or s/n: USA-101-0368376
CRT 1.1.2 Terminal program for Win95                          : Name: FuJY  Company: axis s/n: 00-00-000000 Key:135MJDRGQNMDMJPAGEK8SFJVNOIIBR35
Crush Beta (mac)                                              : tioga
Crypt-O-Text                                                  : 00092*410177
Cryptomatic 1.01 (mac)                                        : 346190
Crystal Caliburn Pinball                                      : 9525CCW102365-U1
Crystal CaliBurn v1.02 for Windows                            : s/n: 6511ccw1o4413-u1 or s/n: CPP-5655455
Crystal Graphics Flying Fonts v2.0 for Windows                : s/n: RB10-0140-1022 or s/n: RB10-0140-1023 or s/n: RB10-0140-1104
Crystal TOPAS 1.5 (mac)                                       : RB20-0110-0730
CStar v1.0 for Windows                                        : 4690289681360
CStar v2.0 for Windows                                        : s/n: 4690289681360
CU-See-Me                                                     : SCNE-011Y-04GN-20CL
CU-SeeMe v2.0 for Windows 95                                  : s/n: DCNE-0110-0ML4-KJCD
CU-SeeMe v2.02 32-bit for Windows 95                          : s/n: SCNE-O11B-OCSM-A3CL
CuneiForm OCR v1.20 for Windows                               : s/n: 230494CLC31L
CuneiForm OCR v1.22 for Windows                               : s/n: CRE075122-NET
CyBerCom +v1.60 for Dos                                       : (Cyber.exe /R) name: THe aNGRy youTh s/n: 70715199475842386091505467317934
CyBerCom +v1.60 for Dos (2)                                   : name: LURKER/REBELS s/n: 57897220672956204756672967294756
CyBerCom v1.00 for Dos                                        : (Cyber.exe /R) name: TwinHead [TWH/BDC] s/n: 170169191160190187183186
CyBerCom v1.00 for Dos (2)                                    : name: -- + TwinHead [TWH/BDC] + -- s/n: 308382164167177184176181
CyberCom v1.00 for Dos (Cyber.exe /R)                         : name: TwinHead [TWH/BDC]  s/n:170169191160190187183186
CyberCom v1.60 for Dos (Cyber.exe /R)                         : name: THe aNGRy youTh  s/n: 70715199475842386091505467317934