Alright kiddies, here you go. Remember everything within this page is for educational use only. If you happen to download anything that you think is illegal it would be a good idea to delete it after 24 hours. If you have a problem with my page mail me and tell what you think is wrong. As far as I know I have broken no laws. I nor will IWMI be held responsible for any of your screw-ups. There may be links to files that could get you busted by the government or other people. Once again I will not be held responsible for any of your actions from this point on, you are here of your own free will. If you dont like these rules click that little back buttton on your browser. View and use any documents or files on this page at your own risk. This page soley reflects the views of the owner and not of IWMI.


Page best viewed at 800x600 with Netscape


Well, one day last week my site dropped below 100 in the rankings of websidestory. I'm happy now, except my hits keep dropping more and more each week. Maybe this page has had its 15 minutes of fame. Last week I could not update my page at all. I think it was a conflict with either my computer or fortunecity. I may be done updating for a while, unless you give me your suggestions on how to improve this place. All the graphics on my page have been done soley by me. If you would like something done for your page, I might be able to scrounge something up for you.

I am looking for a perm ftp site that is willing to be dedicated to this site. I have much to contribute; contact me if you are interested.

You may be able to catch me on icq (every month or so) 33089785 (aj)