I am not a hacker, cracker, anarchist, or phreak. Nor do I pretend to be. These programs are not illegal by themselves, but use of them with their designated programs is. If you continue from this point on I will not be held responsible. If you use any program on this page you will be held fully responsible. If you download anything from here or a h/p/v/c/a page it might be a good idea (a must) to delete it after 24 hours.(else you may end up spending lots of money or time in a place where you would rather not be. If you like a program I strongly recomend you to go buy it. If the programmers dont make money off of their wares, then why make should they make it.


I am only going to put the most recent/useful cracks on this page. There are so many cracks out there, it would take forever to find them get them and link them. If the crack you are looking for isn't on this page don't mail me asking for it, i dont have time to look for a crack or serial number, so check out the links section. *remember* I don't use these files so i can't verify the content or quality. make sure you have a virus protection program...although i doubt any of these files have any.





3ds4fix.zip ?3d studio max? 23k
acdc95_r.zip acdsee 95 5k
aardcrak.zip aardvark pro html editor v2.0.4 5k
arjvxxx.zip arj.exe versionxxx reg 4k
awave.zip awave 3.1 8k
bestcryp.zip BestCrypt NP driver 4.11 28k
bryc2crk.zip Bryce 2 Update 23k
bs-corel.zip CoReL WeB DeSiGNeR 1.00.35 4k
ccopy40.zip CARBON COPY32 10k
compupi.zip CompuPic v1.61 Beta 195 4k
cool-k.zip cool edit 1k
corel70.zip Corel Draw 7.0 trial crack patch 4k
ctftp-k.zip cute ftp 1k
direc6a.zip Macromedia Director 6.0 Alpha 10k
encrpt33.zip Encrypt-it 3.30 9k
encryp.zip ENCRYPT-IT V3.01/32 32k
gldwav-k.zip gold wave 8k
gwsw-r.zip graphics workshop for windows 6k
h3225crk.zip Hex Workshop 2.50 1k
hdp402a.zip HotDog Professional 4.02 and 4.02a 20k
htmled2.zip html editor 2k
k-cleasw.zip clean sweep 19k
k-psp41.zip paint shop pro 4.1 158k
k-whack.zip winhack 95 3k
lghtwve4.zip ?lightwave? 1k
lvpro-k.zip LView Pro v1.C 1k
microa-r.zip Microangelo for Win95 v2.0 4k
neo30reg.zip Neopaint v3.0 Registration Patch! 3k
pca80.zip pcAnywhere 8.0 5k
pc_f97b3.zip front page beta 3 29k
pc_mso97.zip microsoft office 97 20k
pc_pub97.zip publisher 97 21k
photimp3.zip photoimpact 3 4k
pkz204g.zip pkz204g reg 62k
psp412.zip paint shop pro 4.12 182k
supjpg20.zip SuperJPG 2.0 10k
tbavgen.zip ThunderByte Anti Virus 3k
thmbplus.zip thumbs plus 9k
ucf-femb.zip fire ember 11k
ucfsrv32.zip serv-u 32 20k
ucfwolf.zip wolf reg keys 21k
ucfzip95.zip winzip95 16k
ultred41.zip ?ultra edit? 75k
winntkey.zip win NT 4 106k
winrar-k.zip winrar95 2k
winzip62.zip winzip 6.2 6k
wsftp412.zip WS_FTP Pro Eval 4.12T 18k
xara104.zip XARA 3D 1.04 10k




If you have a crack you would like added to this page mail me.