DDDDDDDD 44 CCCCCCCCCC DD DD 44 CC DD DD 44 CC DD DD 44 CC DD DD 44 44 CC DD DD 44 44 CC DD DD 44 44 CC DD DD 444 44 CC DD DD 44 44 CC DDDDDDDD 444444444444444 CCCCCCCCCC 44 ======================================================================= Braught To you By D4C / 1997 & SIEGE97 *** PROGRAM : Rebirth RB-388 v 1.0 ( Demo version ) type :30 min Lmt. + NAg screens + disabled Functions WHere : http://www.propellerheads.se/ Extract the contnat of the zip file to any Temporary Directory .... ** COPY the File freeform.338 to your Root directory ( C:\ ) by default .. ( and Keep it There ) Run the File Crackapply.exe ... Follow the Instructions .... Choose your Program s DIRECTORY... And run the PATCH ET VOILA.... Your Demo is Patched To the Registred One ! ( Its very Importnat to Keep the File freeform.338 in your Root Directory ) ENJOY.... ( DEDICATED 4 CRACKING / 1997 ) ======================================================================= **EXPECT MORE TO COME AS IT GROWZ BIGGER.. MEMBERZ : ) -= +ALI-BABA =- ( the founder & CRACKER ) ) -= +CHRIS =- ( CRACKER ) ) -= +JUANDA =- ( CRACKER ) ) -= +Romeo =- ( CRACKER ) ) -= +AsTaGA =- ( OUR CRACK TESTER AND THE #1 COURRIER ) ) -= +SAFRANE =- ( Our Crack TEster ANd The #2 COURRIER ) WE ARE LOOKIN FOR CRACKERZ WHO KNOW THEIR STUFF AND ARE DEDICATED TO THE ART OF CRACKING... AS WELL AS NEW DISTRO. SITEZ JUST E-MAIL US AT :ded4crak@hotmail.com ** THANKS TO PIRATEL... PEACE... ( D4C / 1997 )