Sorry my poor English! Given path to wearing from 02/25/97 add/change/hack The following commands: ATGL2 - now is possible to call this group of commands both in a new format (ATGLK2) and in old (ATG). Is corrected bug with processing of a colon in ATG = and ATGR, the ATGW command (format former) nothing the not doing(making) ATGU command is added thrown out USR is thrown out. ATC - is authorized change all 6 parameters of a configuration at any moment. The changes at once are written in NWRAM. WARNING: in the given wearing on the code of the country almost nothing depends. All essential parameters of the country are set up through AT commands + X. AT ~ S = - Serial Number can be changed how many it is necessary of time. A format of input the following: AT ~ S = mmddyy-XXXXXXXXXYYY. Mmddyy - date of wearing. X, Y - it is possible to enter arbitrary characters, but USR prefers hex codes. AT + X - set of parameters depending on the country. AT + XF - to place(install) parameters in US/CANADA. AT + XFdd installs parameters of the country dd (decimal). The admissibility of number of the country is not checked AT + Xdd =? - to look value of the dd parameter (decimal). The value is output in the hexadecimal code. AT + Xdd = HH - to place(install) value of the dd parameter (decimal). The value is entered in the hexadecimal code. The majority of parameters bytes, but is also words. WARNING: these parameters are saved in NwRAM only on the AT and W command AT%T - Conditional execution of commands. If the AT%T command will be given, she will be executed by a standard image. If the ambassador %T will be àdditional characters, the handler extended %T is called(caused). Format of the extended command: %T [time] passwd? Cmd1:cmd2 Time - TimeOut of waiting of codes DTMF in seconds. If for this time the password will be entered, the cmd1 command will be executed, the cmd2 command differently will be executed. Any transferred code will interrupt waiting with the output of the message ERROR. Passwd - sequence of codes of the password. If incorrect character will be entered, the check will begin at first. The number of incorrect characters is not limited. At the command can be and abbreviated forms: %T5 - will be?indefinitely(indefinite) to be expected the code 5. With input of the code diagnostics OK will be produced. %T [10] 5 - Too, but the code 5 should be entered during 10 seconds. If for this time it(he) will not be entered, diagnostics ERROR is produced. %T5? I1 - With input of the code 5 the i1 command will be executed. %T [3] 7? I2 - If for 3 seconds the code 7 will be entered, the i2 command will be executed, the message ERROR differently will be output. %T [20] 123? A:X1DP! 32 - If for 20 seconds the code 123 will be entered, the modem will begin to execute the ATA command, differently it(he) will execute flash and will type the code 32 pulse by a set. The note: the command does not make rise of a handset independently, in most cases sequence should be ATH1%T [...]. Alas, but the memory of telephones and passwords was reduced with 10 up to 6 pieces. I.Set of parameters Dialtone/Busy/Ringing For set-up of these modes it is necessary to place(install) the register + X21 in 0 and To include a mode of output of the additional debug information c by the help of the ATY4 command. After that it is necessary to include beeper of the modem and to connect modem to the telephone. 1. Dialtone set After a set of the ATD command you will see on the screen a sequence of digits. These digits shows a state of a line (as it DSP in the modem) has understood. Main in these digits two low bits are: bit 0 (the code 1) displays presence of any noise on a line. Bit the noise " further will be named ". Bit 1 (the code 2) displays presence of a signal with frequency 425 Hz, i.e. Signal Dialtone/Busy/Ringing. Bit the tone " further will be named ". Other bits are not important yet. If at you normal Phne Station, you will see streaming "2". In this case + X21 it is not necessary to touch. If you see zero, it îçíà÷åò, that your modem cannot detect any signal on a line. And yours Phone Station parameters of signals very much differ from generally accepted and the correction is impossible. If you see units, it means, that your modem detects Dialtone as a stranger of noise. Need to place + X21 in 1 (then bit noise the tone will move in bit) or in 2 (thus bit the noise will be added to bit tone). If you see "3", it means, that your modem except Dialton'à detects also noise. It is possible îòñå÷ü bit noise (code 3 in + X21). Here brief table of possible(probable) variants: codes the Register + X21 02 0 00 - --------- 01 1/2 03 1/2/3 If the codes periodically vary: 02/03 2/3 02/01 2 03/01 1 If in a sequence of codes there are codes more than 3, it is possible them clear by the help of bits 7 and (or) 6 in the register + X21 (accordingly, mask 80h and 40h). 2.Busy Sets The mechanism is similar to set-up Dialtone. Only it is necessary to give the command of a set of own number, and in a step to hooters should occur "2", with a pause - zero. Before set-up it is necessary to place(install) + X21 in 0. If so it also is - all wonderfully. If is only 0 - nothing will leave, it is necessary to struggle with Phone Station. Other variants: 0/1 - Dialtone is detected as noise. In + X21 it is possible to put values 1 or 2 0/3 - Diatlone is detected as tone with impurity of noise. In + X21 it is possible to put values 1, 2 or 3. 1/3 - And line constantly there is a noise. In + X21 it is possible to put value 3. 2/3 - The modem defines(determines) noise, as Dialtone, and Dialtone as noise. In + X21 it is possible to put value 1. 1/2 - In pauses the modem detects noise. In + X21 it is possible to put value 3, in some cases 1. The main objective of all these manipulations - to achieve, that with Dialtone on the screen were output äâîéêè without impurity of other digits, with Busy and Ringing alternating "2" and zero. If it is achieved, Dialtone will be defined(determined). If with Busy the alternating zero and "2" are output, and the employment is not defined(determined), it is necessary to adjust of duration with the help of the registers + X45 - + X48. Too most Ringing concerns, only registers differ + X52 - + X54. There are cases, when the signals Dialtone and Busy so strongly differ on parameters what to pick up value + X21, allowing to understand both signals simultaneously, it fails. In this case ðèäåòñÿ something to offer. II. Adjustment of speed pulse dial of a set. For adjustment of speed two registers - + X15 and + X16 are intended. + X16 installs delay between a set of adjacent digits. A unit of measurements of delay - 0.01 sec. It is possible to install delay from 0 up to 7F (127). + X15 regulates of duration break/make. The high tetrad answers for duration of impulse, low for duration of a pause between impulses. If the value 0 - is placed(installed) are used of standard duration. The same standard duration are reached(achieved) with value + X15 = 8C. Look in the description of the registers more in detail. If it is necessary to you on any reasons to type digit consisting from more than 10 impulses, it is possible to place(install) time of a pause between digits such - @, as time between impulses in one digit. Specifying in number "/" or other characters of a pause it is possible to type numbers from arbitrary number of digits with an arbitrary amount of pulses in each digit. In this case ATDP99/12/999 command will result in a set of three digits consisting from 18, 3-rd and 27 pulses. III. Adjustment of output levels. In the given wearing some variants of adjustments of output levels are possible(probable). If you place(install) + X8 in value, distinct from 0, it is possible to regulate by a traditional method through S39. If + X8 is equal 0, the value from the register + X6 is used. Pay attention, that it not an index and not value in decibels, and linear level of a signal. Besides the level for a fax (+ X31) and levels of a voice-frequency set (+ X10 and + X12) is separately regulated. They do not depend on value of the registers S39 and + X8. IV. Installation of wearing in the modem. For use given patch it is necessary: 1) To take a set of wearings USR from 02/25/97 2) To find the file in it(him) of sv20.xmd 3) To start crack in one directory with it 4) To load wearing in the modem: a) To type the AT command of ~ X! á) To start a file transfer sv20.xmd through protocol x-modem cks or crc (protocols 1K-XModem and others, with the size of the block distinct from 128 bytes do not approach) 5) To give the AT command + XF 6) To give the AT and W command 7) And to set up to set up to set up....... 8) If you want enable X2 protocol: ATC8=31 ATNX WARNING: 1) The given version is intended only for modems US/CANADA. As she work on International I do not know. However, she(it) does not owe happyng's herself worse, than original 02/25/97, and the equipment should not burn down... 2) Items 5 and 6 not a wish, and absolutely mandatory condition. Otherwise catching Busy, Ring etc. Will disappear absolutely! the IV. Description of the block of the additional registers Parameters AT + X - building block of parameters of the country + 0 Bit registers: 1 - Includes sound on in retrain during link OTHER bits are reserved (better to not touch) + 1 Maximum time between beep in a bell (second) If new beep will not be during this time, the counter of bells (S1) is dumped(reset). + 2 Minimum times beep in a bell + 3 Maximum times beep in a bell + 6 Levels for normal link (word) + 8 S39 is used. If the register = 0, is used value from the register + X6. If not is equal 0, the register S39 is used as an index in the table of levels. Attention: it influences only on normal connect. For a selected(allocated) line and fax other values are used. + 9 S39 default for and F + 10 Levels of a set by tone (base) (word) + 12 Levels of a set by tone (second frequency) (word) + 15 Speeds of a set by pulse. If the number is more 7, high and low terads have time is close / open on 0.003 about Usual value of speed of a set will be with the 8C code (8/12). If the value 7 or is less, it is standard variants from USR 96/144, 80/160 and 40/80 depending on and P + 16 Latency time between digits with pulse a set till 0.01 c (max. Value = 7F (127)) + 17 AT and P (default) + 20 S27 (default) + 21 Handles of recognition Busy: 80 - To clear bits on a mask 8Fh (standard) 40 - To clear bits on a mask 73h (in addition) low 2 bits - code of the function: 0 - Nothing to change 1 - Bit noise - > bit tone, noise to erase 2 - Bit noise + bit tone - > bit tone 3 - To erase bit noise + 22 AT and G (default) + 26 Latency time dialtone in seconds (0-gets from other place) + 29 FLASH Times (ATD command!) + 30 Allowings of double apostrophes in string(line) of a set of number + 31 Output levels of a fax (word) + 39 Prohibitions of display and change and G + 45 Minimum times beep Busy + 46 Maximum ------- // ------ + 47 Minimum times of a pause Busy + 48 Maximum ------- // ------ + 49 Bits for Dialtone + 52 Minimum times beep Ringing + 53 Maximum -------- // -------- + 54 Minimum times of a pause Ringing + 57 Prohibitions of waiting on "slash" (if the register = 1) + 68 common dividers for an output level (1000 = 1.0) (word) ; ======================================= ==================================