Soleau Games for Windows - now Codes for 14 Games The registration procedure is the same for all programs: Load the game as you normally would and then quit to bring up the closing Soleau Software screen. Press the < $ > key. A special upgrade menu will appear. It will first ask you for your full name. Type in whatever you like for the name but something must be typed. Press Enter when done. Now you are asked for the Code. Type in, press Enter when done and the Game is registered. AXIUM V 1.0 Code: 7325$31 BEETLE V 2.0 Code: 1587643 DESKDROP V 1.0 Code: 3578$21 DIAGGLE V 1.1 Code: 25$26$81 FLAPS V 1.2 Code: 875$1257 FROGHOP V 1.1 Code: 6536$81 OILPRO V 2.0 Code: 859$3627 QUARRY V 2.1 Code: 29557186 ROLLEM V 1.1 Code: 583385$3 RONNIE V 2.1 Code: 8921$2934 RUNES V 1.1 Code: 3319$25$ SQUARK V 1.0 Code: 41866$2 WALLUP V 1.0 Code: 6123$57 WORDMIX V 2.1a Code: 9275416$ There is no keygen required as the Codes do not depend on the Name to whom registered. Also the Codes may work for older or newer Versions than mentioned. If you wonder that most Games still show a closing nag when registered: complain to Soleau for that "advertisement" and the naggin delay. A few games still show Shareware closing screens - a neglectable bug from Soleau. Have fun - Pepper 09/97