TiPS aND TRiCK aBouT MeMPHiS by G-RoM (C) PHRoZeN CReW iN 1997 -------------------------------------------------------------- 0) History. Revision Nø2 [08-03-97] Hummm.... i had to update the section 3 due to the fact M$ doesn't keep anymore the old explorer in their memphis cabs files. Revision Nø1 [07-25-97] Initial release. 1) Removing Expiration Date : Very easy... UNZiP PC_MEMIO.ZIP and apply it. Read the dox. 2) Reactivating Shutdown & Removing Text "Microsoft Memphis 4.10.1XXX" : I could give u the HEX to search but.... i already did a FiX. uNPaCK it and follow my instructions. 3) Turning back the Standard Shell on Memphis 15XX and Superior : here are the steps : -> I assume MEMPHIS isn't running !! [plain DOS MODE] A) Copy Explorer.exe To c:\windows B) Copy Shell32.dll To c:\windows\system C) Copy COMDLG32.DLL To c:\windows\system. That's all !! the Fucking IE4 integration is disabled at this point... Phewww!!! that's better, isn't it ? ;) [ nota : those files come from a previous beta of memphis. Anyhow, they are fully updated due to the fact that M$ doesn't work anymore on the standard shell (means that's the final version !). M$ is only working on his brand new IE4 Shell. ] 4) Conclusion You can contact me : EFNET : #PC97 nick G-RoM Email : That's all folks.... Cya in another Memphis Pack ;)