Make PowerBar total transparant, if you choose the same background bitmap as the background, and set border's to none. it will look like powerbar items is sitting on the background. This only works if you have PowerBar located at the top or the left corner. Shellobjects can't be dropped on the toolbar , but if you create a dummy folder , and create a shortcut to the shellobject , you are able to drag the shortcut to the toolbar. from version 1.10 powerbar is able to launch shell objects , examples of shells objects you can use : All Control Panel items like 'Add-Remove programs'. My Computer Network neighborhood. Dialup network. etc. If you drag a shortcut to PowerBar , and later deletes that shortcut , then PowerBar is not able to find your shortcut and it will not be able to execute the program , before deleting the shortcut , choose 'Resolve Shortcut' in PowerBar this will make the program point to the original and not the shortcut. If you drag a file to a powerbar item , it will launch the item with the dropped object as parameters , sow you can drag/drop a document/text/multimedie file directly to your applications in PowerBar. When you have a application running in a virtuel desktop,the icon is marked with red. You can place PowerBar in the title area like you can with the office pro , just go into the setup dialog in PowerBar and choice 'Enable PowerBar to be anywhere' , you are now able to resize , and place PowerBar in the title area. Do your mouse pointer flash each second , then change to the default windows mouse pointer, or turn the analog clock off. Disable your screen saver when you are doing large jobs , like defragmenting your harddisk or rendering pictures , there are nothing as annoing as a screen saver swapping memory to disk and forcing the defrag to start over , or a screen saver taking all the cpu cycles when you need them for rendering a picture. Before doing a large job just right click PowerBar and click 'Disable screen saver', when the job are over just right click PowerBar and click 'Enable screen saver'. Drag/Drop all your favorite sound files to the Multimedie drop target , and save them in a playlist 'Save current playlist' , you now has instant access to all your favorite sound files , just right click the multimedie drop target.