Manuals for program package 'InPack v1.51' 1. Introducing 2. Making installation flopy disks 2.1 Application parameters 2.1.1. Checking floppy disk 2.1.2. Serial number 2.1.3. Installation title 2.1.4. Target directory 2.1.5. Overwrite existing files 2.1.6. Ini file name 2.1.7. Execute on the end 2.2. Protection parameters 2.2.1. Protect installed application 2.2.2. File name to protect 2.2.3. Write name instead of 2.2.4. Write address instead of 2.2.5. Encode key 2.3. Change source directory 2.4. Welcome note 2.5. Make install files 2.5.1. Recurse directories 2.5.2. Archive name 2.5.3. Archive directory 2.5.4. No. copies 2.5.5. Floppy disk size 3. Application installation 4. Application uninstallation 1.Introducing Welcome to the one of the best setup toolkit! InPack v1.51 has been designed to make creating a professional installation fast and easy. Therefore, it will be easy for your user to install your's applications. All that and you don't write a single line of code. In today world of computers, there are many illegall copies of all kind of computer programs. How to protect authors of all programs by not allowing no one else to make installation disks but authors of these programs, is one of the main task in this program package. If we presume that are most of users can't change executable files, applications installed with program package 'InPack v1.51' will be very safe from coping them, or from install then for more then one user. This is the main diference of this program package comparing to other similar programs. When your user launches installation program, he or she will be asked to write serial number (which is create by you), name and address. After confirming entered data, in next installation process he or she won't be able to change this data. Next step in program protection is writing this data directly to executable program due installation process (this data you can use in reports, forms etc.). Data are encrypted by here given formula, before writing to file. If user return installation disk(s) (damaged or something) you will be able to see his or she data, and return him new installation disk(s) now with entered his data. 2. Making installation flopy disks After launching MIFiles.exe (Make Installation Files) program, on screen will apear menu with sixth options. With keys up and down you can move troughth menu. By pressing key Enter you can choose selected option. To make proper installation disk(s) you have to pass option 1 to 5. 2.2.5. Encode key Encode key will be used to encrypt your user information. Encrypted information will be written in file you chose in section 2.2.2. Here is program who encrypt and decrypt string with same key. If you don't want to encrypt your user information, just leave this field empty. function Code(inWord, key: string): string; var i: byte; result: string; begin result := ''; for i:=1 to Length(inWord) do result := result + chr( ord(inWord[i]) xor ord(key[(i mod Length(key))+1])); Code := result; end; 3. Application installation To install application made with MIFiles program, you just type Install. After welcome note you entered, press enter to continue. After that user will have to enter some information about him, and also a serial number. Identification part is done. Now, user only have to retype or just confirm with Enter key destination directory. Program will now install application and notify you about succesfull ending. 4. Application uninstallation Uninstalltion is revers process form installation. That means, the program will erase all files that he kreate due installation. User have to run Uninstal program and press Enter key for three times. Uninstall process will be finish in a second. NOTE! Registered user will get complete manuals.