**READ ALL OF THIS BEFORE YOU START OR THE PROGRAM WILL NOT RUN!** Program: KEYLOG2! -- The Best Windows 3.1/95 Keystroke Recorder! Version: 2.0 (Freeware) Released: 02/01/97 Made By: Mike Ellis & Enhanced By: KiD ViD Disclaimer: The author will not be responsible for anything! Introduction: KEYLOG2!.EXE is a WINDOWS version 2.0 of a freeware utility that records It is the successor of KeyLog the original. There are better features in this program in that the program is made invisible to Windows 3.1 Task Manager and Windows 95 taskbar. To quit the program, all you need to do is press CTRL- ALT-DEL and end the program called WinMEM. WinMEM is KeyLog's name in disguise. It makes the victim or system administrator think that it is only a Windows Memory Enhancer. What it does: ALL ascii keystrokes to an ascii file on C:\WIN\LOGX. It is very useful if you simply want to know the system administrator's password or want to check who has done what on your PC. History files are retained with the time and date encoded in the name, for example, 10300201.97W would be a history file created at 10:30 AM on Feb. 01,1997. When first run, KEYLOG2!.EXE will create the logx directory on C:, if it doesn't already exist. You should take care to erase history files when no longer needed since these files will contain a record of ALL ascii keystrokes, even if the application intentionally does not echo them to the screen. Please distribute freeware version freely. Please send comments about this program to us if you want to thank us for making this program for you. We want to know how many people like this program. What you need to do: The program comes with three files. You are reading the KEYLOG2!.DOC file now. Unzip the KEYLOG2.ZIP file and create a directory on the hard drive for them. If you want to disguise the program (to avoid the victim or system administrator's suspicion), rename KEYLOG2!.EXE to WINMEM.EXE. Then copy QPRO200.DLL to the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. The user (or hacker) should then make a shortcut with a '-s' (no quotes) to the end of the program name (example: c:\winmem -s) and put in the Windows STARTUP folder. In this manner, whenever WINDOWS is started, the keystroke recorder will run stealthly and quietly (with the '-s' option) unless you remove the '-s' option. If you do not want the program to run stealthly, then you must add a '-hacker' (no quotes) option to the end of the program name (example: c:\winmem -hacker) If you don't do that, then the program will say that you entered an invalid password and then quits. I added this feature on purpose just in case the victim or the system administrator finds out this program and tests what it does. If the victim or system administrator runs the keylog program, it won't know the password and won't get the messages provided for hackers by using '-hacker'. The '-hacker' can be called as a password for the hackers. A DOS version of this program is also available from the authors. *NOTE* Don't use '-hacker' for the startup thing. Use '-s' (which = stealth) for that... That way, there will be no messages and it will be running secretly in the background, recording the keystrokes. Mike Ellis & KiD ViD 12230 Leeward Walk Circle kidvid@juno.com Alpharetta, GA 30202 #visualbasic on EFNET mellis@aol.com