-beta- Unlock DLL crack for Internet Neighbourhood v1.0 ======================================================= by romeo-JUANDA 9 May 97 This is a beta crack for Internet Neighbourhood v1.0. There has been other crackz posted on the newsgroups, which did not seem to be functional. A REMINDER : This is a BETA patched in32.dll file, which has yet to be tested out on different PCs. The beta dll file has the following attribute : Expanded File Size : 707,584 Date Modified : 05-09-97 Time Modified : 3:14p If you plan to try out this crack, you must do the following : 1. Backup your original in32.dll file. 2. Then shutdown your computer in DOS-Mode 3. Overwrite your old in32.dll file with the patched in32.dll file 4. Restart Win95 and run Internet Neighbourhood 5. Unlock the program by keying a password that is 4 characters in length (e.g. abcd) 6. Hopefully, the program is unlocked. (if you don't even know how to backup your files and copy stuff in DOS-Mode, then don't bother using this crack) ====================================================== Any comments please post on alt.cracks before 20 May 1997. Don't bother posting after that date. ATTN: romeo-JUANDA - in32.dll ======================================================