Dear Reader: Although I have tested this program 14 times--yes 14--I am unable to asure you that this puppy will work perfectly on future versions. Not all systems are the same, but at least you can try. This program can modify the executable of Enh. CU-SeeMe v2.1.1, and can, hypothetically speaking, allow someone to continue to use the program without any time limits. Yes, I've barely released half a dozen cracks, but I'm building my collection slowly. However, you will be glad to know that this is, to my knowledge, the first and only crack ever to adjust to changes in the program's version/structure. For the most part, this crack can and should be viable for future versions of Enh. CU-SeeMe. So, you don't need to bug me to make a crack for the next version. If and when the coders learn of my actions they will most likely change their program dramatically; if they do, I'll keep releasing new versions. Why da fuck am I writting so much? Half of you fucks won't even read the first line... Well, you know the rules/ I'm not responsible for your actions with this program, and in no way encourage you to use this program in any illegal activities. NOTE: Neither the author or anyone else associated with said person is responcible for your actions regarding this crack. In other words, the existance of a crack is something, but you actually running it is your problem no mine. Good luck in whatever... -WhoElse? P.S. Anyone out there have any tips on writting polymorphic virii code in C or C++?