Hex edit Descent2.exe with the following, if you intend to apply the 1.1 patch, do it before performing the following, as the patch will not apply to a modified Descent2.exe file. Instructions for the novice user... after you have selected Descent2.exe hit the Alt+F5 and enter the code (ie. C69E4) highlight the said string (ie. 53) and then you right click your mouse and select fill and change it to the new code (ie. C3) now do the same for the rest of the codes save it and you are done. Version 1.0 (the out of the box version) Location change from to C27EC 53 C3 EE045 75 EB F3F8C 53 C3 F51B8 53 C3 Version 1.1 (after patch) C69E4 53 C3 F3C5F 75 EB F9C6C 53 C3 FAEA4 53 C3 These operations will remove the CD check *AND* the movies, so a medium install to hard disk will do nicely. :) If you want the movies, but not the CD check, just change the 75<->EB values. I suppose you could experiment with the other three movie values, if you wanted to disable some movies, but not others, or even all the movies. Try it and see, I guess. Important: as with all modifications of this type, always make backup copies of the file before tinkering. This is for registered owners who think that the CD is an utter PITA. Don't remember who originally posted these values, but many thanks to them. you can download hex editor from this site. http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/breakpoint