CRACK81.TXT REVISION : 8/16/94 ============ By: Le Crack & GoreTek INSTRUCTIONS ============= Get a Hex editor. Lots of em everywhere, like Norton Disk Edit. Edit BWAVE.EXE. search for 75 07 C6 06 A6. Change 07 to 00. Save the change. Now, in BlueWave, no matter what name and reg. code you put in, it'll register BlueWave. JIFFY CRACKS ============ 4x4 Off Road Racing/ FRONT.EXE Offset 1F6E-F EB 03 ABC'S VGA FOOTBALL/MONDAY.EXE D4 C3 00 74 F1/74 F1 TO EB 24 ALONE IN THE DARK/INDARK.CC1 Offset 1826-7 90 90 Offset 182D-E 90 90 BATTLE CHESS/CHESS.EXE 74 EB FE/74 TO 75 BATTLE OF BRITIAN/BOB.EXE 36 24 75 08 B8 01 00/75 TO 74 BATTLECHESS 4000/BC400.EXE 77 04 74 04/77 04 TO EB 06 BLADES OF STEEL/PLAY.EXE 3B 46 F6 74 14/74 TO 75 BUCK ROGERS/START.EXE 3C 01 74 05/74 TO EB BLUE WAVE v2.12/BWAVE.EXE 75 07 C6 06 A6/07 TO 00 CASTLES/SETUP.EXE 0B C0 74 0C C6 46/74 0C TO 90 90 CASTLEVANIA/CEGA.EXE 3B 46 E2 75 0B/75 TO 74 Chess Maniac 5 Billion and 1 / CM5.EXE Offset: 7D35A 00 CIVILIZATION/ CIV.EXE Offset: 40E01 CB CURSE OF THE AZURE BONDS 3A 46 FD 74 1C 8D 7E D0/74 TO 75 DONALDS ALPHBET CHASE/DONALDA.EXE 3B 76 FC TO 90 3B F6 Dragon's Lair I / GAME.EXE E8 27 36 E8 75 27 becomes E8 4C 1D E8 7F 27 DUNE II/DUNE2.EXE 74 2E FF 76 FA/74 TO EB EMPIRE/EMPIRE.EXE AA 0C 74 03 E9 40 FE/74 TO EB ESCAPE FROM HELL/LOADER FILE 83 7E D6 02 7D 03/03 TO 0D Eye of the Beholder I /EOB.EXE 0B C0 74 19 47/ 74 becomes EB EYE OF THE BEHOLDER II/START.EXE 44 B0 FF 50 B0 32/B0 FF 50 TO E9 F-15 STRIKE EAGLE III/LOAD.EXE E8 15 FD/ALL 90 FACES TETRIS 3/FACES.EXE 75 09 FF 46 FC/75 09 TO EB 17 FLASHBACK /FB.EXE Offset 71E5-71E6 90 90 Offset DAAF-DAB0 90 90 Offset DB5D ED FOOTBALL PRO/04 0B C0 75 05 B8 01 00 EB 02 33/75 05 TO 90 90 F16 STRIKE/GROUND.OVL 75 06 3B 0E EA 74 1F/06 74 TO 00 EB HYPERDISK 4.51 / HYPER386.EXE OFFSET AD4E-F: 72 08 becomes EB 0D OFFSET B183-5: E8 16 F2 becomes 90 90 90 INDY JONES TEMPLE DOOM/INDY.EXE 3D FF FF 74 03 E9/74 TO EB KNIGHTS OF THE SKY/ID.EXE 10 9C F4 85 05/F4 TO FA LEGEND OF KYRANDIA/MAIN.EXE 74 42 46/74 TO EB M1 ABRAMS TANK / LOADER FILE 74 18 E811 F3/74 TO EB MARTIAN DREAMS/GAME.EXE 74 08 8B 5E 0A/74 TO EB MECHWARRIOR/M_W MAIN.EXE FF 1E 2C 00 TO E9 31 01 90 MIAMI VICE/MVG.EXE 9A FE 0B F1 0E ALL TO 90'S OVERLORD/GAME.EXE 31 32 74 15/74 TO EB POWERDROME/PD.EXE 74 07 3A 05 75 09 47/74 TO EB PRINCE OF PERSIA/PRINCE.EXE THE FIRST 75 TO 90 PRO TENNIS/EGA.COM 74 39/74 TO EB RAILROAD TYCOON/GAME.EXE 75 2A 8B 46 F6 39 46 FC 74 03/74 TO EB SARGON IV/SARGON4.EXE 9A 98 20 24 06 C7/9A 98 20 TO E9 CD 00 SARGON V/SARGON5.EXE 8E D6 EB A8/8E D6 TO D1 17 SILENT SERVICE 2/SS2.EXE 75 41 2B C0 50 50/75 41 TO 90 90 SIMEARTH/SIMEARTH.EXE 74 03 E9 46 01/03 46 TO 00 40 SLMR v2.1A/SLMR.EXE E8 88 D9 TO 90 90 90 SPACE ACE/SPACEACE.EXE 75 16 BE 15 07/BE 15 07 TO EB 14 90 SPACE QUEST IV/SCIDHUV.EXE FF 77 04 FF 77 02 9A 4C 02/02 TO 74 SPIRIT OF EXCALIBUR/EXCAL.EXE 74 36 B8 06 00/74 TO EB STAR CONTROL/STARCON.OVL 74 05 1B C0 1D FF FF/74 05 TO EB STRIP POKER 3/POKER.EXE 75 03 E9 1B/75 03 TO 90 90 STUNT DRIVER/STUNT.EXE 74 06 9A F4 A6 E1 FE/74 TO EB TEAM SUZUKI 8A E0 8A C3 3B 06 D2 D5 74 53/74 TO EB THEDRAW 4.63/THEDRAW.EXE 08 C0 74 C2 89 EC 5D CA/74 TO 75 (v4.61, see below) THE IMMORTAL/IMMORTAL.EXE E8 04 00 69 63 54/E8 TO C3. THE THIRD COURIER/TTC.EXE 75 03 E9 98 01/75 03 TO 90 90 JIFFY CRACKS CONT ================= THEXDER FIREHAWK/GAME.EXE E8 DF 00 E8 E8 00 E8 LAST E8 TO C3 THUNDER STRIKE/TS.EXE E8 92 72 TO 90 90 90 TUNNELS OF ARMAGEDDON/TUNNELS.EXE 0A 08 0B C0 75 17/75 TO EB WEIRD DREAMS/WEIRD.EXE 0B C0 75 05 B8 01/75 05 TO EB 12 WELLTRIS LOADER FILE 74 04 C6 46 E9 FF FF 06/74 TO 75 WONDERLAND/GAME.EXE CD 21 33 D1 TO 90 BA 19 03 TYPE "THE" WONDERLAND/INSTALL.EXE 0B C0 74 03 E9 46 FF/74 TO EB WORLD TOUR GOLF/WTG.EXE 83 C4 08 0B C0 75 10/75 10 TO 74 4 X-WING/FRONTEND.OVL 3D 1A 00 75 21 0E E8/75 21 TO EB 11 ZANY GOLF/ZANY.COM E8 95 25 3C 0D F5/3C 0D F5 TO E9 74 01 SPECIAL CRACKS ============== ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *386 MAX v6.02 INSTALL.EXE 26 83 3E 1A 26 00 75 19/75 19 TO 90 INSTALL.EXE E8 15 0D 5B 5B 0B D0 74 2B/74 2B TO 90 Modify the INSTALL.EXE file on your install diskette. Each time you run install enter any user name when prompted, and any eleven digit NUMERIC serial number, like 00000000000. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Scorched Earth VGA Tank Game* Enter TIASP1814 as the password to register the program. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Xtree Gold For Windows* When prompted for company information, during setup, enter BILL for the first name, GATES for the last name and X000000 for the serial number. You can enter anything really. As long as the first digit of the serial number is A-Z, and the last six digits are numeric, like T123456. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Telemate 4.12 Registration Number: TM000000723 Name : Public Domain ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *TheDraw v4.61 Decompress THEDRAW.EXE using PKLITE version 1.15 like so : PKLITE -x THEDRAW.EXE Perform the following Hex-edit using your hex editor. 3B 06 31 D3 74 FA/74 FA TO 90 90 74 C2 89 EC 5D/74 C2 TO 90 90 1E 6D D3 B4 01/B4 01 TO EB 10 You now can *optionally* run PKLITE again to recompress THEDRAW.EXE to save a little disk space like so : PKLITE THEDRAW.EXE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *BOXER 5.0/B.EXE 0D 2C 00 75 3B B8 4F 00 2B / 75 TO EB Offset: 1CCD6 / 75 to EB ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *HS-LINK 1.20 / OFFSET 0404-6: 90 90 90 becomes E8 5F 16 OFFSET 0B17-9: 90 90 90 becomes E8 BC 66 OFFSET 0D57-9: 90 90 90 becomes E8 BC 03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *MODEM DOCTOR 5.1S/MDR.EXE OFFSET 54C9 EB becomes 9A OFFSET 54CA 03 becomes 2D OFFSET 54D6 EB becomes 9A OFFSET 54D7 03 becomes 0C ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *GifLite 2.00 Enter GIFLITE -R to Register. Registration Number: GL220000371 Registration Name: Public Domain ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Lemmings First, reinstall Lemmings to reset the counter file. Then look for a hidden file in the Lemmings Directory called RUSSELL.DAT. Make it unhidden and read-only. Now, it should never ask for the Lemmings Disk again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Shez 8.9 This is a strange one. Make sure Shez works correctly first, then: Using a hex editor, edit SHEZ.CFG. At OFFSET 0405 hex, change 2E to 00. Save it and run SHEZCFG.EXE. Go to the Registration Section. You'll find that the Registration Code is now visible. Enter any name into the Name Field. Make sure to save the configuration. Voila! It's registered! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X Another file downloaded from: NIRVANAnet(tm) &TOTSE 510/935-5845 Walnut Creek, CA Taipan Enigma Burn This Flag 408/363-9766 San Jose, CA Zardoz realitycheck 415/648-9489 San Francisco, CA Poindexter Fortran Phallicide 408/899-0235 Monterey, CA Reclinerhead Governed Anarchy 510/226-6656 Fremont, CA Eightball New Dork Sublime 805/823-1346 Tehachapi, CA Biffnix The Ether Room 510/228-1146 Martinez, CA Tiny Little Super Guy Lies Unlimited 801/278-2699 Salt Lake City, UT Mick Freen The Shrine 206/793-3465 Monroe, WA Rif Raf Atomic Books 410/669-4179 Baltimore, MD Baywolf Sea of Noise 203/886-1441 Norwich, CT Mr. Noise The Floating Pancreas 305/424-0266 Ft. Lauderdale, FL Majestic Cockster The Dojo 713/436-1795 Pearland, TX Yojimbo Frayed Ends of Sanity 503/965-6747 Cloverdale, OR Flatline "Raw Data for Raw Nerves" X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X