ClipHound TM 1.0a Albino Frog Software, Inc. Post Office Box 578 Port Salerno, Florida 34992 USA (954) 985-8344 Registration ============================================================== ClipHound is not free software. If you use it regularly, you must register it. ClipHound will cease to operate after 60 days if you do not register it. Registration is $15. Setup =============================================================== ClipHound is a single executable application. There are no data files or ini files to set up. Simply put ClipHound in a convenient directory on your hard drive. We recommend you drag a shortcut to ClipHound into your StartUp folder so that it is always working for you. This has probably already been done by the install program. Usage ================================================================ When ClipHound is running, it will monitor the Windows 95 clipboard. Whenever you cut or copy some text, ClipHound will take a look at it and determine if it should take action. Usually, this means ClipHound will make a private copy of the text you put on the clipboard in its own list. However, if you have PasteBack enabled, ClipHound will check the text you placed in the clipboard against the names of items already in ClipHound. If a match is found, the full contents of the item matched is placed in the clipboard, overwriting the name. You can then paste this back into your application. ClipHound's database is saved on exit and reloaded on restart. There is no explicit save button, it simply happens automatically. ClipHound will also save its database to the hard drive every hour of operation to guard against power failure and system crash. So, if your hard drive rattles once an hour and you can't figure out why, it could well be ClipHound's automatic backup. ClipHound checks every minute to see if there are items in its database it should throw away. This is a very fast process, and you will note no delay from it. When you are viewing ClipHound's main window, you're looking at a list of the items in the clip database. The list is comprised of three things per item: An icon indicating what sort of item it is, the name of the item, and a short excerpt from the first few lines of the item itself. ITEM TYPES =============================================================== There are four different item types, represented by four different icons. Plain Text. This appears as a document with lines on it. Plain Text items contain only text, and have no special function. Shortcuts. This appears as a shortcut arrow. A shortcut, when activated by double-clicking, will launch the shortcut, activating whatever application is associated with the document. Internet URLs. This appears as a short length of chain (links, get it?). A URL, when activated, will launch your web browser and fetch the file indicated. Binary. This appears as a block of 0s and 1s. Binary simply means that there are non-text characters in the item. Other than that, it behaves just like plain text. You cannot manually change an item's type. It is automatically determined by ClipHound. However, if you edit an item, depending on the form your edits take, it may change type. ClipHound senses the formats proper for filenames and URLs and assigns the appropriate type automatically.