Datel PlayStation Universal Adapter FAQ Q: What is the fuss about? What's a Universal Adapter anyway? A: Such a device would allow you to play all available games on your PSX, not just the ones for your country/area. For example, the owner of a USA PlayStation would be able to play Japan and UK/Europe games. And so on. Datel has managed to create such a device for just about every other past and present games console with area protection. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q:So, do you do an adapter then? A:The simple answer is NO we do not do a PlayStation Universal Adapter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q:So why not? A:The reason for this is that when we tried to do one, we couldn't. Kudos to Sony for doing a good job on the area protection software/hardware on their 'first' attempt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q:Does this mean that Datel will not be making one for the PlayStation? A:Not at all. We currently have people looking into the workings of an adapter while we develop other exciting products for the PlayStation. If and when we decided it is or isn't possible, we will make this public. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Good, so we'll be cool now and not fax/telephone/e-mail/harass Datel about the Universal Adapter and let the people in the know who work there get on with doing their best to make one. OK? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Courtesy: Datel Website.