The following was 'picked up', and concerns the early success of the Sony PlayStation (PSX). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - all the early signs are indicating that the Playstation will be a tremendous success - Gerry Berekly (HMV) told me he has not seen such enthusiasm since the good old days of Sega & Nintendo domination. - apparently 30,000 units of hardware have been shipped out to multiples & indies in the UK and the kit is now officially out of stock with Sony who are desperately trying to reorder for despatch on *Friday 6th October. - HMV are trying to rotate kit throughout its stores inorder to keep 'in stock' however this is proving impossible to do - in leading edge stores ie Level One the ratio of hardware purchased between Playstation & Saturn (using day one comparisons) is 34:1 in favour of Sony !! - consumer purchasing patterns are showing 'multiple purchases' ie kit, 2 x games, memory card, controller, etc. - not uncommon to see regular purchases of œ500 at one time - HMV top 20 last week featured 8 CD-ROM titles (which is obviously a good sign aswell) & 8 playstation items ie either game or kit. - average age of consumer = male 20 years of age which is a positive sign ie higher disposable income - on *Friday Sony's main marketing campaign for the actual kit is being launched with every independent radio station carrying teaser ads in their drive time (morning) slots telling the consumer to watch out for the tv ads which will appear in the peak viewing time that night & the rest of the weekend ie Coronation Street, News @ Ten, Baywatch & Lethal Weapon 3 etc - - already (maybe rather premature!) some sources are saying that the Saturn will become a specialist/niche 'games purest' machine very much like the 3DO. THIS INFO WAS GIVEN TO ME IN CONFIDENCE PLEASE RESPECT THIS & DO DIVULGE OUTSIDE THE COMPANY