Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED8 LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE _sdRECT right bottom _sdSIZE SelectObject GetTextExtentPoint EnableWindow GetClassName GetDC GetDlgItem GetFocus GetWindowLong GetWindowRect GetWindowWord IsWindow IsWindowEnabled MoveWindow USER ReleaseDC SetFocus SetWindowText ShowWindow KERNEL GetModuleHandle GetClientRect SetWindowPos PostMessage ShowCursor SystemParametersInfo USER32 FindWindow KERNEL32 GetVersion Nu-Megaa Soft-ICE for Windows 95a 2.00a WINICE.EXE SIW95 FileComponents VideoDrivers! Setup is searching for installed components. Please wait... Soft-ICE for Windows 95 Welcomea) Welcome to Soft-ICE for Windows 95 Setup. Software License Agreement Please read the following license agreement. Use the scroll bar to view the entire agreement.$ Do you accept all the terms of the license agreement? a^ If so, click on the Yes button. If you click No, you will not be able to install the software. LICENSE.TXT Soft-ICE Update Since this is an update installation, Setup needs the location of your existing Soft-ICE for Windows 95 installation. Please enter that location below. winice.exeR Setup cannot find the installed copy of WINICE.EXE. Please select another directory.A Setup will install %P in the following directory. To install to this directory, press Next. To install to a different directory, press Browse. You can choose not to install %P or$ change the destination directory again later. Select Install Directoryb Select Video Driveras Please choose a video driver from the list below. If your video board is not listed here, choose the closest match.b! winice.datR Setup has detected an existing copy of WINICE.DAT in your installation directory.; Update WINICE.DAT &Replace the existing WINICE.DAT with the new version2& &Keep the existing WINICE.DAT2' Soft-ICE for Windows 95 Setup has enough information to start installing Soft-ICE.aE If you want to review or change any settings, click Back. If you are $ satisfied with the settings, click Next to begin copying files. SIW95A Soft-ICE for Windows 95A InstallDirA General Creating Program Folder and Items... wldr.exe Soft-ICE Loaderb wlog.exe Soft-ICE Information Loggerb wldr.hlp Soft-ICE Loader Helpb vsetup.exe Soft-ICE Driver Setupb vsetup.hlp Soft-ICE Driver Helpb README.TXT Read Meb UNINST.EXE Remove Soft-ICEb Installation complete. Soft-ICE for Windows 95 SetupA Soft-ICE for Windows 95 SetupA KERNEL32.DLL KERNEL32.DLL( This version of Soft-ICE can only be installed Windows 95.A This version of Soft-ICE can only be installed on Windows 95. Contact Nu-Mega Technologies at 1-800-4-NUMEGA for assistance.A This program requires VGA or better resolution.A Installing files... Drivers DRIVERS\*.*A winice.old readme.txta readme.txt winice.exea winice.exe winice.olda winice.dat winice.old setup.n Please insert disk b Unable to create a directory under b Please check write access to this directory.* General file transfer error.a0 Please check your target location and try again.$ Error Number:$ Program FilesB DRIVERS\*.*A Video DriversB ATI Mach 32/64A ATI Mach 8 (1024x768x256)A ATI Mach 8 (800x600x256)A ATI Mach 8 (640x480x256)A Generic Super VGAA( IBM 8514/AA S3 911/924/801/805/864/964A Compaq Soft-ICE Video VxDA Diamond Viper VLB/PVIA VGA (Standard Windows)A There is not enough space available, %ld bytes, on the disk Please free up some space or change the target location to a different disk Setupb ComponentsA Program Files! a Program Files Video Drivers! a Video Drivers Selected Video DriverA ATI Mach 32/64! a ATI Mach 32/64 ATI Mach 8 (1024x768x256)! a ATI Mach 8 (1024x768x256) ATI Mach 8 (800x600x256)! a ATI Mach 8 (800x600x256) ATI Mach 8 (640x480x256)! a ATI Mach 8 (640x480x256) Generic Super VGA! a Generic Super VGA IBM 8514/A! a IBM 8514/A S3 911/924/801/805/864/964! a S3 911/924/801/805/864/964 Compaq Soft-ICE Video VxD! a Compaq Soft-ICE Video VxD Diamond Viper VLB/PVI! a Diamond Viper VLB/PVI VGA (Standard Windows)! a VGA (Standard Windows) Target DirectoryA b Program FolderA b Setup can modify your AUTOEXEC.BAT to automatically start Soft-ICE.A Other configuration options are available. aL Consult the 'Starting Soft-ICE for Windows 95' section of the documentation. AUTOEXEC.BAT AUTOEXEC.SIW WINICE.EXE Soft-ICE System Configuration$ Soft-ICE cannot be run directly from Windows 95, or from a DOS box within Windows 95. Your system needs to be configured in order to use Soft-ICE. Setup can add the following lines to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file:! Modify AUTOEXEC.BATb Setup will not modify AUTOEXEC.BAT. Make sure to consult the Soft-ICE documentation for information on configuring your system.* AUTOEXEC.BAK, Setup Complete$ Soft-ICE for Windows 95 Setup is now complete. Remember to view the README file before using Soft-ICE. Click Finish to complete Setup. View the README file notepad.exe% readme.txt winice.exeR upsiw95.exeR Setup is updating the installed copy of Soft-ICE. Please wait... upsiw95.exe winice.exeR Sorry, but the Soft-ICE Update has failed. Setup cannot continue. Contact Nu-Mega Customer Support at 603.889.2386 or for assistance.A upsiw95.pif drivers ATI Mach 32/64! siwati.386a siwvid.386 ATI Mach 8 (1024x768x256)! siwm81k.386a siwvid.386 ATI Mach 8 (800x600x256)! siwm8800.386a siwvid.386 ATI Mach 8 (640x480x256)! siwm8640.386a siwvid.386 Generic Super VGA! siwsvga.386a siwvid.386 IBM 8514/A! siw8514.386a siwvid.386 S3 911/924/801/805/864/964! siws3.386a siwvid.386 Compaq Soft-ICE Video VxD! siwcpq.386a siwvid.386 Diamond Viper VLB/PVI! siwviper.386a siwvid.386 VGA (Standard Windows)! siwvid.386 edit( SETUPSTR862R' Disk Space0 temp.txt temp.txt In function '%s': Unable to create dialog. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SETUP.LIB. Errorb( _sdSIZEa %s-%ldb SdRegisterUserEx! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA SdRegisterUserEx! szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA ResultA SdRegisterUser! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA SdRegisterUser! szNameA szCompanyA ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdAskDestPath! ResultA szDirA SdAskDestPath! szDirA ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdSelectFolder! ResultA szFolderA SdSelectFolder! szFolderA ResultA SdSetupType! ResultA szDirA SdSetupType! szDirA ResultA SdShowAnyDialog! ResultA SdShowAnyDialog! ResultA SdDisplayTopics! ResultA SdDisplayTopics! ResultA SdShowMsg! SdShowMsg/ _sdRECTa _sdRECTa bottom2 SdAskOptionsList! ResultA ComponentA SdAskOptionsList! ComponentA ResultA SdShowFileMods! ResultA nSelectionA SdShowFileMods! nSelectionA ResultA SdShowDlgEdit1! ResultA szEdit1A SdShowEdit1! szEdit1A ResultA SdShowDlgEdit2! ResultA szEdit1A szEdit2A SdShowEdit2! szEdit1A szEdit2A ResultA SdShowDlgEdit3! ResultA szEdit1A szEdit2A szEdit3A SdShowEdit3! szEdit1A szEdit2A szEdit3A ResultA SdAskOptions! ResultA ComponentA SdAskOptions! ComponentA ResultA SdComponentDialogAdv! ResultA ComponentA szDirA There is not enough space to install these option(s). a9 Please free up some disk space or modify your selections.* SdComponentDialogAdv! szDirA ComponentA ResultA SdComponentMult! ResultA ComponentA There is not enough space to install these option(s). a9 Please free up some disk space or modify your selections.* SdComponentMult! ComponentA ResultA SdOptionsButtons! ResultA SdOptionsButtons! ResultA SdBitmap! ResultA SdBitmap! ResultA SdComponentDialog2! ResultA ComponentA There is not enough space to install these option(s). a9 Please free up some disk space or modify your selections.* SdComponentDialog2! ComponentA ResultA SdComponentDialogEx SdComponentDialogEx! SdComponentDialog! ResultA ComponentA szDirA There is not enough space to install these option(s). a9 Please free up some disk space or modify your selections.* SdComponentDialog! szDirA ComponentA ResultA SdLicense! ResultA ResultA SdStartCopy! ResultA ResultA SdFinishReboot! ResultA BootOptionA ResultA BootOptionA ResultA ResultA BootOptionA SdFinish! ResultA bOpt1A bOpt2A ResultA bOpt1A bOpt2A _EWQ| 3.00.062