Inner Sanctum
The Realm of TheGodess

You have entered the Inner Sanctum of
The Realm of TheGodess.
Blessings to all who grace these portals.
Rest and relax and enjoy
the humble offerings of your hostess, TheGodess.

Some Tidbits about TheGodess

My name is Kari. I have chosen the nickname "TheGodess" for when I am on the IRC, PowWow, or ICQ. When I'm on the IRC, you can usually find me on the #WWWW channel on the AnotherNet server.

PowWow is a chat program that let's you chat, use voice connections, and cruise around the World Wide Web with your friends. Find out more about PowWow, or download PowWow from Tribal's web site.

Top Ten PowWow Award

If you have PowWow running now.........powwowcatch me, if you can.

There's a new chat program on the Net, at least new to me! It's called ICQ (I Seek You) and it is offered by Mirabilis. Go to their home page at, and find out what's so fun about it! See you there!

The Interests of TheGodess

My Business

The name of my company is KD Enterprises. I work out of my home, running a computerized bookkeeping service for small businesses. I have been doing this for over 14 years, and have met some of the most interesting people during that time. I have worked with many different kinds of artists, from commercial photographers, graphic designers, audio and visual production people, "fine" artists, and illustrators. I have also worked with construction companies, a few "non-profit organizations", doctors and many other types of businesses.

I also am working with a network marketing of pre-paid telephone cards. If you are interested in a new multi-leveling marketing business that you can start up for a very small investment, set your own hours, work out of your home, meet new people, eliminate your long distance phone bill, and make money, send me an email, and I'll be happy to let you know all about it.

Another facet of KD Enterprises is Web Page Design, whether it is a basic home page or a full-blown Web Site. I can help you set up a page so that the whole world finds out about YOU. I can even train you on how to surf the Web, market on the Internet, or just use your computer so that you get all the benefits and fun the Internet has to offer.

My Personal Interests

I am Wiccan, a Pagan Path that I travel in my search for spiritual growth. It is one of the many "new age" religions that honor The Goddess, as well as The God, even though it is a religion that has been around for many centuries! You can find out a little more about Wicca on my Wiccan and Pagan Information page.

I also have a "creative side" that I've brought to my web pages. I have studied many different ways of divination, methods used to connect to my "spiritual side", such as the Tarot and Runes. So, what I have on my web site is 'Blessed Runes by TheGodess', and 'Healing Runes by TheGodess'. On these pages you will find some information as to what Runes are, some history of them, some links to other web sites, and pictures of the Runes sets I make. I have three sets that I create, and offer to those who might be interested. I hope you'll take a look at them, and perhaps, if they should "speak to you", a set may find their way to you!


I have a deep love for Nature, and enjoy camping during the warmer months, as this helps me to get in touch with the more etheric points of my life. My husband and I especially like getting out where there are very few people, and "roughing it"! I have lots of plants in my home, as well as a "zoo" of critters! I am never lonely with my 2 dogs, 4 cats, and six birds (a cockatoo, an African Grey,
2 love birds, and 3 cockatiels.

My Other Interests

I enjoy working on projects with my hands, my favorite being Weaving. It is a craft I am just learning about, but it seems as if I have known this type of craft before. I am currently learning how to use my Ridged Heddle Loom, but I also use
a Card Loom to weave with.

I also enjoy wood burning, crocheting and sewing. My 14 year old daughter is also just learning how to sew, and it is great fun for us to work on sewing projects together. I have a great love for writing, and have a large collection of poems, and am working on a few short stories, too.

I also enjoy learning new things by reading books, cruising the World Wide Web and even taking courses over the Internet. I also like taking free courses with the Spectrum Virtual University on the Web. Click here to find out more about the courses they offer over the Internet.

My Internet Connections

Next to chatting on the IRC and PowWow, my most favorite past time on the Internet is participating on mailing lists. There are many mailing lists to suit anyone's interests, but one of the ones I enjoy the most is Wild Wolf Women of the Web. To find out more about this mailing list, you can go to Annie's World and discover what women and wolves have in common.

I have a very strong interest and connection to Wolves, and am a member of The Wolf Education and Research Center. Please feel free to visit my "About Wolves..." page, and see why I'm so fascinated with Wolves!

Are you planning an old-fashioned wedding soon?
Perhaps you would like it to have a Medieval theme?
Click on the graphic to find out how you can get one of these "Medieval Wedding Guides".
Tell them TheGodess sent you!
Medieval Wedding Catalog

Main Pages on The Realm:

The Realm Home Page
Wicca & Pagan Information
Blessed Runes by TheGodess
Healing Runes by TheGodess
References and Rituals
About Wolves...
Friends of TheGodess
Awards Granted to TheGodess
Awards Offered by TheGodess
"Net-Weaving" with TheGodess
Blue Ribbon Campaign
KD Enterprises
Ladies of the Heart

This guestbook has been awarded the "HeyYouSir's Great Guestbook Award" !!

Guest Book

If you haven't already, please sign the
Guestbook of TheGodess.
Thank you!

My 1996 Guest Book entries

Internet Link Exchange
Member of the Internet Link Exchange

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Any comments? email TheGodess
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Toast...a free guestbook service
This page last updated April 11, 1997
© KD Enterprises 1996
"The Realm of TheGodess" midi composed by
Tom Williams III © 1997,
all rights reserved
Crescendo, the best way to hear music on the Web!

Thank you for visiting.
Blessed Be.