[""OdinFiles v1.6""] Personal INI system for mIRC 3.64 Released: September 16. 1995 What OdinFiles can do for you: *Takes care of your channel. *Takes care of your friends. *Takes care of your enemies ;) *Takes care of you! *Takes care of your channel: It protects your topic. It protects your channel modes. It protects your op. It protects your channel from floods. It protects your Clones. It's a fileserver. It doesn't need commands to be given in public (no ^files, -help...) New --> Let's you have channel votes. *Takes care of your friends: It gives them op's, if you want it to. It protects their op's. It does something to someone who kicks your friends. Show them some ASCII art if you want :) (included in OdinFiles) Speak to them in BIG letters! It doesn't send them unnecessary messages. *Takes care of your enemies: You can flood an enemy in many ways. You can attempt to nickcollide (kill) them. Put them in your shitlist. Prevents someone from flooding you. (ignore script) Prevents them from getting op on your channel. Prevents channel take-overs. A one-button way to get rid of them. (point and shoot) A menu for getting rid more than one (but less than 12) enemies. AutoKick them for making noise (NoiseKick) A working TempBan, you don't have to unban them your self. *Takes care of you! The OdinFiles aim to keep you informed of what it's going on. You will get allot of [""INFO OR WARNING...""] messages when something is acted upon. Very practical! Keep the userlist editing to a minimum. Large and practical popup menus, that contains allot of the OdinFiles extras at your mouse-point. Many aliases to keep you from typing to much. F1-F12 keys will do wonders with your reaction speed. A special arrangement to keep you informed of your clones actions. You never have to start more sessions, OdinFiles does this for you. A well tested workaround for "op/deop only by nick"-problems. Give you something to waste your free time with :) As this is a hackers version, not much help is given in setting the file- system up. You have to be an experienced mirc'er. If your NOT, don't try using this version. This is a friendly warning! :) I made a list of aliases, and what they do. Se the file Odinhelp.txt. Setting up: Presumptions: You have your mirc installed in c:\mirc. You don't want to use your old INI (make a backup?). You know pkzip. Stand in c:\mirc unzip Odin*.zip with the -d switch. Please don't forget this!! OdinFiles is a collection of almost 90 files, ordered into directories. Edit the files Odin.ini, Clone.ini, Defaults.txt and Banlist.txt. Change MyNick, MyChan, SysChan, key, password, clonepassword, FirstC, SecondC, ThirdC, file paths, topics, user addresses, various replies, file offering etc. to something that works for you. If you are going to use clones, make one INI for each, named by the clones nick. Like: FirstC.ini SecondC.ini... Never use the raw Clone.ini for your clones on-line. Make copies with specified nicks for each clone. You cant just rename it... The file contains nick information you have to change. Never use an ini you have made yourself. Start with odin.ini only. Don't just /add from the odin.ini. This is where the hard work comes in. :) There is a step-by-step help further down this doc. Use a search/replace function, and make sure you don't word wrap the ini's! Run make.bat or make32.bat, whatever turns you on. Start the mirc session, specifying the Odin.ini on the start-up line. Like: "c:\mirc\mirc.exe c:\mirc\odin.ini" To fix problems: If you get weird responses from your INI, do a /reset. Take a look in your userlist, you should be at level 11. Your clones are at level =9, not 9, but =9! If they don't act normal, do a /cr to reset your clones. If your server is slow, this INI will act very slow. It depends upon the net to send commands to itself. If you se many confusing massages in you status window, don't get worried. This is normal. Upon start-up your status window will produce 50 messages to you. You don't have to read all of this, just wait for the [""SESSION READY""] message. If you get "unknown command" or a message that thinks you are a remote user, check your userlist. Here's an example: Normal users on top... You and your clones at the bottom. * 11:Odin 11:*!*odin@machine.domain.country =9:*!*odin@*.domain.country =9:Clone1 =9:Clone2 =9:Clone3 Only clones *on-line* should be in your userlist! Ctcp: To make your clones work correct, there are some things you MUST understand: Your clones get commands sent to them through the ClientToClientProtocol (CTCP). These signals go from your main session to your server, from your server the signal is sent to your clones server, if they are on a second one. Then the signals is passed back to your own PC, and intercepted by your clonesession. The clone then reads them, and do what it's told. The result you see in your main session, has travelled all over the world. And if the net is lagged, like when the USA wakes up, this may take a while. Try to ping your clones. If the ping time is more than 3 sec., the communication between sessions, will be to slow for "serious" work. Change to a server that is closer to you. *When you log on, the OdinFiles sends 2-4 ctcp's to itself. They must be processed for the INI to work. When you activate your clones, they send allot of ctcp's to get registered etc. If your server is slow or over-burdened, this may seem to take forever. Don't blame OdinFiles :) *Resetting something also make use of some ctcp's to work. If the ping reply when you ping yourself is more than 3 sec., don't use OdinFiles. The level system: Here is a list of the user- and ownerlevels OdinFiles uses. First the Odin.INI Level 1 Shitlist (say no more ;) This is not an auto kick level. Level 2 The default userlevel. Level 3 The level for known, but not loved, users. Level 3 will take up most of the space in the userlist after a while... Level 4 The same as level 3, but a level 4 user *can* have op on your homechannel. Level 5 KickProtect. Topic can be set, but only through you (/ctcp MyNick topic "tekst") A level 5 user can take op by /ctcp MyNick opme. Level 6 Autoop, KickProtect, OpDefence. A good friend. The typical friend level... Level 7 Autoop, KickProtect, OpDefence. A very good friend. Can do some minor editing of your userlist. Level 9 This is your clonelevel. It's for sessions that's controlled by you and uses a copy of Clone.INI, named after your clones nick. Level 10 The OdinFiles botoperator-level. Almost total control. Level 11 The OdinFiles owner-level. total control. (DO, ROOT, ADD, DIE, CloneControl etc.) Level 18 A level used with NoiseKick. *Dont use this level manually* Level 19 A level used with NoiseKick. *Dont use this level manually* Level 20 The flood-security level. Users are placed here after a ctcp etc.. for 3-5 seconds. If you get a ctcp from a Level 20 user, you will ignore him/her. *Dont use this level manually* In the Clone.INI, or the ini named after one of your clones nick, there are allot of levels, but you never need to do anything manually in the clones! Level 1 The default userlevel. Level 2-5 ChannelFlood protection levels. *Dont use these levels manually* Level 10-90 ChannelVote levels. *Dont use these levels manually* Level 100 TheClone Level 110 OdinFiles Owner(s) *The default level is -2- in Odin.INI* *The default level for your Clones are normally -1-, but can be between 1 *and 90. Don't change this level manually, just do a CloneReset (/cr).* If you want to run Odin.INI as the main bot, you can change the 50 /notice's that start with [""SOMETHING INFO""] so that it's sent to you, not the bot itself. This will keep you updated on the bots actions... The Clone.INI is set up to keep you updated on the clones actions, and what it receives. (You can change /notice's to /describe's if you are running it in this way) Keep in mind that the bot functions of OdinFiles is only an afterthought. !!How to set up OdinFiles!! Step 1: Put in your own nick instead of MyNick. Use a search/replace function. Do NOT use wordwrap! It thrashes the INI's. Step 2: Make your own clone-nicks, and find/replace them. I use FirstC, SecondC and ThirdC. There are four files to edit. Odin.ini and the three ini's you make by copying clone.ini to a file named after the clone. Or the three ini-files that I have made for my Clones. FirstC.ini, SecondC.ini and ThirdC.ini. You find them in \clones. Step 3: Change your home and system channel. #Mychan is my homechannel and #Syschan is my system channel. Don't set your system channel to your homechannel. You'll see, its a bad mix. The name of your SysChan should be like #l4hb7n96... Step 4: Make sure all the addresses are correct, and in the same format as I have them in. ONLY use the /guser mode 3! On connect, Odin.INI goes through a long reset script so that any faults from earlier are erased, and the ini works the way it's supposed. Se: To fix problems. Step 5: Change your password, clonepassword and systemchannel key. Step 6: Turn off autoop and protect in Options. If you insist on keeping these on, don't blame me for strange OdinFiles behaviour. Step 7: Edit the paths I'm using, to the ones you are using. Paths are used allot of places in all ini's. Have fun :) Step 8: In the clones ini's you must find/replace the nick "FirstC" to your own clone nick. If you want to have more than one clone, make a second copy, and find/replace again. (I use edit, comes with MsDos...) (that's a lie ;) You can use the three clone ini's this zip comes with. Step 9: Change my irc.server.to your.own.homeserver. Pick a fast and close one, OdinFiles requires a short pingtime to your server. Not more than 1 sec. at any time! Also set the /flood command in "perform" to a safe level for your homeserver. I use /flood 7 2 2. In the Kill1.INI there is a space for a killserver. More of this later. Step 10: Delete the flood protection in the clones, if you don't want it. Its made up of five events, you'll se them. Don't mix this up with the /flood command ;) I have set the word "fuck" to activate the wordkick function. Change this if your homechannel is #hotsex. :D There is also a extra wordkick for people saying *fuck you MyNick*. They get kickbanned and shitlisted. There is now an popup option to control FloodProtection by the clones. Step 11: If you are going to use the very basic /kill, /cout, /spon, /spoff and /chome commands... Find some far-away lagged servers you can connect to, and fill them in in. This is an difficult thing to do, some don't despair if you cant get it to work. Find one to each clone. Step 12: Read the hole thing, and check it again, and again... How to make clonecommands work: First of all, they have to be on irc with the correct nicks. The only exception is the "Prep. for Takeover" command. It starts the clones by it self. (only if they are run on the same pc as Odin.INI though) Its wise to run a CloneReset (/cr) to make sure everything is ok. * The floodcommands uses allot of server notices, and slows down your * server a bit. Don't use it for fun, or without just cause!! The most used FloodCommand is /cfn The syntax is: [ /cfn nick ] This makes the clones flood a nick while they change nicks 4 times. This gives you the peace and quit you need. Then we have the /cf The syntax is: [ /cf nick ] This makes the clones flood a nick. The /f command is the best FloodCommand. The syntax is: [ /f nick ] You and your on-line clones, flood a nick together. The kill... ** You can't do "/kill ", this is WRONG! ** Usage of /kill: ** 1: *Cut* out the nick you want to kill. Only the nick!! This is ** VERY important. Use the mouse to *cut*, and then test-paste to channel. ** 2: Then write "/kill", it takes no parameters. ** Now, don't use the clipboard until all killbots are on-line. The kill routine uses the clipboard to communicate between sessions, since the irc-net can't be used for this. That's why you can't use the cut and paste functions of mIRC until the kill is well under way. For the /kill command to work, you have to find some far away lagged servers that splits away from time to time. The Kill1-5.ini comes with five killservers, you may want to change these, depending on your location. Take-overs: The scenario is that you have op on a channel, and want to be alone with the @. You don't have any clones on-line. First go to the channel name list and select 12 or less nicks you want to remove. Then choose "Prep. for take-over". The local clones will start up, and join the channel. They get autoop'ed. This takes 20 sec's. Then with the same 12 or less nicks selected, choose "Take-over" from the channel names list. You and your clones will kickban them together. If you selected 12, that means 3 to kickban for each off your sessions. If 4 was selected, that's one each. You have to have all THREE clones on-line to do this. If you have only one, just half of the nicks will be removed!! This command removes 12 nicks in 8 sec's or less. (if no one messes up...) Warning: If you use OdinFiles to its full potential, you break many of the ethics of the net. Don't do this. And don't blame me :) Credits: OdinFiles is mostly based upon the GranINI 1.4b made by Gran@irc from *.bi.no. Gran stopped with 1.4b for mirc 3.51, so I upgraded it to mirc 3.64 and added some new stuff. Some things has been taken from Vassago's (Ryan Adams) Phoenix. Disclaimer: OdinFiles is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall OdinRex be liable for any damages whatsoever including direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, loss of business profits or special damages, even if OdinRex has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Last notes: I don't give help to users of OdinFiles, I don't have the time, sorry. Any comments? Mail me at an******@anon.penet.fi (distr. ver.) If you use something from OdinFiles in your INI, please give credit. And keep the version reply. Take care! -OdinRex (*Do* you want it all?) (Do you *want* it all?) (Do *you* want it all?) (Do you want it *all*?)