OdinFiles 1.6 for mIRC 3.64 Released: September 16. 1995 1. Made clones less fragile by changing the way they set userlevels at start-up. 2. Updated reset/resetclones command. 3. Wrote some helpfiles. *sgih* 4. Removed dead code in the killbot ini's. 5. Cleaned up clones internal "remove" command. 6. Added random quit messages. Usage: /bye. (Taken from Phoenix) 7. Made use of $read in topic handling. Much better. 8. Added a clone error alias, /cerror, to sniff out wrong clones. 9. Changed some timer settings. 10. Changed the logon message, it now actually tells you something. 11. Made the control and reset of clones modular. Less to worry about for me. 12. The defaults.txt now contains all topics you want the ini to use. 13. You can now use your topics on other channels. (/td, /t1, /t2...) 14. Made a /ctcp INFO command, don't now why. 15. Made a channel vote system, it must be run from one of your clones. 16. Changed level system for clones, to make room for the voting system. 17. Added some vote controlling commands to Odin.INI. 18. Added a new temp-kick-ban to the list popup. Ban by nick only. 19. Fixed two DCC bugs. 20. Made a NoiseKick, to keep a user silent. 21. Changed the paths that OdinFiles use. OdinFiles 1.5h for mIRC 3.6 First public release. A hackers version, e.g. no helpfiles. :)