[""OdinFiles v1.6""] Personal INI system for mIRC 3.64 Released: September 16. 1995 Aliases, and what they do: /2big Plays the ASCII-art file 2big.txt. /2finger Plays the ASCII-art file 2finger.txt. /a Adds a user to the userlist. It takes care of the user address. Format: /a /bm Ban by modechange. Bans an address with wildcards from active channel. Format: /bm
/big BIG writes something. Only one letter at a time. So if you want to write hello in BIG letters to the active window: Like: /big h /big e /big l /big l /big o They will understand you love them. /bigop Plays the ASCII-art file ops.txt. /b Bans a nick from active channel by mode 3. Nick must be on IRC. Format: /b /bye Signs off from mirc, with a random quit message. Taken from Vassagos Phoenix. The messages are taken from the file quit.txt, you can enter your own, but don't forget to adjust the line count at the top of the file. /c Clears active window of text. (clear) /cerror Displays clones in your userlist. And some help. /cf CloneFloods a nick. Your online Clones flood the nick while you can sitt back and watch. Format: /cf /cfn CloneFloods a nick while they change nicks. Format: /cfn /cfj Makes the Clones follow you to a channel. Format: /cfj <#channel> /ch Opens the channel options window. Good for setting modes, and unbanning. /chan Joins your home- and systemchannel, and tries to set the standard modes. /chat DCC chat with someone. If the lag is to bad... /chome Sends a command to your clones that makes them change to your "home" server. As enterd in their ini files. /chreset Joins your home- and systemchannel, and tries to set the standard modes. /cj Makes your Clones join a channel. Format: /cj <#channel> /clones Displays users that has the level 9 (clonelevel) in your userlist. If a non-clone is in there, do a /reset. /cm Change mode on active channel. If you are op ofcourse... Format: /cm <+-spivmtnkl> /cn Makes your clones change their nick a couple of times. To awoid kill attempts and confuse others. /coff Set your Clones remote handler OFF. To keep them quiet for a while... /con Set your Clones remote handler ON. /control Makes your Cloens set you to their master-level, so that you can control them. If your clones act strangely, do this, and a reset. This schould clean up a faulty userlist. If this dosen't work, try, /reset and then /control. /cout Tells your clones to connect to some remote servers. In this way you can keep your homechannel-op on several servers. /cp Makes your Clones part from a channel Format: /cp <#channel> /cr This command resets your clones. If this dosen't work, try, /reset and then /cr. /dop Deops someone on your active channel. Format: /dop [nick] [nick] /f All your sessions flood a nick, even your main session. /fo Turns a flood attack off before it ends. Or you se the (Excess flood) quit. /gb Performs the banns you have entered in the file banlist.txt. /gn Sets the default topic, channel modes and performs the banns you have entered in the file banlist.txt. /h Parts active channel and then joins again. God for getting op when your alone on a channel after a split. Or you want to get that auto op again. /j Joins a channel. You don't need the "#" in front. Format: /j /k Kicks a nick from active channel. Format: /k /kb KickBans a nick from active channel. Uses the nr.3 ban-format. Format: /kb /kc Kills all clones. If they are on faraway servers, you may have to kill them yourself, by closing the clone session. /kill Starts a basic kill program on a nick you have *cut* out with your mouse. The INI has to be set up correctly for this to work. You schould also have some good killservers to use. This seldom works, unless you know the net is splitting allot. /kn Kicks a nick from active channel in an almost funny way. Format: /kn /kow Plays the ASCII-art file kow.txt. /kr Kicks a nick off avtive channel and lets you add a reason why. Format: /kr /l /part # Leaves the active channel. /log Tells others you are away, and "logging". /logs Tells others you are away, and "logging". lets you set a bogus time. If you don't want to be disturbed, set the time to some hours before you actally "leave". Format: /logs /meow Plays the ASCII-art file meow.txt. /n Tells you the nicks of users on a channel. /n /ni Parts from specified channels, and changes your nick around a bit. /nn Chnges your nick rapidly. /norm Sets normal channel modes. /off Turns most INI functions OFF. /on Turns most INI functions ON. /op Ops nicks on active channel. Format: /op [nick] [nick] /ops The OPS alias :) /p Pings nick. Format: /p /pall Pings active channel. /q Query someone. Format: /q [message] /r Displays nicks on your active channel, and cleans up the nick-on-channel list. (refresh) /reset Resets you! Do this once in a while. This cleans up your userlist, sets commands and events to ON, sets ignore to OFF, and tells you when it's done resetting. /rotate Plays the ASCII-art file rotate.txt. /sn Sets normal channelmodes on your SystenChannel /spoff Tells your nicks to NOT deop all serverops, on every channel they are on. /spon Tells your nicks to deop all serverops, on every channel they are on. This is good for when you want to keep the op, and you expect someone to join and get serverop. This way you can get four sessions to protect another channel. The op is yours to keep. /t Displays active timers. Use the alias /toff to turn all timers off. /td Sets the default topic on active channel from the file defaults.txt. /t1 Sets topic on active channel from the file defaults.txt /t2 Sets topic on active channel from the file defaults.txt /t3 Sets topic on active channel from the file defaults.txt /t4 Sets topic on active channel from the file defaults.txt /toff Turns off all timers an resets your nick. Actually quite a handy alias. /train Plays the ASCII-art file rotate.txt. /u Displays your userlist. It can be very long, so scroll back. /u5 Displays your userlist from level five and up. /uw Opens a nicks UserCentral. Format: /uw /vall Versions all on active channel. Tell me if you find a funny version reply :) /vote This alias starts a vote system from your clone. It asks wich clone to be the vote server. You can see results from your clone in your systemchannel as they come in. Turn it off with /voteoff Format: /vote /voteoff Turns all vote-servers off. Do this when you're tired of voting. /w The whois alias. /woop Plays the ASCII-art file rotate.txt. /ww The whowas alias. /xall Gets the fileoffering list from everyone on active channel. This *can* flood you. You can use the popup menu instead. /uerror Displays users at bad levels in your userlist. Remove them. Go to Tools/Remote to find your userlist. /F1 Press the F1 to get a brief help on the function keys. The help comes in your systemchannel. /fl Displays a brief help on the function keys. The help comes in your systemchannel. -OdinRex (*Do* you want it all?) (Do you *want* it all?) (Do *you* want it all?) (Do you want it *all*?)