Simple Nomad released this in October, and here we are two months later and I've already gotten to it! Don't tell the office or they'll expect quick response times like this all the time...

Due to the overwhelming popularity of this page, I've had to break it up into smaller chunks. I went over my month's bandwidth allowance on the first day! I'll be switching providers sometime over the next month, so keep an eye out for the new address (see my homepage for more info)

In order to convert the faq to HTML, I've had to remove the PGP signature from it. If you want the original document in text, it's on: Simple Nomad's FTP site.

Enough of my froth though, here's the latest from the Nomad Mobile Research Centre:

Contributions (and thanks to):

Also thanks to BioHazard, Mickey, Al Payne, and hello to several friends - Mr. Wizard, The Raven, Riker.

And many, many others who requested anonymity or didn't realize they were contributing ;-)

Tech Support (and special thanks to):

What everyone is saying about the last version of the FAQ (I'll skip the good stuff and get straight to the hate mail):

"You and scum like you should never even be allowed on the net. Hackers are the reason the net gets so much bad press."

"Can't you do anything constructive with your time?"

"You are no hacker. You don't even know the meaning of the word. You are nothing but a cracker, a common criminal. Change your name to Simple Scriptor. Or Simple Minded."

These people definitely need a hug, don't you agree? Now, on with the show...

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Section 00 - General Info

Section 01 - Getting Access to Accounts

Section 02 - Other Security Items

Section 03 - File and Directory Access

Section 04 - Miscellaneous Info on Netware

Section 05 - Resources

Section 06 - Netware APIs

Section 07 - For Administrators Only

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