---------------------------------------------------- SEGA FIRST OFF THE MARK...BUT IS IT RUNNING SCARED? -------------------------------------------------------------- To the uninitiated, Sega's suprise early launch of the Saturn in the US - and now in Europe - looks like a company getting its act together.The usual 18-month wait for new hardware was first slashed to ten months and then just over eight. Sega must really be on the case....... But to Edge it smacks of a company grasping at straws. It is slowly becoming clear that, on a strightforward performance basis,Sony'ssystem has the Saturn outclassed. And the first wave of software combatants has merely served to reinforce that view: for Virtua Fighter you have Tekken ;for Daytona USA you have Ridge Racer, for Gran Chaser you have Wipeout. In every case the Playstation arguably emerges the victor. Given that Sony undoubtedly has the greater marketing muscle,Sega has instead relied on guerrilla tactics to shift Saturns, concentrating on simply getting units into retail before the competition. Whether this approach will work in Sega's favour is another matter. The general public appears to be treating the new wave of videogame hardware with caution bordering on indifference. Jaguar and 3DO have hardly been roring successes - irrespective of the minimal amount of advertising each has recieved. Of course advertising is something that Sega will be counting heavily on, but great software will be what makes the Saturn a success, not clever slogans. Sega may well have drawn first in the next-generation shoot-out. But has it got enough ammunition? ---------------------------------------- SONY VERSUS SEGA: THE BIG PUSH BEGINS ----------------------------------------------- First Japan, now America,tomorrow (or within weeks at least) the world. Sony and Sega's head-to-head has been a relatively sedate Japanese only affair so far, but as the 32bit conflict gets set to go global, things are starting to become a little more intense. The battle for American hearts and minds started early. Sega stole a march over Sony with its shock launch of the Saturn in the US on 10th May-nearly four months ahead of the September 2 "Saturnday" decoy date. The launch is a limited (60,000 units) affair, but it does give Sega a head start in the USA. However come September 9 it will have to face the Playstation and a price difference of $100. The Saturns price of $399 ($449 with Virtua Fighter) doesn't compare well with the Playstation's $200 tag - and its expected that the $299 Playsttion will be bundled with a game, possibly Ridge Racer. The 32bit war is also hotting up in Japan. On July 21 Sony will introduce a new Playstation - the SCPH 3000 - priced at 29,800 yen (£220) Designed as a "popular" model ,it lacks the S-Video output of the original (thereby reducing production costs) but otherwise its identical to the original. But before the "popular" Playstation hits the streets,Sega's cheaper Saturn will be released. As of June 16,the Saturn will be onsale for just 34,800 yen (10,000 yen less than the original price) Although still £50 more expensive than the Playstation, the new Saturn pack comes bundled with a (nearly) new game; the curiously low key Virtua Fighter Remix. Potentially more significant than any of the price tinkering by Sony or Sega was the recent announcement of a longterm strategic alliance between Sony Computer Entertainment and Namco. As a result of that deal - estimated to be worth around $100 million - Namco has given SCE exclusive rights to all its Playstation software in Europe, and the arcade giant will continue to furnish Sony with Playstation originals and conversions of its future coin-ops. Another brand strengthening move from Sony is the Playstation Club, due to start this September in Japan. For an annual fee of 5,800 yen (£45) members will recieve regular "Playstation Preview" 8cm black discs featuring previews, playable demos and other news. Current Japanese Playstation owners can apply for free preview discs for a limited period "to express thanks to those consumers who have purchased Playstations in the last six months" -------------------- PHILOSOMA PREVIEW ------------------------------ Format:Playstation Publisher:SCE Developer:In house Release Date:July(Japan) Origin:Japan With consoles like the Playstation offering unprecendated power and versatility,many developers are finding themselves caught in a dilema when it comes to updating existing gamestyles. Do they totally re-invent a genre,in the way that Jumping Flash dragged a flagging theme into the mid 1990's?. Or,with all the extra processing muscle at their disposal, do they strive to recreate existing coin-ops almost to the letter like Raiden Project? Sony Computer Entertainment obviously subscribes to both philosophies, because Philosoma does it all, offering both classically styled horizontally and vertically scrolling sections and some very impressive 3D. The game takes place on a planet called ORA-194-220 ,where a colonial installation has been attacked by an alien species - the Philosoma of the title. As Team 29, the only group in the vicinity equipped to intervene, you respond to an SOS signal and embark on a clean up operation. Philosoma is an unashamed shoot-em-up but its extravagent presentation and numerous extras make it feel like no other game of its genre. Although play conforms to the classic attack waves/miniboss/ attackwaves/boss format, each level adopts one of three viewpoints, and the transition between different styles of level is effected via cinematic pre-rendered sequences which seamlessly cut away from your craft and swing around it before settling on the next view. Taking its cue from Konami's influential SFC blaster Axelay, Philosoma offers four switchable weapons; Vulcan,Laser,A-Break and Rav-B,each of which has its own strength and range. Supplementing these standard arms are collectables such as homing missiles, which ideally,should be stockpiled for end of level encounters. During play,a valuable status panel reveals your energy reserves. It also provides brief damage reports (highlighting the afflicted areas of your craft) ,informs you of the status of your "sub-system" ( a device which controls your camouflaging ability) and offers some sketchy advice about fighting strategies. Philosoma is one of the most long-awaited games for the Playstation - it was unveiled (in the form of pre-rendered animated sequences) when Sony announced the existence of the machine. Now with frenetic vertical scroller Raiden Project the only blaster to recieve any critical aclaim, Philosoma has an obvious gap in the market to fill. Its combination of varied playing styles,relentlessly impressive graphics and sound gameplay could well se it plug that hole convincingly. -------------------- GRAN CHASER REVIEW ------------------------------ Format:Saturn Publisher:Sega Developer:Nextech Price:6,800 yen (£50) Release:Out now (Japan) Racing games seem to be the benchmark of choice right now -which should have put Sega,old hand at creating arcade racers,in the,ahem,driving seat. But the Saturn conversion of Daytona was less accomplished than Namco's excellent job on Playstation Ridge Racer. At first glance Gran Chaser seems to have fixed Daytona's faults,boasting sharper graphics,10 outlandish circuits in five settings and a split-screen head-to-head mode. Everything moves at a breakneck speed,most of the courses have at least one breathtaking section and the detailed texture mapped tracks provide a convincing ground rush. But problems abound elsewhere.The fact that the racing sleds float above the surface seems less a result of the futuristic scenario than an excuse for their unpredictable and unrealistic handling. Like Ridge Racer,the external views make for nice pictures but its tough to play a good game using them.Things are definitely better from the cockpit view,but the wooly handling still leaves you floundering about the course and careening of the sides of the track.Different play options are available -time trials,races against computer rival and a convoluted story mode-but they fail to inject the required excitement. The split screen mode is similarly flawed.More than half of each players view consists of just the tracks surface,leaving a tiny sliver of screen to show the sides of the track and other obstacles.And unlike the one player mode,theres no radar. Gran chaser is yet another dissapointing Saturn title,which could be shamed further by Psygnosis' markedly more impressive Playstation game, Wipeout Edge Rating: Four out of Ten ----------------------------- VIRTUA COP PREVIEW ----------------------------- Format:Saturn Publisher:Sega Developer:AM2 Release Date:TBA Origin:Japan Sega's last but one Virtua title gave the gun game genre the 3D polygon treatment but left the gameplay firmly in the mode of Lethal Enforcers,Mad Dog McCree and Operation Wolf.The two gun arcade machine certainly retained the high graphical standards of the previous Virtua games and the Saturn version in development looks as faithful as that of Virtua Fighter. Although Saturn Virtua Cop is only 20% complete almost all of the polygon data models for the levels and the first level characters are finished.In these shots (which you cant see...hehe) 70-80% of the textures have been applied to characters faces and like Virtua Fighter and Daytona logos and other details have been mapped onto the backgrounds. The first level of the version shown here would be fully playable were it not for the fact that it's missing the boss character.The main problem facing developer AM2 right now is speed -the game suffers from slowdown at several points.However AM2 is promising that the Saturn version will feature the same number of enemies as the coin-op. What AM2 and Sega can't promise is anything more substantial than a few hours target practice.Alightgun is planned for release at the same time as the game,but the addon only raises another question about Virtua Cops value for money.Even the best of this sort of coin-op translates badly to the home and Virtua Cop is unlikely to draw the crowds that Sega needs to attract to the Saturn. ----------------------------------------- PRO UNIVERSAL ADAPTOR FOR THE SEGA SATURN ------------------------------------------- -Now you can play US,Japanese & European CD games on ANY Saturn! -Simple plug in cartridge allows all combinations of CD's and consoles. -No need to wait for the release for your console - now you can play games from any country SATURN UNIVERSAL ADAPTOR: £32.99 Plus £2.00 P&P FROM :DATEL DIRECT LIMITED GOVAN ROAD, FENTON INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, FENTON,STOKE-ON-TRENT, ST4 2RS,ENGLAND. +44 (0)1782 744707 ----------------------------------------- RELEASES COMING TO THE SONY PLAYSTATION -------------------------------------------------- ----------- FIGHTING: ----------- STREETFIGHTER:THE MOVIE [EURO]- NOVEMBER- Using the digitised characters out of the movie -its a pity its based on a poor film PRIMAL RAGE [EURO] - NOVEMBER- Dinosaurs kicking the crap outta each other BATMAN FOREVER [EURO] -NOVEMBER- A scrolling beatem up where you can be either Batman or Robin. The film also uses the games motion capture system DALKSTALKERS [EURO] -OCTOBER- DARK LEGEND [US] -SUMMER- X MEN [EURO] -SEPTEMBER- MK II/III [EURO] -SEPTEMBER- RISE 2:RESURRECTION[EURO]-DECEMBER- TOSHINDEN [EURO] -SEPTEMBER- --------- DRIVING: --------- OFFWORLD INTERCEPTOR [EURO] - TBA- The redevelopment of the classic 4x4 bash n chase game as seen on the 3do Extra features include new grill cam,extra voice overs and spectacular fmv sequences DESTRUCTION DERBY [EURO] -OCTOBER- This game has the potential to be the most fun two players have experienced on the Playstation.Simply link up two psx's,switch on two televisions and crash headlong into one another.Complete and utter car bashing mayhem.Yes.Also incorporates a stock-car race. WIPEOUT [EURO] -OCTOBER- Hovercars racing each other over some of the smoothest race tracks ever seen on a home system.This is going to be very,very popular. Theres even going to be a soundtrack CD. ROAD RASH [EURO] -DECEMBER- Oh yes the popular 16bit bike racer with fists and mallets.The 3DO version was brilliant and they've added 25 minutes of live action,so that should bring a special novelty value to it RIDGE RACER [EURO] -SEPTEMBER- The smoothest racing game seen yet on the psx,even though Wipeout might just take that title once its completed.A few months after the arrival of RR in Europe though the Japanese will be able to enjoy RR2 TWISTED METAL [EURO] -DECEMBER- Racing with fast action combat vehicles.Sounds like fun.Choose from 12 types of vehicles (from small cars to huge trucks) all loaded with top weaponry.You have to avoid oil slicks and mines on the roads,and to win you have to destroy all the other racers,ultimately ending up as the last moving vehicle. SCREAMING WHEELS [US] -DECEMBER- The idea behind this one sounds like Rock n Roll Racing-you dont have to be first to finish,but you also have to avoid being destroyed by all the other cars that are out to get you.Once you get through certain levels,you have to face up to the boss car. ACE DRIVER [JAP] -DECEMBER- The next generation consoles are already saturated with quality racing games.but you would be a fool not to be eager to see the home version of Namco's Formula One racer -------- SPORTS -------- SHREDFAST [US] -WINTER- This is what American gaming is all about.You compete in various snowboarding events over six levels,and seven different types of races.You travel all over the ski resorts through the season to compete in the events and to qualify for the championship.As with all CD games these days heres loads of video footage of pros doing their stuff. BOXERS ROAD [JAP] -LATE SUMMER- So far the best looking and most playable boxing sim we've played.The multiple views are a bit of a gimmick tho,because you end up using the one to demolish your opponent.Has been delayed so may not be released in Japan until early September. FIFA SOCCER '96 [EURO] -NOVEMBER- Now theres a suprise.EA Sports were obviously going to release all their classic 16bit titles on PSX and FIFA is going to go down a storm over here in the UK. Especially after the 3DO version -Speed is enhanced,Dolby Surround added and the sprites are bigger with added frames of animation GOAL STORM [EURO] -TBA- In Japan its called J-League Winning Eleven and is an arcadey football sim designed along the lines of Victory Goal. CONVERSE HARDCORE HOOPS [US] -DECEMBER- Theres court basketball and then theres street basketball.This one is very much on the street level.Each player has his/her own distinctive style of play and they jurney to ten cities to comete in three-on-three half court games 3D DECATHLON [US] -NOVEMBER- Track and field makes it onto the PSX-But in 3D rendered graphics.It features all ten Decathlon events and up to eight players can compete at the same time ACTUA SOCCER [EURO] -SEPTEMBER- Stunning motion capture features the actual movements of England Internationals Chris Woods and Andy Stinton with a slick 3D viewpoint ESPN EXTREME GAMES [US] -DECEMBER- Racing with mountain bikes,skateboards,luges and the like.Theres a split screen mode for head-to-head challenges and you can take part in a complete season.The Road Rash/Skitchin idea is also prominent,as you can kick and punch while racing to the front of the pack. NHL '96 [EURO]-DECEMBER- EAs NHL series on the 16bits was brilliant so were expecting a very high standard.Motion captured players ,rink side camera angles and that oh so neccessary CD quality sound MADDEN NFL '96 [EURO] -NOVEMBER- FRANK THOMAS 'BIG HURT' BASEBALL [EURO] -NOVEMBER- NFL QUARTERBACK '96 [US] -AUTUMN- -------------- SHOOT-EM-UPS -------------- LOADED [EURO] -AUTUMN- Top down isometric shooter taking over from where Gauntlet and Chaos Engine left off. Superbly rendered sprites and 3D tomfooolery aplenty Huge explosions,user definable scaling in and out,recoil increasing the more powerful your weapon becomes,lighting effects AGILE WARRIOR:F111X [US] -WINTER- Strap yourself into the ultimate aircraft and thrust yourself into combat.You get sent to various hotspots around the world and youhave to sort out any problems there might be. ASSAULT RIGS [EURO] -WINTER- Classic gameplay potential in a cyberspace environment.Full link-up mode with other psx's.Completely non linear structure,multiple views plus 50 levels over ten different environments WARHAWK [EURO] -DECEMBER- Six missions of air-to-air and air-to-ground action.This game was designed by the same team behind NASA's space shuttle and space station simulators.To survive you have to destroy some of the most powerful weapons ever seen. KRAZY IVAN [EURO] -NOVEMBER- Head-to-head action against loads of metallic aliens.Kill them all with one of the meanest arsenals of weaponry seen on the PSX. VIRUS [US] -WINTER An alien virus infects a battleship by fusing everything it infects into flesh and metal monsters-even helicopters grow legs SHOCK WAVE 2 [EURO] -DECEMBER- Well if EA are releasing the first one on the Playstation they may as well put the sequel out.This version is going to have six new worlds with battlefields allegedly 400% larger than the original MAGIC CARPET [EURO] -WINTER- One of Bullfrogs most intense games ever.Fly around on a heavily armed flying carpet at very high speeds and shoot everything in your sights WING COMMANDER III [EURO] -OCTOBER- Everybody knows this is one of the best computer games ever combining top shooting action with an interactive element. All th best PC games are being ported over to the PSX. As long as there are original games as well this can only be a good thing. ACE COMBAT [EURO] -DECEMBER- Namco take the PC flight sim experience into the excitement of the next-gen world adding thoroughly useable controls and a mad wingman to boot.The demo version we have seen of the game is enough to convince us as to the potential of this game. Speed,graphics and sound come together in one hell of a shooter VMAX [EURO] -NOVEMBER- CYBERSLED [EURO] -SEPTEMBER- THE RAVEN PROJECT [EURO] -OCTOBER- PANZER GENERAL [EURO] -SEPTEMBER- PROJECT OVERKILL [EURO] -NOVEMBER ------------------------------- ROLE PLAYING GAMES....etc.... -------------------------------- BLAZING DRAGONS [EURO] -WINTER- King Arthur meets Monty Python.Created by Terry Jones from Monty Python ,the game turns the classic tale of Knights of the Round Table upside down -basically the dragons are the noble knights and the people are evil.This is an extremely original interactive cartoon adventure and is certainly very colourful.Sutable for adults,hmmmm.... PSYCHIC DETECTIVE [US] -NOVEMBER- Murder,mystery,mayhem with an allegedly huge storyline SPLIT REALITIES [US] -DECEMBER- Platform RPG,beat-em-up.You are Solo Axelrod and you have the amazing ability to slip from one world to another and are the only person who can stop all the evil destroying both worlds JOHNNY MNEMONIC :INTERACTIVE ACTION MOVIE [US] -AUTUMN- William Gibson's cyberpunk world is coming to the PSX. In the game Johnny is a futuristic data courier who carries information on chips implanted in his brain.He ends up with too much data in his mind and he needs to find the codes that'll enable him to download it all before he overloads.Graphic adventure. NOTE: Dont get too excited over this one...the PC version comes on two discs :Disc One contins a huge 646 MNEMONIC.CIN file while Disc Two has a 452 Mb MNEMONIC.CIN,some files for installing the game and Quicktime for Windows V2 .Anything else? Oh yes the game engine -a massive 760k Thats about 99.93% movie and 0.07% Game! Interactive movie anyone? THE ELEVENTH HOUR [EURO] -DECEMBER 3D LEMMINGS [EURO] -OCTOBER- Very advanced version of the more than famous puzzle-em-up. Consists of two methods of control-either using cursor or camera mode Its not really a role player at all but hey we didnt have enough room for a seperate section CREATURE SHOCK [US] -OCTOBER- The game takes place in 2123.Overpopulation has forced Earth to look elsewhere for living space (lebensraum) Three tribal ships are despatched.One of them seems to be destroyed by an unknown force -its your job to find out what the hell happened.Stunning 3D graphics in this classic PC adveture shooter DISCWORLD [EURO] -SEPTEMBER Humourous and compelling graphic adventure based on Terry Pratchetts science fantasy novels WARHAMMER [EURO] -WINTER- Intensely complex strategy gme combining a strong plot with next gen graphics and a unique interface SENTIENT [EURO] -DECEMBER- Construct sentences picking from a choice of words to communicate with the crew of a space station. They're all dying kind of quickly and you have to find out how to stop the decay. Needs the psx mouse MYST [EURO] -OCTOBER- The classic game goes on and on Lush graphics and complex storyline. +---------------------------------------+ | Typed:PRoToCoL | | Date:30-06-95 | | Source:Edge(Issue23) and UFG(Issue9) | +---------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------== END OF FILE ==------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------