************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** *********************** NEWBIES HANDBOOK ****************************** ************** HOW TO BEGIN IN THE WORLD OF H/P ************************ ********************** BY : PlowskĄ Phreak *********************************** *************************************************************************** *************************************************************************** Disclaimer- I am not responsible for any of the information in this document, if it is used for any other purpose than educational reading. Some of the information on this page can be used illegally if the reader does not act responsible. The reader is responsible for his own actions. You can copy anything from this file to any other file as long as you quote, dont change it up, and give me the proper credit...like: NEWBIES HANDBOOK HOW TO BEGIN IN THE WORLD OF H/P BY : PlowskĄ Phreak Into: When I got into hacking, i realized that there wasnt many text philes for newbies. so, i decided to write one. i dont really care about misspelled werds or puncuation so, please ignore the mistakes. In this document i will refer you to other documents a lot. (because why should i waste my time rewriting something that has already been writen?) If at anytime while reading this document you ask yourself "So...How do I hack?", then go away now and save yourself the frustration because you'll never learn. To hack you must understand everything about a system, and then you can get ideas and try them out. I tried to keep this phile as short as possible, when you read this you should just get an idea about how to hack and why we hack. If you read this document and the philes that i have listed, you should have a good idea on what to do, how to do it, and why. Remember every 'project' is different. You have to use your brain and adjust to each different one. Tools: There are a few things you need to have to be a hacker/phreaker. 'puter - computer (duh) terminal software - a program like, hyper terminal or ordinary terminal that allows you to dial out to another system. blue box - (exerpted from 2600faq)Blue boxes use a 2600hz tone to size control of telephone switches that use in-band signalling. The caller may then access special switch functions, with the usual purpose of making free long distance phone calls, using the tones provided by the Blue Box. scanner - a scanner is a program that dials out every number in your area and listens for tones that are comming from other modems. (helps you locate your local targets) a good scanner is Toneloc. Find it! Fone (phone) line - I hope you know whut this is... It also helps to know a computer language ex: C, C++ ect. Info resources: I dont know many good boards anymore because almost all of their sysops (system operators) have been busted. But I suggest you get a server that uses netscape and get unlimited access to the www(World wide web). And visit these good homepages by entering their name in the webcrawler search engine (http://webcrawler.com) Silicon Toads Hacking Resources Flamestrike Enterprises The PlowskĄ Page (mine, you can reach me from there) Matervas Hideout Burns Lair Cold fire From these pages you will find a wealth of information on h/p (hacking/phreaking) getting started: the first thing you must do is get on your computer, open your terminal software and connect to a board. (bulletin board, bbs). This is a must! (its also a VERY basic thing). (You can usually find a bbs number on a homepage or enter bbs in a search engine.) Now that you can do that, start reading. Read as many text philes as possible. Required reading: Hackers Manifesto (at bottom) Hackers Code of ethics Any old issues of Phrack any old issues of 2600 2600faq any text documents on systems (unix, iris, dec) DOD (department of defense) standards Any philes on boxes (blue(one at bottom), red, beige) For beginners, which most of you probably are, I suggest you find some of the following systems that exist in your area and work on them first. (they are the easiest and least risky) This next segment is excerpted from: A Novice's Guide to Hacking- 1989 e