Killer v3.0 ©1995-1996 Cripton inc. Introduction: Once again the time has come for another release of Killer. This version has a few extra things in it- like the beep flood and dcc bomb, but it also has a few corrections which I have made to the ini files, and also a help file to make things a little easier to understand. Something I never mentioned in earlier releases, change the ident server for each clone or keep them all on different servers- but ones that are likely to not split. This will prevent you getting k-lined for clonebotting. Files contained in killer3 c:\killer3 nicks.txt - this file contains about 50 obscure and meaningless nicks, it is used for fast nick changes linklook.txt - this file contains a list of various irc servers, feel free to add others, but if you do make sure you change the number on the first line accordingly (this number is the number of lines not counting the one the number is on, contained in the file) A series of ini files Trident.dcc - This file contains a very small ammount of text. It is the file sent when you do a dcc bomb. Remember- this is very irritating. Also note that your own screen will fill up with dcc send boxes or icons. killer30.hlp - A fully compiled easy to use help file. c:\killer3\opsonly welcome.txt - this is the welcome file that the operators on your channel will see when they use your bots fileserver c:\killer3\opsonly\public welcome2.txt - this is the welcome file that the general public will see when they use your bots file server. c:\killer3\docs faq.doc - The FAQ for Killer in word format faq.txt - The FAQ for Killer in text format hackfaq.doc - The FAQ for hacking on the IRC from windows in word format hackfaq.txt - The FAQ for hacking on the IRC from windows in word format Various miscelanious files Install instructions: When you run Killer v3.0 for the first time there are some things you need to adjust and / or add. The first thing is to go to tools \ remote \ commands and add any files you wish to offer via the xdcc list request. If you chose to offer 3 files only, place a ; in front of the extra options. If you only use 2 or so lines, you must place the line | /notice $nick Type /ctcp $me etc at the end of line starting 1:list2:/notice and remove the section :> list3. This will give the correct format. The same applies if you choose to add more than 5 files to your xdcc list. The default for the list is toggled off. This means that if you do nothing someone asking you for an xdcc list will get a message like "no files offered." If you wish to enable this, you use the XDCC option on you main window popup and select enable. Do this after you have added the files you wish to send. Note that you need to remove the ; before the lines of 1:XDCC send 1:/dcc etc and you need to add the paths to the correct files here, so that someone wishing to get one of your files can do so. Now read of the documents in the c:\killer3\docs directory IMPORTANT: YOU MUST PUT YOUR NICK, AND YOUR HOSTMASK IN THE USERS SECTION OF EACH INI- except killer- which does it on join. put yourself in as user level 45 in the bot, level 11 in the clones and level 45 in killer. Alternatively you can do this using /msg clone pass PASSWORD Some things the ini can do: Bring clones out of your computer at the click of a button. Use defined function keys for convenience Kill a person with the use of clone flooding Make a persons irc session very uncomfortable with the use of the Tsunami option. Allow you to be paged when away Allow you to leave a timed away message which repeats every 30 minutes and plays in every channel you are in Easy to use dialog boxes to reduce the ammount of typing needed Reply to ctcp commands with a notice Automatic flood detection and ignore (updated to a very secure system of flood prot.) Bold and/or highlighted text options (visible from IRCii) The contents of all the files contained in this self extracting executable file are copyright ©1995-1996, Cripton inc. Please note, there is further help on the IRC at #killer. Feel free to pop in and chat or ask for help - only questions not in the help file will be answered. Also, if you use Killer and are having a major problem with a user on IRC, if you ask nicely you might find that all of the people on #killer might assist you in the death of the person bugging you- the more they get to know you the more likely this is, and the chance of getting ops also becomes available. Addons: We have decided to add a section into the ini for addons. These are txt files containing information you can add directly into your ini using cut and paste. These files are available on the Cripton homepage, (as they become available.) Ensure that you bookmark our page or mirror site and check back regularly to see what new addons we have available. Developers only: If you would like to make an addon for Killer, or feel that you have something already worthy of this, please go to the Killer homepage, and register this idea. You will be required to mail us first, DO NOT SEND ANY ADDONS UNTIL WE GIVE YOU THE GO AHEAD. There are certain criteria that must be met in the making of an addon. These are listed below: It must be of a standard equal to that of Killer. It must be a .txt file copied directly from mIRC - not lines from an ini file. It must be a popup menu option, but may include aliases and remotes. It must be in secondary level- ie, it must fit as a second step in the popup menu, an example is below: Addons: ---------> First level (Included in Killer v2.1- do not add) .spybot ---------> Secondary level (Correct level for addon- you start here) ..Spybot live:/run ..... ..Spybot die:/ctcp Spybot die.. The rights of distribution are held by Cripton inc. - only if accepted and offered. If we accept your addon, the following will occur: It will be thoroughly beta tested. It will be added to the addons page on the Cripton site. You will be offered a position on the development team. Your name (Real only) will accompany it on the page - unless you prefer not. A single link to your own homepage ( or telnet to bot) will be added alongside the addon. You will recieve a copy of Killer Elite You will be able to beta test future packages of killer if you like You will recieve copies of future versions including Killer Gold and Killer Platinum in the pre-release (one week) period before public release. On behalf of the development team at Cripton inc. I would like to thank you for using Killer v3.0 J. A. Frater PLEASE TAKE NOTE: The bot included in this addon package is in beta stage. There are known errors and incomplete aspects. The bot is secure enough to use on a channel, and most of the options work, however due to the bugs Cripton inc. will not support the bot until we release v3.0 final. When the final release is available you will be able to get it from the Cripton inc. homepage, or from someone on #Killer.