============================================================================ Killer Faq ver 1.0 ============================================================================ This document provides complementary or late-breaking information to supplement the Killer add on's for mIRC. ------------------------ How to Use This Document ------------------------ To view FAQ.txt on screen in Notepad, maximize the Notepad window. To print FAQ.txt, open it in Notepad or another word processor, and then use the Print command on the File menu. ================= CONTENTS ================= Important notes about us! Read this! Methods of killing others Methods of Annoying others Channel Takeovers ================= Cripton inc. ================= Cripton inc. was started to fill the gap that many windows® users have with the internet. For example an executable bot which runs on the IRC when you are logged into your PPP account. Cripton inc. is a company which aims at excellence in support for it's customers, and providing the software so many people want but can never find. ================= Methods of killing Other irc'ers ================= That guy still wont leave you alone? Maybe it's time to flood him off the server! This command is located again under the name list popup, otherwise known as ctcp/dcc flood. This command will send a series of timed commands from you and your bot. These commands will go fast and furious, because it's coming from more than one place, preferably 5 or more, the target won't be able to handle it.. Then you will see a message that he quit, cause, excess flood. Some of the newer servers have built in protection, but usually it can be done. It's most effective to have all your clones on different servers so the attack comes from all different directions. If the target nick isn't flooded off the server he will be pissed off and ready to fight! My personal favorite method of MDK is the nick kill, thanks to killer, it's simple for the novice to use! First start up link looker and watch for splits. When you see a message like "no such server" send your nick killer bot on his way over to that server! Once you get on, hopefully before the split is over, take the targets nick!! So now you say, "I got his nick, what now?". Sit there and watch, I like to be in the same channel as the target nick, I love seeing him die! As soon as the servers connect Wham! Bam! Thank you mam! Instant death!! Your enemy is gone, but your clone usually dies to.. Sometimes you get lucky and he lives, so kill kill kill again! Once you have this tactic down pat channel takeovers is next on the list.. Another advantage of this method is that the target has no idea who killed him! Good for the revenge kills, that are best kept anonymous. [Q: The target changes there nick every X min, how do I kill him?] If the target changes his nick, or kick, bans you from his channel, you still can flood kill him. The best method is to send in your spybot, just watch his nick. If you cant get in the channel, there is another way, the command /names. If the channel isn't secret, invite only, or private, you can use this command to get a list of the nicks in the channel. The command would be like this /names #stupidchannel. Once you get the list, MDK again!! The spybot will effectively spy on the conversation without ruining your name in the channel! Handy little guy, he gets a two thumbs up in my book! ================= Methods of Annoying others ================= So you say your sick of some jerk bothering you? And maybe you just want to annoy him, buy not kill him? Tsunami may be the option your looking for. Tsunami is located on the Channels name list popup, just highlight the target nick, and let err rip. This will send lots of annoying text, filling his windows with junk, and probably really tick him off. I sure hope he has a scrollback buffer! Once you feel the target has gotten your message just turn it off, and prep for a retaliation. Dcc bomb is a cool new feature it sends a small file to the target, many times! The target has to change the name every time it goes to save it! I hope for there sake they don't have auto dcc receive enabled!! One of the problems I have encountered is that ircii users are harder to flood and annoy than mIRC users, solution? Here it is, the beep command, they will really hate you for this! This command is the code for an annoying beeping sound on ircii!! OUCH thats gotta hurt! ================= Channel TakeOvers ================= Channel takeovers are alittle more difficult to do than simple floods. It's best to target a channel with only a few nicks, don't go for the big channels yet, wait till you have a little more exp. under your belt. The easiest way to do this is to find a split server, and get lots of clones on there, and take all the ops nicks on the target channel!! Once you have their nicks, and the server rejoins, bam all the ops die, and the channel is opless!! It's a good idea to leave one clone with his own nick, that way you will server op into the channel and have full control. Kick Ban to your hearts content. Or better yet moderate the channel so they can only talk if they have the +v!!