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So your interested in joining heh? Glad to hear it! Just complete the steps below!


Make sure your site has the following!

1)Related to H/P/V/C/A/W in some way...
2)Some originality,(Your own graphics will help)...
3)Not a hatchet job with other people's stuff...
4)Some kinda files (in other words not just a links page)... 5)If you have a warez site then I want some links to live warez ftp sites updated and verified! (not just links to other warez homepages...

If you have a H/P/V/C/A/W page go ahead apply,Ya never know!


Add Your Site To The Ruiners Ring Queue...

NOTE... Your site will be deleted from the queue after 1 week if myself or kwantam haven't been written!

Site URL:
Site Title:
Password: (write this down!)


Add the following HTML Fragment to your site! Most of you already know how to do this. But, if this is new to you then just click on view and then choose document source and you will find the fragment there! I made it real easy for you to find and make sure to put your site Id and your email where it calls for it...

Begining of fragment

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or join the The Ruiners Ring

End of fragment

Be sure to save/load the graphics from the fragment to your own account and don't draw from this one. I don't want the page bogging down...


Email one of the following two people! Include in the email your SITE URL and your SITE ID! Then just wait! We will let you know soon whether or not you were added to the ring. If you get turned down there will be a short explanation of why you did. That way if you want in you can just make a few changes and reapply...

NOTE: The HTML fragment needs to be in place before you mail one of the ringmasters. If it is not you want be added...

Members may edit there site information here...
Site ID:


Space for this web page is provided as a service to Tripod members. The contents of this page are the responsibility of its creator, not Tripod, Inc.
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