Please, no more mail asking me how to hack. You can't teach someone to hack you can't even give them tips. And I'm not going to fall for the "You had to learn from somebody" line. I didn't. I went to people's pages an read .txt files, then practiced what I read. I never once bugged anyone with a "Teach me how to hack" letter. Also, if you find a mistake or something on my page, give me a nice e-mail message saying what it is and how to correct or something, not "YOUR SO STUPID", "YOU THINK YOU KNOW IT ALL", "YOUR A LAMER!!!". I'm sitting here in hickville trying to increase my knowledge on a 386dx-40 with a dyslexic modem. Give me a break.

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Theatre Claire Danes Chatting(JAVA)
Last Updated 26-Aug-96 µ Å ® ß ï ñ G Ë R
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