Welcome the Anti-Sailor Page

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What is Sailor?
Sailor is a free, public access system installed in the Frederick Public Library, and dial-in. Any person with the will can get into the internet and reak thier own havock. Sailor MAY be useful in introducing people to the internet, but these nubies wreak havock till they learn better.

Why do I hate Sailor, Let me count the ways

  1. The Service is good for Lamers and beginners but it annoys the elders.
  2. Anyone Can get on.
  3. It's Annoying
  4. It's Limiting. How, you Ask?
    1. You only have access to WWW and Gopher
    2. The WWW is limited to Selected links, you cant goto a random link
    3. And a few other ways
  5. The Service is a TAD slow
  6. The Dial-In service only has 14.4s

Since I hate Sailor so much i offer some links for the geeks who are forced to use it.

Tel-Net to Fred.Net
Anonymous Remailer
Cult of the Dead Cow
Unabombers Manifesto
Guy's Hacking and Phreaking Files
Materva's Hideout
Hack-Phreak-Anarchy WWW Sites
Anonymous Email
Undernet IRC
More IRC
More IRC