HTTP/1.0 200 OK Server: Netscape-FastTrack/2.01 Date: Wed, 25 Mar 1998 05:44:00 GMT Accept-ranges: bytes Last-modified: Sat, 27 Sep 1997 00:09:43 GMT Content-length: 12114 Content-type: text/html #Warez-Waldo

You have fallen into hell, you are now wanted for hitting this page! For You have seen the DARK SIDE OF WALDO!!

Anyhow, Welcome to the WareZ-Waldo page. Dedicated to the IRC Channel #warez-waldo, here you will see the operators, the founders, misc stuff, and maybe a site list that Warez-waldo provides on a daily basis. This channel is on Effnet

- LamahCop -

Wyle E. Coyote [Co-Founder of Warez Waldo]

Wyle's Greeting to All WareZ Gurus

The IRC Channel has been home to many people in need of finding a good ware or two. With the combined forces of a few good people. Warez-Waldo has been come one of the more popular channels in IRC, with software becoming more expensive, and the not being able to take software back after you purchased it only to find out it sucks, really pisses people off. Like Nascar, its an ok game after what 30 mins? Then it gets boring yet you pay 40$ bucks for it. What a rip...

You shouldn't worry about your software these days, they now are so friggin big cuz your lousy programmers can't create good code worth a damn, that most of the software traded these day are missing a good portion of the actual application. IE: Sound/Animation are the main ones ripped out of the programs, and it still is over 20+ disks. So mainly you should be thanking us for spreading your programs around, because if people like it they will go out and buy it for the Sounds and Animations..get my drift??

The History of Waldo!

After Talking to Robtelee, he said Warez Waldo was created by Joker, and Wyle was the 2nd person in then Robtelee joined. But before there was the Waldo channel there was #WareZ950 and everyone was into yet another warez channel [out of the hundreds that now exist]. Warez950 has bombared with people who are bored and attempt to take the channel over with colliders, and server takeovers. I think this was one of the main reasons #WareZ-Waldo was created. Hatchet said "WareZ Waldo has become a cornerstone in the WareZ-Scene" I asked Robtelee why people even bothered to come to Warez Waldo, he simply said for the site lists, and the fact that there were no stuck up people in there. They all offer to help in some sort of way! Trading is a major part of Waldo! More History to come.....

The Crew of Waldo!

- The OPz and their personal comments -

Wyle (Mat) Proclaims himself a lamer
Lady_C (Kimmi) Kimmi loves Mat
LamahCop Biggest Lamah on the Net
Marieke She is just a little Miss Understood :)
SuperChic Is a good friend of LamahCop's
Al-Qadim The Freak
RobtELee The South Will Rise Again!
BoInK Alive on the "Edge of Wetness"
Darksldr is the Dark Solider...FROM HELL!
A-Rush is a civillian in the shadows
Hamsta Kill yr idols
|QuesT| On a NevREndiNg JoURneY...
CyclopsJ One-Eyed Sikk Bastard 0)
Arnel is an uglee fukka
|Spider| is the l33t3t n phat3st 5 year old on IRC
Hamster is everyone's favorite shaved rodent
Drmctchr is short for DreamKILLER..hehee I mean Dream Catcher
^Venus^ How *DID* I get OPs?
\CrackerJ is the biggest warez god of them all..Anarchy4Ever all ya BIATCHES
[Hyde] admits that he is an IRC Addict
Warez-cop is always on the take
Skuld is an Anime Fan
Ravage Have you been *RAVAGED* today
ThE-MaN Whom everyone wants to be :)
SLUGGO ThiS channel NeedZ and EneMa
THE_NuT The name sayz it all, and arnel screws penguinz
Tenna Just call me, Mrs. Robinson
SilentBob Adventure, Excitement, A Jedi Craves Not These Things
Modo The Villadge Idiot
[HeLiX] Spiralling into the endless void of eternety lies [HeLiX], The keeper of Entropy
Wiltrader If there is a Wil There is away
Setuid (formerly eNginEer) Fondly remembering the ArpaNet :)
|Nikki-| Is Icelandic Do i need to say more?
^Scruffy is a WareZaholic =]
Warezdude SO much Warez..So little Time..If only I had a T1 :)
Godai is da WareZ God =)
Placebo The Webc00lio
[DoOm] Revolution X Prez

If your not on here its because you either didn't ask me, or you didn't give me a comment to put by your name.


The Channel Commands

If you join #warez-waldo type these commands if you want to get kewl things or you can download them here direct by click on the files below...

These commands will *ONLY* work if |wyle| is in the channel
Channel Commands
!list [sends u these commands]
!free [sends u the free public list]
!sitez [Free Site Trading By Users on Warez.Txt]
!cute [sends u Cute FTP with reg dat file]
!warez [sends u Warez FTP]
!wlist [sends u the private list...also autokickz lamers w/o access]
!CJM [sends CJM40]
!import [sends u a VB proggie made by Raphael; puts Site Lists into *.ini format]
!servers [sends a text file on Efnet Servers]
!Wyle [950/WALDO Script 2.7 Autokicks non-ops]
!Public [Wyle's mirc 392 Script Beta 1 Free to All ] not released yet

WareZ-Waldo Filez and Utilities
WareZ Ftp Size: 91089 -=< WaReZ! FTP >=-
CJM-WareZ Size: 180271 CJM-WareZ 32bit FTP v4.0 Beta 2 for Win95/NT
WareZ List Importer Size: 39704 Wyle's Warez Importer For WS_FTP/CuteFtp/WareZFtp
List of IRC Servers Size: 1433 List of IRC Servers on EfNet


Thanks to the following for helping me get info for this page

BoInK - Wyle - RobtELee - Hatchet -

( Waldo Header, Crew Logo )

* Ravage *

I am looking for more IRC Warez pages, if you know any email me.

#WareZ950 Homepage

LamahCop's Hack page! It Rocks!!

#WH Home Page

#Warez HomePage

Waldo has been found Times!

Email Comments
Want a webpage for you and your crew? Email me for pricing information...

[ Coding/Design by kM ] Last Updated 7/28/96