Order restored on court Web site By Reuters October 26, 1996, 10 a.m. PT A Florida court Web site was restored Friday after two days absence following a break-in by a hacker who placed pornographic images in the site. Court officials on Wednesday took the state court system home page offline after a computer hacker apparently broke into the site and added pictures of nude men and women in various stages of sexual activity. The photos caused a stir among those who use the court page to access Florida Supreme Court and Appellate Court decisions. The home page is normally a little more staid, with plain wood-grained background and hypertext links. Prurient but disappointed surfers looking for thrills gave the court system home page one of its busiest days ever Friday, having heard about the incident or read about it in a local newspaper. "We've had a significant number of hits today on our home page," said Craig Waters, executive assistant to Florida Supreme Court Chief Justice Gerald Kogan. "With all the publicity surrounding this, a lot of people are curious." No files were tampered with and court records remained intact, Waters said. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement was contacted and was investigating the break-in. Court officials intend to prosecute the perpetrator, Waters said. Story Copyright © 1996 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved. Copyright © 1996 CNET Inc. All rights reserved.