__ ___ _ __ __ __ _ __ __ / |/ /____ _ (_)/ / / //_/ (_)/ // /___ _____ / /|_/ // __ `// // / / < / // // // _ \ / ___/ / / / // /_/ // // / / /| | / // // // __// / /_/ /_/ \__,_//_//_/ /_/ |_|/_//_//_/ \___//_/ Mail Killer v1.0 for Windows Overview: Mail Killer was designed because of the fact that Netscape Mail doesn't ever truly delete 'deleted' e-mail, it stores all your old e-mail even after you tell it to delete it. Programs: imail.exe - Deletes the "In" box smail.exe - Deletes the "Sent" box Setup: Simple, unzip imail.exe, and smail.exe into the same directory as netscape mail (probably C:\NETSCAPE\MAIL), to use it simply execute the program. If you wish to make an icon to run Mail Killer, you may want to unzip mail.ico into your netscape mail directory as well. if you have any comments or suggestions, or if you find a bug in this program, e-mail me at god@wilter.com A Wiltered Fire Production http://www.wilter.com/wf/ Mail Killer v1.0 Copyright © 1997 E-HACK (god@wilter.com) http://www.wilter.com/ehack/