_________ __ __ \_ ___ \ ____ ____ | | __|__| ____ / \ \/ / _ \ / _ \ | |/ /| |_/ __ \ \ \____( <_> )( <_> )| < | |\ ___/ \______ / \____/ \____/ |__|_ \|__| \____> \/ \/ ____ __ __ __ __ | |/ _||__|| | | | ____ _______ | < | || | | | _/ __ \ \_ __ \ | | \ | || |__| |__\ ___/ | | \/ |____|__ \|__||____/|____/ \____> |__| \/ Cookie Killer v1.0 for Windows Cookie Killer v1.0 Overview: Cookie Killer is a program designed to simply and quickly delete "Cookies" from your netscape cookies file. Cookies are little peices of information that web sites use to keep track of you, many search engines use cookies to target advertising based on what you search for. There are many ways to delete netscape cookie files, but Cookie Killer is one of the faster ways of doing it. Setup: Simple, unzip cookie.exe into the same directory as netscape (probably C:\NETSCAPE), to use it simply execute the program. If you wish to make an icon to run Cookie Killer, you may want to unzip cookie.ico into your netscape directory as well. if you have any comments or suggestions, or if you find a bug in this program, e-mail me at god@wilter.com A Wiltered Fire Production http://www.wilter.com/wf/ Cookie Killer v1.0 Copyright © 1997 E-HACK (god@wilter.com) http://www.wilter.com/ehack/