Hot Dog Professional HTML Editor version 3.0.17 <------- cut-------------------------> User Name: Xerox's CompuTerror Serial Number: 0H5N1XLZBEJVF954RJB7 <--------cut-------------------------> For the "cut & paste" challenged, here's EXACTLY what this diagram means: Position your cursor to the left of the letter "U" in "User Name" Hold down the appropriate mouse button and drag to highlight that entire line AND the line below it ("Serial Numb...."). Now, before you let go of that mouse button, make sure that the cursor (and therefore your highlighting) stops at the space immediately following the number "7" in the serial number. Once your sure that you are NOT accidentally including an extra space in your highlight, let go of the mouse button. Now go up to the "Edit" command in the menu bar of which ever text editor your currently executing this in, and click "Copy". So far, so good. You're almost an Olympic cut'n'paster now. Now, execute the program (in this case HotDog, but this goes for any of the programs listed below) and from the menu bar of the main window, click on "Help" From the submenu, choose "Register ". This will bring up the registration window which gives you ONE BIG BOX for entering the data you just copied (and therefore have on the clipboard). This is important now, position the cursor at the topmost and leftmost position of this big box. No other place will do. At least not for HotDog3 program.(*)<---- see If needed, use the backspace and/or UP arrows to ensure that you get there. footnote Once you're sure of the position, paste the information into the box. OK STOP!! Don't hit "Register" just yet. Look to see where your cursor is. If it's sittin there blinking on the ass-end of the serial number, then you still need to execute a carriage return so the cursor ends up BELOW the "S" in "Serial Number..." No carriage return, no register properly. OK, NOW hit the button and go play wit da doggie !!!