FAKECD now works with the ATF Nato Fighter add-on disk. Follow Zinny's instructions below and insert NATO for ATF at the command line, add a 10.lib file with one character in it, and viola! Run NF without the CD-ROM. I created the following batch file to launch my NF no cd: NFNOCD.BAT FAKECD C:\ATF /l:d Nato FAKECD /u Raven Maniac aka "Psycho" chuck@ao.net http://www.ao.net/~chuck/atf/nfsycho.htm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well folks, HARI has done it again, he's posted a nice little program on his web page that makes flying ATF nicer for everyone. It does indeed work just fine. I've also tried it with US Marine Fighters and it works beautifully. However my US Navy Fighters disk is "misplaced" so I haven't been able to try it with that one yet. Cudos to all involved. Check out HARI's web page, THE UNOFFICIAL MISSION EXCHANGE: http://www.usinternet.com/users/hari/atfhome.htm Raven Maniac aka "Psycho" chuck@ao.net http://www.ao.net/~chuck/atf/atfsycho.htm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a letter I recieved from Zinny on how to run ATF without a CD-ROM driver. For those of you having memory trouble you can use the attached program FAKECD and not load your CD-ROM drivers. NOTE: You'll no longer get the MOIVES or PICTURES for the Reference area and you'll lose the starting movies as well (darn). HARI --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey Hari, I figured out how to run ATF completely without the cd! Here is what ya do: Find a copy of fakecd (attached) create a file called 9.lib with just one character in it (I used the character "1") ***I HAVE INCLUDED A 9.LIB FILE OR THIS TYPE IN THIS ZIP FILE-HARI*** put that into your atf directory now run fakecd....ex:fakecd c:\games\atf /l:e run atf. It runs great for me. Remember not to distribute the game ;-) Have fun Zinny