Catalogs Palette

The Catalogs palette allows you to easily work with all open catalogs, whether or not any Galleries are opened.

Catalogs Palette


Catalogs Palette: To activate the palette choose Window > Show Catalogs.


Search Indicator: An icon in the far left column indicates that the catalog is selected for cross-catalog searching. No icon indicates that the catalog will not be included in cross catalog searches.


Open: Click to access the Open Files dialog to locate a new catalog to open.


Close: Click to close the highlighted catalog.


Catalogs palette fly-out menu: Select a Catalog on the list, then select a function to perform from the fly-out menu.


Catalog Names: Lists all the currently open catalogs.


Open Galleries: Indicates how many galleries are currently open for each listed catalog. You can open catalogs without opening any galleries.

Catalogs Palette Fly-Out Menu

Menu Option

Function Performed

Open Catalog

Allows you to locate and open a catalog.

Close Catalog

Closes the selected (highlighted) catalog.

New Gallery

Open a new, empty gallery for the highlighted catalog.

New Gallery with Find All

Open a new gallery, find and display all records in the catalog.

Close All Galleries

Close all galleries in the highlighted catalog.

Open Catalog on Startup

Set the selected (highlighted) catalog to open when Portfolio is launched.

Display Gallery on Open

When enabled, causes the active gallery to be opened automatically when the highlighted catalog is opened. See

Keep Catalog Open

Allows a catalog to remain open with zero galleries open. Helpful for having multiple catalogs open for searching, but with no galleries opened.

Open Galleries List

Select a gallery from the list to bring it to the front.

Note: Options on the Catalog palette fly-out menu apply only to the selected (highlighted) catalog. The menu will be dimmed if not catalog is selected.