TNCROSS.WAD - A Deathmatch Arena for DOOM By Valis - 27-Mar-94 To help me learn the great new DEU 5.0 beta 4 WAD editor (available via FTP on both and, I created the enclosed level, starting with Alastair Brown's simple CROSS.WAD and juicing it up quite a bit. * Everyone is offset - nobody can see the enemy's entry point. * The heat is on, so you better get started! * Ramble through a maze of variably high barrier walls... * to find a little more ammo for each weapon. * Chainsaw doesn't need ammo, but there's something hidden for you too. * A few choice monsters to keep folks company - not a major zoo. * Critters and bonuses scale back on easy play levels. * Collect and search well and you'll go far - all the way to the top! * If a Flying Wallenda found a bazooka, would there be Dark Victory? I hope you have fun with it. I have checked the structure and I think it's clean. If you have any problems, post them in Good luck! }-V-{