You asked for levels. Here are three. These levels are for (NOTE) COMM-BAT only. These levels do not have any enemy sprites defined at all, so if you play them as regular levels you’re not going to be having much fun. What’s more, these levels are really designed for two people only, although the third, NodesVille, is fun with more than that. These levels were created with Wayne Sikes’ fantastic RottEd. Level 1 Happy Thoughts I always wondered what I looked like in dog mode. Maybe you did too. Now find out. Also, beware those switches on the wall! Level 2 Baaarrrfff! Sorry, but the name describes what it implies. Lots of Shrooms. Two MP-40’s. A large, separate battle room. All the makings for a fun game. Level 3 NodesVille This level is kinda fun because there are lots of places to hide if you only keep moving. Almost all the weapons are here. Interesting. I’m sorry if these levels turned out somewhat mediocre, but they were my first three attempts at creation. You never specified how good the levels had to be. I do plan to make more, and better. In fact, I had a really good idea for a game level that I plan to make today. I would very much appreciate any suggestions, comments, insults, etc. On these three levels. As always, if you don’t like them then delete them. Derek Greentree July 2, 1995