Heretic Things List: This list is by no means complete and any additions can be sent to me at Charles Dale 100036,700 on compuserve or from the Net. The number is the one to enter in DEU. But most people who use this will probably know how to use DEU so I won't go into gory details. First, make a copy of your heretic IWAD, then use a hex editor to change the first letter to a P instead of an I. This may work with other types of editors..? Also, if you have some ideas for names of this stuff please e-mail me. Some of these numbers will correspond with a DOOM thing such as Shotgun or something. If you find a matching one, you can search DEU.EXE for "Shotgun" and replace it with the "Bow" I'm not sure what happens if you make a name of longer length, but I'm not game to try it. Have fun. Please do not use this with the shareware version of Heretic as id (bow down) software has decreed that please, would levels to work with shareware Heretic not be made. Just pay your cash and edit away. Besides, the registered version is much better, with 200% more levels and some much better weapons. Disclaimer: If your computer implodes, sue me.. Weapons: Gloves of Necromancer: 2005 Ethereal Bow: 2001 Dragon Claw: 53 Wand Crystal: 10 Crystal Geode: 12 Arrows: 18 Quiver: 19 Claw orb: 54 Energy orb: 55 Baddies: Red Gargoyle Thing (doesn't fire): 66 " " " (does fire): 5 Muscly Dude (doesn't fire): 68 " " (translucent, doesn't fire): 69 " " (fires): 45 " " (translucent and fires): 46 Axe Dude: 64 Translucent Axe Dude: ? Sorcerour (how to spell?): 15 Translucent Sorcerour: ? Other Things to Pick Up: Purple Flask (25% health): 82 Blue Flask (10% health): 81 Bag of Holding: 8 Yellow Key: 80 Green Key: 73 Blue Key: 79 Wings of Wrath: 83 Morph ovum: ? Ring of invincibility: 84 Shadowsphere: 84 Torch: 33 Time Bomb: 34 Silver Shield: 85 Map Scroll: 35 Gold Shield (is there one?): ? Decorations etc: Torch (used on walls): 50 Monster holding burning bowl: 76 Various hanging skulls: 17,24,25,26 Exploding ball: 2035 Red smoke (for teleport): 74 Barrel: 44 Pole with Skull: 27 Candles hanging off ceiling: 28 Monster holding yellow ball: 96 " " green " : 95 " " blue " : 94