נננננננננננננננננננננננננננננ H ש E ש R ש E ש T ש I ש C נננננננננננננננננננננננננננננ Heretic 1.00 Cheat Codes Here thay are folks: quicken - god mode on/off (invincibility) rambo - all weapons (full ammo and a backpack too, check weapon 7|) kitty - no clipping on/off (walk through anything) gimme(a-j)(1-9) - gimme stuff(a-j specifies atrifact, 1-9 specifies quantitiy) a = invincibility ring (temporary invincibility, brown screen) b = shadowshpere (partial invisibility) c = quartz flask (adds 25% health, up to 100%) d = ???????????? (100% health no matta what) e = tome of power (just try shooting you mega power weapons now!) f = torch (gives light to dark situations) g = time bomb (drop it and run, it goes off fast) h = morph egg (turns every thing in front inta chickens, really) i = wings of wrath (lets ya fly, really cool!) j = chaos device (warps you back to the beginning of the level) skel - all keys (yellow, green, and blue keys are yours) ravmap - change map mode (can only be used while in map mode) ponce - full health shazam - power on/off (same as tome of power) engage(1-3)(1-9) - level warp (1-3 number of episode, 1-9 level number) massacre - massacre (kills everybody on the level but you!) cockadoodledoo - chicken on/off (turns you into a chicken temporarily) You use the cheats during game play in the first four difficulty levels, they don't work in the fifth difficulty level. Your all welcome! rolandw01@aol.com