~F~ile ~O~pen ~C~hange directory Cre~a~te directory TXTPA Fi~l~e ~V~iewi ~R~enameg ~D~eleteh ~A~dd to listk Copy ~f~ile -> diskd Copy file -> ~v~irt.diske Copy file -> ~t~apef Copy file -> ~m~emeoryj D~i~rectory PC DO~S~ shell$ 4.TXT ~Q~uit Alt+X ~V~irt.disk ~O~pen ~C~hange directory Crea~t~e PD.BA Fi~l~e ~V~iew ~R~ename~ ~D~elete| ~A~dd to list Dis~k~ ~R~ename ~D~elete} CO.CP ~A~dd to list Copy ~f~ile -> diskx Copy file -> ~t~apez Copy file -> Do~s~{ Copy file -> ~m~emeory Co~p~y virt.disk -> disky D~i~skmon Shift+F3 Change directory C~6~4S Copy virt.disk -> C6~4~S Virt.~t~ape ~O~pen ~C~hange directory Crea~t~e Fi~l~e ~V~iew ~R~ename ~D~elete ~A~dd to list T~a~pe ~R~ename ~D~elete ~A~dd to list Copy ~f~ile -> disk Copy file -> ~v~irt.disk Copy file -> Do~s~ Copy file -> ~m~emeory Change directory C~6~4S Copy tape -> C6~4~S ~M~emory 600 blocks free ~C~onfiguration` ~W~indow ~N~ext ~C~lose Alt+F3 ~S~how listH ~C~hange listI ~H~elp ~I~ndex ~A~bout ~S~ystem info ~F~ile ~O~pen ~C~hange directory Cre~a~te directory Fi~l~e ~V~iewi ~R~enameg ~D~eleteh ~A~dd to listk Copy ~f~ile -> diskd Copy file -> ~v~irt.diske Copy file -> ~t~apef Copy file -> ~m~emeoryj D~i~rectory PC DO~S~ shell$ ~Q~uit Alt+X ~1~541 ~O~pen4 ~M~essage5 Fi~l~e ~V~iewt ~R~enames ~D~eleter ~A~dd to listv Dis~k~ ~F~ormat6 4.TXT ~A~dd to listw Send ~c~ommand7 Copy file -> ~v~irt.diskn Copy file -> ~t~apep Copy file -> Do~s~q Copy file -> ~m~emeoryu Co~p~y disk -> virt.disko D~i~skmon8 Shift+F3 ~V~irt.disk ~O~pen ~C~hange directory Crea~t~e PD.BA Fi~l~e ~V~iew ~R~ename~ ~D~elete| ~A~dd to list Dis~k~ ~R~ename ~D~elete} CO.CP ~A~dd to list Copy ~f~ile -> diskx Copy file -> ~t~apez Copy file -> Do~s~{ Copy file -> ~m~emeory Co~p~y virt.disk -> disky D~i~skmon Shift+F3 Change directory C~6~4S Copy virt.disk -> C6~4~S Virt.~t~ape ~O~pen ~C~hange directory Crea~t~e Fi~l~e ~V~iew ~R~ename ~D~elete ~A~dd to list T~a~pe ~R~ename ~D~elete ~A~dd to list Copy ~f~ile -> disk Copy file -> ~v~irt.disk Copy file -> Do~s~ Copy file -> ~m~emeory Change directory C~6~4S Copy tape -> C6~4~S ~M~emory 600 blocks free ~C~onfiguration` ~W~indow ~N~ext ~C~lose Alt+F3 ~S~how listH ~C~hange listI ~H~elp ~I~ndex ~A~bout ~S~ystem info ~F~ile ~O~pen ~C~hange directory Cre~a~te directory Fi~l~e ~V~iewi ~R~enameg ~D~eleteh ~A~dd to listk Copy ~f~ile -> diskd Copy file -> ~v~irt.diske Copy file -> ~t~apef Copy file -> ~m~emeoryj D~i~rectory PC DO~S~ shell$ ~Q~uit Alt+X ~1~581 ~O~pen4 ~M~essage5 ~apeA Fi~l~e ~V~iewt ~R~enames ~D~eleter ~A~dd to listv Dis~k~ ~A~dd to listw Send ~c~ommand7 Copy file -> ~v~irt.diskn Copy file -> ~t~apep Copy file -> Do~s~q Copy file -> ~m~emeoryu o lis D~i~skmon8 Shift+F3 ~V~irt.disk ~O~pen ~C~hange directory Crea~t~e Fi~l~e ~V~iew ~R~ename~ ~D~elete| ~A~dd to list Dis~k~ ~R~ename ~D~elete} CO.CP ~A~dd to list Copy ~f~ile -> diskx Copy file -> ~t~apez Copy file -> Do~s~{ Copy file -> ~m~emeory D~i~skmon Shift+F3 Change directory C~6~4S Copy virt.disk -> C6~4~S Virt.~t~ape ~O~pen ~C~hange directory Crea~t~e Fi~l~e ~V~iew ~R~ename ~D~elete ~A~dd to list T~a~pe ~R~ename ~D~elete ~A~dd to list Copy ~f~ile -> disk Copy file -> ~v~irt.disk Copy file -> Do~s~ Copy file -> ~m~emeory Change directory C~6~4S Copy tape -> C6~4~S ~M~emory 600 blocks free ~C~onfiguration` ~W~indow ~N~ext ~C~lose Alt+F3 ~S~how listH ~C~hange listI ~H~elp ~I~ndex ~A~bout ~S~ystem info commands for dos files show the dos files change directory for dos files create a new directory view a dos file rename a dos file delete a dos file add a file to the filelist copy a dos file to a disk!copy a dos file to a virtual disk!copy a dos file to a virtual tape copy a dos file to the clipboard&show the contents of the dos directory start a DOS shell exit the program commands for %d show the directory of the disk show the drive message view a file on the disk rename a file on the disk delete a file on the disk add a file to the filelist format a disk add a disk to the filelist send command to floppydrive'copy a file from disk to a virtual disk'copy a file from disk to a virtual tape#copy a file from disk to a dos file(copy a file from a disk to the clipboard copy the disk to a virtual disk diskmon for %d commands for virtual disks show the virtual disks"change directory for virtual disks create a new virtual disk view a file on a virtual disk rename a file on a virtual disk delete a file on a virtual disk add a file to the filelist rename a virtual disk delete a virtual disk"add a virtual disk to the filelist'copy a file from virtual disk to a disk1copy a file from a virtual disk to a virtual tape-copy a file from a virtual disk to a dos file0copy a file from a virtual disk to the clipboard copy a virtual disk to a disk diskmon for virtual disks commands for virtual tapes show the virtual tapes"change directory for virtual tapes create a new virtual tape view a file on a virtual tape rename a file on a virtual tape delete a file on a virtual tape add a file to the filelist rename a virtual tape delete a virtual tape"add a virtual tape to the filelist'copy a file from virtual tape to a disk1copy a file from a virtual tape to a virtual disk-copy a file from a virtual tape to a dos file0copy a file from a virtual tape to the clipboard commands for the clipboard.copy the file from the clipboard to a dos file*copy the file from the clipboard to a disk2copy the file from the clipboard to a virtual disk2copy the file from the clipboard to a virtual tape"delete the file from the clipboard rename the file in the clipboard'change the configuration of the program change or close the window switch to the next window close window show the filelist change the filelist show the online-help!show the index of the online-help show info about the system about the author ~Alt+X~ Quit ~Alt+F3~ Close ~F6~ Next ~F1~ Help based on Disk64E (C)1993,94 Alfred Schwall Trans64 Version 1.15 (C)1994 Bernhard Schwall Information virtual disk must have .D64 as extension. Error virtual tape must have .T64 as extension. Error@ Cancel O~K~ ~F~iles BEF_LIST.FLD BP.DSKST.FLD BP.PSMST.FLD BP.TPMST.FLD R BUGREPOR.TXT CODEC64S.RES COMMANDS.PAS u COMMANDS.TPU COPB.BAT.TPU D64ZIPCO.CPU `dN DEFINES.TXTU DISKMON.PASU w DISKMON.TPUU A DLGS64.PASAS w DLGS64.TPUXE \ FEHLER.GERXE FLOPMON2.BAS HELP.BAT.BAS HELPFILE.PAS w HELPFILE.TPU LISTE.LSTTUS MAK.BAT.TXTU MAKECONV.PAS MSGBOX_N.PAS u MSGBOX_N.TPU Rr> RESCONST.PAS u RESCONST.TPU RESMAK_D.BAK : RESMAK_D.EXE 5 RESMAK_D.PAS RESMAK_E.BAK R RESMAK_E.EXE N RESMAK_E.PAS RES_MAKE.EXE STATUSLN.PAS w STATUSLN.TPU TEST1541.PAS L TO-DO.TXTPAS g TOOLS64.PASU v TOOLS64.TPUS TR.CFG4.TPUS TR.MAK4.TPUS s[G TR.SYM4.TPUS TRANS4.TXTUS TRANS64.CPAS " TRANS64.CFGE TRANS64.DSKK TRANS64.HSKK TRANS64.HLPK TRANS64.PASK TRANS64.POSK TRANS64.PRJK S TRANS64.RESK TRANS64.SYMK t TRANS64.TPUK TRANS64.TXTK P TRANS64D.HLP : TRANS64D.RES TRANS64O.OBJ TRANS64P.OBJ TR_HELP.BAKU TR_HELP.HLPS TR_HELP.PASS q TR_HELP.TPUS TR_HELP.TXTS TR_HELPD.BAK P TR_HELPD.HLP P TR_HELPD.PAS = TR_HELPD.TXT TR_MAIN2.BAK s TR_MAIN2.EXE ) TR_MAIN2.PAS TURBO.DSKBAK x TYPES64.BAKS L TYPES64.PASS p TYPES64.TPUT 8 VIEWER64.PAS x VIEWER64.TPU FERTIG.PASAS TRANSSRC.PAS ..GS64.PASAS ~N~ame Directory Cancel O~K~ ~F~iles FERTIG TRANSSRC.PAS ..GS64.PASAS ~N~ame *.D64 diskname *.D64 Cancel O~K~ ~F~iles FERTIG TRANSSRC.PAS ..GS64.PASAS ~N~ame *.T64 tapename *.T64 Cancel O~K~ ~F~iles BEF_LIST.FLD BP.DSKST.FLD BP.PSMST.FLD BP.TPMST.FLD R BUGREPOR.TXT CODEC64S.RES COMMANDS.PAS u COMMANDS.TPU COPB.BAT.TPU D64ZIPCO.CPU `dN DEFINES.TXTU DISKMON.PASU w DISKMON.TPUU A DLGS64.PASAS w DLGS64.TPUXE \ FEHLER.GERXE FLOPMON2.BAS HELP.BAT.BAS HELPFILE.PAS w HELPFILE.TPU LISTE.LSTTUS MAK.BAT.TXTU MAKECONV.PAS MSGBOX_N.PAS u MSGBOX_N.TPU Rr> RESCONST.PAS u RESCONST.TPU RESMAK_D.BAK : RESMAK_D.EXE 5 RESMAK_D.PAS RESMAK_E.BAK R RESMAK_E.EXE N RESMAK_E.PAS RES_MAKE.EXE STATUSLN.PAS w STATUSLN.TPU TEST1541.PAS L TO-DO.TXTPAS g TOOLS64.PASU v TOOLS64.TPUS TR.CFG4.TPUS TR.MAK4.TPUS s[G TR.SYM4.TPUS TRANS4.TXTUS TRANS64.CPAS " TRANS64.CFGE TRANS64.DSKK TRANS64.HSKK TRANS64.HLPK TRANS64.PASK TRANS64.POSK TRANS64.PRJK S TRANS64.RESK TRANS64.SYMK t TRANS64.TPUK TRANS64.TXTK P TRANS64D.HLP : TRANS64D.RES TRANS64O.OBJ TRANS64P.OBJ TR_HELP.BAKU TR_HELP.HLPS TR_HELP.PASS q TR_HELP.TPUS TR_HELP.TXTS TR_HELPD.BAK P TR_HELPD.HLP P TR_HELPD.PAS = TR_HELPD.TXT TR_MAIN2.BAK s TR_MAIN2.EXE ) TR_MAIN2.PAS TURBO.DSKBAK x TYPES64.BAKS L TYPES64.PASS p TYPES64.TPUT 8 VIEWER64.PAS x VIEWER64.TPU FERTIG.PASAS TRANSSRC.PAS ..GS64.PASAS ~N~ew directory Create directory ~R~evert% ~C~hdir# Directory ~t~ree Drives Drives TRANS64 D:\TRANS64 FERTIG D:\TRANS64\FERTIG TRANSSRC D:\TRANS64\TRANSSRC Directory ~n~ame D:\TRANS64 Change Directory Cancel O~K~ ~F~iles LISTE.LST FERTIGLST TRANSSRC.PAS ..GS64.PASAS ~N~ame *.LST change list *.LST send command ~S~end Cancel command: format disk Name, ID ~F~ormat Cancel copy file ~N~ormal ~P~C64 Cancel add to list1 Add all or only the selected files to the list? ~A~ll ~S~elected Cancel rename file old filename: new filename: ~R~ename ~S~kip Cancel rename old filename: new filename: old diskname: new diskname: Cancel ~Y~es Cancel Warning Error Information Confirm add to list Filename : Porgram name : Cancel configuration Cable: Drive: Port : Trans64 Version Delay (2-120): Device 25 lines 43/50 lines Screenmode full disk used blocks Copy diskimage normal Speed Cancel not found --------- ~t~est diskmon Track %02x Sector %02x ~R~ead ~D~ir ~Q~uit Next: Track Sector Track not available Sector not available wrong device number missing name timeout wrong second address device not present missing log. file number file open too many files open Delay to short timeout (output) timeout (input) file not open Error No 13 Error No 14 wrong drive selected fastload error error no transfer interrupted by user error writing file Program : Class : Geosfiletyp : Geosformat : Author : Date : Comment : unknown Information drive %2d : %d no drives found free memory: %s exists overwrite? no file to copy no file to delete no %s in this directory virt.disk virt.tape copy %s error reading %s all selected files3 not enough space on destination %d blocks needed can't copy a %s file delete %s can't delete a %s file deleting %s no file to rename error while renaming# can't rename %s to %s file exists copying reading creating Track : %02x Sector : %02x Entry %d Block %d directory (%d blocks) write %s writing %s error %d while opening file virtual disks virtual tapes helpfile not found Device: none Device: %d Error no. %d continue? type EXIT to return to Trans64. no file to view out of memory can't view a %s file) Can't display %s. It's not a Geos file.& resource file CODEC64S.RES not found. tapefile to big for conversion. could not write TESTTAPE.T64. could not write TESTDISK.D64. Copy ~f~ile -> disk Copy file -> ~v~irt.disk Copy file -> vir~t~.tape Copy file -> Do~s~ ~D~elete file ~R~ename file$ not enough memory %d blocks needed" not enough memory %d byte needed driver %2d : printer fileviewer INPUT# INPUT RESTORE GOSUB RETURN VERIFY PRINT# PRINT CLOSE LEFT$ RIGHT$ hires block hi col place leftw leftb downb downw rightb rightw multi colour bflash mob set music flash repeat centre envelope cgoto fetch until global reset end proc end loop on key disable resume delay setdrv circle on error no error local rcomp retrace trace option inkey insert hiload hisave design rlocmob bckgnds pause mob off scrsv scrld hrdcpy paint low col merge renumber detect check display ~Q~uit ~H~ex ~B~asic ~C~harset ~F~ile ~A~ddress in file ~Q~uit ~T~ype ~H~ex ~B~asic ~T~ext ~C~harset ~I~BM CBM ~1~ CBM ~2~ AboutBox AddMediaBox?: ChangeDirn< ChangeList CommandDlg ConfigDlg+- CopyDisk CopyMessageBoxa1 CreateDir]$ DirectoryPC DiskMon*B Errors FileView FormatDlgxC GeosView0? ListMessageBox Menu0 Menu1541 Menu1581"M MenuView:@ MessageBox MustD64 MustT64F/ NewTape RenFileBox RenMediaBox StatusLine StatusMessage Strings FBBL"P