FBHFi File Open Change directory Create directory File File Rename File Delete File Copy Copy virt.disk Copy Copy memory Directory shell Quit Index File Open Opens a dialog box and display the contents of the directory. Selected files can be copied disk, a virtual disk or to a virtual tape. Files with the extension '.T64' and '.D64' are not displayed because they are assumed to be virtual tape and virtual disk files. Files in Personal C64-format are automatically recognized. Menu Index File Change directory Changes the directory for the dos-files. This is the directory from which the files are copied and in which the files are stored if you copy a file to dos. Menu Index File Create directory Creates a new directory. Menu Index File View Views the first selected file. This is only possible if the dos dialog box is open. For details see fileviewer. Menu Index File Rename Renames the selected files. This is only possible if the dos dialog box is open. Menu Index File Delete Deletes the selected files. This is only possible if the dos dialog box is open. Menu Index File Add to list Adds the selected files to the filelist. This is only possible if the dos dialog box is open. Menu Index File Copy -> disk Copies the selected files to the floppy drive. The copy can be interrupted by pressing ESC. This is only possible if the dos dialog box and the 1541 dialog box is open. Menu Index File Copy -> virt.disk Copies the selected files to a virtual disk. This is only possible if the dos dialog box and the virt.disk dialog box is open. Menu Index File Copy -> tape Copies the selected files to a virtual tape. This is only possible if the dos dialog box and the virt.tape dialog box is open. Menu Index File Copy -> memory Copies the selected files to the clipboard. This is only possible if the dos dialog box is open. Menu Index File Directory PC Shows the directory of the PC. You can walk through the drives but you can't select any file to copy it to another device. Menu Index File DOS shell Starts a temporary DOS shell. Type EXIT to return to Trans64 Menu Index File Quit Leaves the program. Menu Index 1541 Open Message File File Rename File Delete File Disk Format Disk Send command Copy virt.disk Copy Copy Copy memory Copy virt.disk Diskmon Index 1541 Open Opens a dialog box and displays the directory of the 1541. Selected files can be copied Dos, a virtual disk or to a virtual tape. Also the complete disk can be copied to a new virtural disk. Menu Index 1541 Message Shows the last message of the floppy drive. Menu Index 1541 View Views the first selected file from the disk. This is only possible if the 1541 dialog box is open. For details see fileviewer. Menu Index 1541 Rename Renames the selected files on the disk. This is only possible if the 1541 dialog box is open. Menu Index 1541 Delete Deletes the selected files from the disk. This is only possible if the 1541 dialog box is open. Menu Index 1541 Add to list Adds the selected files to the filelist. This is only possible if the 1541 dialog box is open. Menu Index 1541 Format Formats a disk with a fast-formatter. Caution: all data of the disk will be erased if you use this procedure! k Routine written by Klaus Wenger. Published in: 64'er Sonderheft 9 (1986) Page 139, Markt & Technik Verlag Menu Index 1541 Add to list Adds a disk to the filelist. You can change the diskname before the disk is added to the list. This is only possible if the 1541 dialog box is open. Menu Index 1541 Send command Sends a command to the floppy drive. Menu Index 1541 Copy file -> virt.disk Copies the selected files to a virtual disk. The copy can be interrupted by pressing ESC. This is only possible if the 1541 dialog box and the virt.disk dialog box is open. Menu Index 1541 Copy file -> tape Copies the selected files to a virtual tape. The copy can be interrupted by pressing ESC. This is only possible if the 1541 dialog box and the virt.tape dialog box is open. Menu Index 1541 Copy file -> dos Copies the selected files to Dos. The copy can be interrupted by pressing ESC. This is only possible if the 1541 dialog box and the Dos dialog box is open. Menu Index 1541 Copy file -> memory Copies the selected files to the clipboard. The copy can be interrupted by pressing ESC. This is only possible if the 1541 dialog box is open. Menu Index 1541 Copy disk -> virt.disk Copies the whole disk to a new virtual disk. The copy can be interrupted by pressing ESC. This is only possible if the 1541 dislog box and the virt.disk dialog box is open. Menu Index 1541 Diskmon Opens a dialog box and shows the first sector of the directory ($12,$01). In the upper left corner the track/sector number of the actual sector is displayed. In the lower left corner you can enter the track and sector number of the sector which is read when you click on the 'Read'-button. All numbers must be given in hexadecimal format. After reading a sector the first two bytes, which are normally the track/sector number of the following sector, are shown here. If a sector of the directory is displayed you can click on the name of the file you want to look at. The track/sector of the first sector of the file is then set into the lower left corner and you can read this sector by clicking on the 'read'-button. If you click on the 'Dir'-button the disk is initialized and the first sector of the directory is read. Use this button if you change the disk or if you want to show another file. With the 'Quit'-button you can leave the diskmon. Menu Index virt.disk Open Change directory Create File File Rename File Delete File Disk Rename Disk Delete Disk Copy Copy Copy Copy memory Copy virt.disk Diskmon Change directory Copy virt.disk Index virt.disk Open Opens a dialog box and displays all virtual disks in the directory. On the right the contents of the selected virtual disk are displayed. Selected files can be copied to Dos, a disk or a virtual tape. Also you can copy a complete virtual disk to a real disk. Menu virt.disk Index virt.disk Change directory Changes the directory for the virt.disk files. This is the directory where the virtual disks are searched for. Menu virt.disk Index virt.disk Create Creates an empty virtual disk. Menu virt.disk Index virt.disk View Views the first selected file from the virtual disk. This is only possible if the virt.disk dialog box is open. For details see fileviewer. Menu virt.disk Index virt.disk Rename Renames the selected files from the virtual disk. This is only possible if the virt.disk dialog box is open. Menu virt.disk Index virt.disk Delete Deletes the selected files from the virtual disk. This is only possible if the virt.disk dialog box is open. Menu virt.disk Index virt.disk Add to list Adds the selected files to the filelist. This is only possible if the virt.disk dialog box is open. Menu virt.disk Index virt.disk Rename Renames the selected virt.disk. This is only possible if the virt.disk dialog box is open. Menu virt.disk Index virt.disk Delete Deletes the selected virt.disk. This is only possible if the virt.disk dialog box is open. Menu virt.disk Index virt.disk Add to list Adds a disk to the filelist. You can change the diskname before the disk is added to the list. This is only possible if the virt.disk dialog box is open. Menu virt.disk Index virt.disk Copy file -> disk Copies the selected files to a disk. The copy can be interrupted by pressing ESC. This is only possible if the virt.disk dialog box and the 1541 dialog box is open. Menu virt.disk Index virt.disk Copy file -> tape Copies the selected files to a virt.tape. This is only possible if the virt.disk dialog box and the virt.tape dialog box is open. Menu virt.disk Index virt.disk Copy file -> dos Copies the selected files to Dos. This is only possible if the virt.disk dialog box and the Dos dialog box is open. Menu virt.disk Index virt.disk Copy file -> memory Copies the selected files to the clipboard. This is only possible if the virt.disk dialog box is open. Menu virt.disk Index virt.disk Copy virt.disk -> disk Copies the whole virt.disk to a disk. The copy can be interrupted by pressing ESC. This is only possible if the virt.disk dialog box and the 1541 dialog box is open. Menu virt.disk Index virt.disk Diskmon Diskmon for the selected virtual disk. For details see Diskmon 1541. Menu virt.disk Index virt.disk Change directory C64S Changes the directory in which the emulator C64S is located. Menu virt.disk Index virt.disk Copy virt.disk -> C64S Copies the virt.disk as TESTDISK.D64 into the C64S directory. Caution! An existing file TESTDISK.D64 will be replaced without further inquiry. This is only possible if the virt.disk dialog box is open. Menu virt.disk Index virt.tape Open Change directory Create File File Rename File Delete File Tape Rename Tape Delete Tape Copy Copy virt.disk Copy Copy memory Change directory Copy Index virt.tape Open Opens a dialog box and shows all virtual tapes in the directory. Selected files can be copied Dos, a disk or to a virtual disk. Menu virt.tape Index virt.tape Change directory Changes the directory for the tape files. This is the directory where the virtual tapes are searched for. Menu virt.tape Index virt.tape Create Creates an empty virtual tape. Menu virt.tape Index virt.tape View Views the first selected file from the virtual tape. This is only possible if the virt.tape dialog box is open. For details see fileviewer. Menu virt.tape Index virt.tape Rename Renames the selected virtual tape. This is only possible if the virt.tape dialog box is open. Menu virt.tape Index virt.tape Delete Deletes the selected files from the virtual tape. This is only possible if the virt.tape dialog box is open. Menu virt.tape Index virt.tape Add to list Adds the selected files to the filelist. This is only possible if the virt.tape dialog box is open. Menu virt.tape Index virt.tape Rename Renames the selected files from the virtual tape. This is only possible if the virt.tape dialog box is open. Menu virt.tape Index virt.tape Delete Deletes the selected virtual tape. This is only possible if the virt.tape dialog box is open. Menu virt.tape Index virt.tape Add to list Adds a virtual tape to the filelist. You can change the tapename before the tape is added to the list. This is only possible if the virt.tape dialog box is open. Menu virt.disk Index virt.tape Copy file -> disk Copies the selected files to a disk. The copy can be interrupted by pressing ESC. This is only possible if the virt.tape dialog box and the 1541 dialog box is open. Menu virt.tape Index virt.tape Copy file -> virt.disk Copies the selected files to a virtual disk. This is only possible if the virt.tape dialog box and the virt.disk dialog box is open. Menu virt.tape Index virt.tape Copy file -> dos Copies the selected files to Dos. This is only possible if the virt.tape dialog box and the Dos dialog box is open. Menu virt.tape Index virt.tape Copy file -> memory Copies the selected files to the clipboard. This is only possible if the virt.tape dialog box is open. Menu virt.tape Index virt.tape Change directory C64S Changes the directory in which the emulator C64S is located. Menu virt.disk Index virt.tape Copy tape -> C64S Copies the virtual tape as TESTTAPE.T64 into the C64S directory. Caution! An existing file TESTTAPE.T64 will be replaced without further inquiry. After copying the tape to TESTTAPE.T64 you can't access the file with Trans64 because the file has to be encoded for C64S. At the moment it's only possible to convert virtual tapes with a maximum length of 678 blocks. This is only possible if the virt.tape dialog box is open. Menu virt.tape Index Configuration Memory Rename Delete Copy Copy virt.disk Copy Copy Memory Rename file Renames the selected file in the clipboard. Menu Memory Index Memory Delete file Deletes the selected file from the clipboard. Menu Memory Index Memory Copy file -> disk Copies the selected file to a disk. The copy can be interrupted by pressing ESC. This is only possible if the 1541 dialog box is open. Menu Memory Index Memory Copy file -> virt.disk Copies the selected file to a virtual disk. This is only possible if the virt.disk dialog box is open. Menu Memory Index Memory Copy file -> virt.tape Copies the selected file to a virtual tape. This is only possible if the virt.tape dialog box is open. Menu Memory Index Memory Copy file -> dos Copies the selected file to Dos. This is only possible if the Dos dialog box is open. Menu Memory Index Configuration Change the Setup of the program. The following options are available: Device: r 8, 9, 10, 11 device number of the floppydrive. When you change the device number the connected drive, the used cable and the used port are displayed. You must switch on your drive to select it. If you get not response even after turning on the drive you'll have to change the delay. Delay: Change the delay time for the transfer routines. Valid values are from 2..120. If you get the error message 'Delay to short' set this value higher. You should experiment with this value to find the best one for your computer. Lower values will speed up the transfer, higher values will make it safer. If you press the 'test'-button you can see in the upper left corner of the dialog box if your configuration will work with the desired value. Screenmode: 25 lines normal screen resolution 43/50 lines display 43 (EGA) or 50 (VGA) lines only available with EGA/VGA Speed: u Normal the normal transfer routines are used Fast fast load/save routines are used. If your floppy hangs when trying to use the fast routines you have to use the normal routines. You should switch on only that drive you want to use if you enable the fast routines. Copy diskimage: (only 1541, 1570, 1571) y full disk copy all blocks when copying a whole disk used blocks copy only blocks maked used in the BAM The options are saved when leaving the program and are loaded back at the next start. If no configuration file is found at start the program tries to auto-detect the port, cable and drive. Therefore you should switch on the drive before you start the program. Cable Index Window Next Close Show Change Index Window Next Selects the next open window. Menu window Index Window Close Closes the selected window. Menu window Index Window Show list Shows the list in which you can add files and disks to make a list of your programs. Menu window Index Window Change list Changes the list in which you can add your files and disks. You can either select an existing list or type a name for a new list. Menu window Index Help Index System About Index Help System info Shows the active drives and the free memory. Menu Index Help About Shows the author's name and the version number. Menu Index Index File Open Change directory Create directory File File Rename File Delete File Copy Copy virt.disk Copy Directory DOS shell Quit 1541 Open Message File File Rename File Delete File Disk Format Disk Send command Copy virt.disk Copy Copy Copy virt.disk Diskmon virt.disk Open Change directory Create File File Rename File Delete File Disk Rename Disk Delete File Copy Copy Copy Copy virt.disk Diskmon Change directory Copy virt.disk virt.tape Open Change directory Create File File Rename File Delete File Tape Rename Tape Delete Tape Copy Copy virt.disk Copy Change directory Copy Memory Rename Delete Copy Copy virt.disk Copy Copy Configuration Window Next Close Show Change Help Index System About Commandline options Trouble shooting report Language History Author Cable Select a file A file can be selected by moving the scrollbar on it and pressing space or with a double-clicking on the name. Selected files are marked with a '*' so you can select more then one file for an operation. If no file is explicitly selected the file with the scrollbar on it is assumed to be the selected one. Only PRG, SEQ and DOS files are selectabe. Index Copy a file If you copy a file to dos you are asked whether you want to save it in raw binary format (2 byte load-address, then the program) or in the format used by Personal C64 (also called c64neu). The Personal C64 file format is described in the helpfile of the Personal C64-emulator. Index Language To change the language from English to German leave Trans64, delete the configuration file TRANS64.CFG and restart Trans64. Index fileviewer The fileviewer is a dialogbox which shows a file in hex or as basic file. If you press the 'Hex'-button you will see the file in hex format. The first two byte of the file are interpreted as its load address. So, if you view a datafile, you will see a wrong loadaddress and the first two byte of the file are lost. If you press the 'Basic'-button you will see the basic listing of the program (if it's a basic-program, otherwise you will see chaos). CBM basic V2.0 and SIMONS BASIC tokens are translated. By pressing the 'Charset'-button you can switch between the two charsets of the C64. Because the IBM-charset doesn't include the C64 graphic symbols this effects (up to now) only the lower and upper case of the alphabet. If you try to view a Geos file a dialog box is shwon with further information about the file (e.g. author, date of creation) and the icon. By pressing the 'Quit'-button you can leave the fileviewer. Index Cable You can use the X1541 cable or the Disk64E cable. Here is the description of the X1541 cable: Sub-D (male) DIN (female) |\ | \ ______ | 14 / \ | / 5* 4* \ | | | | | 6* 3* | | | | | \ 1* 2* / | \______/ |/ connection: printer-port 1541 (Disk64E) Ground 22-25 2 2 ATN 1 3 4 Clock 14 4 5 Data 17 5 7 Reset 16 6 (6) Recognition 2-15 - - You should connect all pins 22-25(PC) with pin 2 (1541) because it's safer. The printer port plug is a male one which is connected directly to the printer port of the PC. The 1541 plug is a female one. You should plug the IEC-cable shipped with the 1541 into this plug so you don't have to make the interface cable longer then it must be. You should use a screened cable for the interface. You can even build a complete cable between the printer port and the the 1541 (with a male plug on the side of the 1541) but then you have to use a screened cable and you should build it as short as possibe. You can leave the connection 16(PC) - 6(1541). This is only neaded to reset the floppy drive if the program crashes and you have to reset your PC. The connection of pin 2 and 15 of the printer port is used by some ohter programs to recognize the cable. Trans64 doesn't use this connection. The last column shows the Disk64E cable (1541 side). You can use this instead of the X1541 cable. Index Author Trans64, Verson 1.15 (C)1994 by 8 Bernhard Schwall Broichstr.56 D-53227 Bonn Germany email: schwall@athene.informatik.uni-bonn.de This program comes without any warranty. You are using it at your own risk. Trans64 is Copyrighted software (C)1994 by Bernhard Schwall. The program is released into the public domain. You may use, copy and distribute this program without restrictions but only in unmodified form and without charging money for it. I would like to thank my father, Alfred Schwall, for his support with the C64 transfer routines. Without his work this program would never have run. The original transfer routines were programmed in QuickBasic 4.5 and used in the program Disk64E, (C)1993/94 by Alfred Schwall. I transferred the routines into C and made the user interface in Borland Pascal 7.0. The sourcecode of the transfer routines is available (e.g. via FTP from watson.mbb.sfu.ca). Index History Version 1.15: 27.10.1994 Menubar changed. Fileviewer shows filename. Added a clipboard. Fixed some errors in the fileviewer. Fixed a problem with disks with wrong directories. Display of 'blocks free' instead of 'bytes free' in the Dos dialog box. Fileviewer changed. Fileviewer for textfiles added. Commandline options for printerport. Automatic detection for connected PC-printers. Fixed a problem with copying of corrupt disks. Fixed a problem with corrupt virt.disks. Fixed an error with filenames for Personal C64. Version 1.14: 26.08.1994 Fastsave routines for 1571. Fileviewer fixed for 50 lines screenmode. Fileinfo for Geos files. Charset changable for fileviewer. Error with configuration without a disk drive fixed. Error with tapefiles with unknown filetype fixed. Dialog boxes are placed in the middle of the screen in 50 lines screenmode. Fixed a lot of errors in the English online help. Thanks to Barry Hill for doing this work. Error with fast save routine fixed. Ability to convert virt.disks and virt.tapes for C64S 1.0E. Version 1.13: 28.07.1994 Added a hex and basic viewer. Fixed an error with tapefiles with more then 30 entries. Fixed the memory-problem with the 1541 dialog box. Fixed an error in the create virt.disk routine. Fixed an error in the open 1541 routine. Fixed an error with the fostload/-save routines with more then one drive switched on Diskmon changed to key Shift+F3. Display of 1570 or 1571 in the menubar. Changed the transfer routines for 486DX2 66. Version 1.12: 10.07.1994 Ability to zoom then help window by pressing F5. Ability to call the DOS shell. Ability to delete files and medias by pressing 'Del'. Renaming of files and medias by pressing 'Enter'. Ability to start the diskmon by pressing F3. Version 1.11: 03.07.1994 Support of a separate directory for the the virtual disk file TESTDISK.D64 for the emulator C64S10CB. Removed the box 'show contents' from the virt.disk dialogbox. Statusline changed. Fixed an error in dialog box 'copy virt.disk -> 1541'. Fixed an error in the format routine. Version 1.10: 29.06.1994 Support of German and English version. Ability to save and load files in Personal C64 (c64neu) format. Ability to load files from incorrect tapefiles. Ability to rename files and media. Ability to create a new directory. Added the device number to the disk dialog box. Fast routines for 1581. Changed the behaviour of the scrollbar when selecting a file. Fixed some bugs in Diskmon. Fixed some bugs with the fast routines. Fixed the problem with loops in the directory. Fixed a problem with the system info. Version 1.03-1.07: ' Internal releases for alpha test only Version 1.02: 07.06.1994 Detection routine changed. Version 1.01: may 1994 K First official release. Included a detection routine for the disk drives. Version 1.00: april 1994 First beta release. Index Trouble shooting Here are some hints about the solutions of problems people reported to me: First of all: Don't run the program under Windows or any other multitasking-system like Novell Dos 7 with multitasking enabled. The program needs access to all of the hardware and needs all processor time. I don't know if the program can be used under OS/2. Don't connect the floppy drive with the c64 when running Trans64. Also, if you have a 1541 II and you sometimes have trouble and sometimes not, switch the drive off and on when readerror occur. # Problem: You get no menu '1541'. # Reason: The autodetectroutine for the drive failed. This is either a hardware problem with your drive (cabel wrong, drive not turned on) or a setup problem. Switch your drive on and select Configuration. Then select the right device number. If this doesn't help there must be a hardware problem. If you are sure you build the cable right plug it into another parallel port if you have one or disable the turbo mode of your PC. If this doesn't help, I think the program wouln't run on your PC. Sorry, please contact me and I will try to help you. 6 Problem: You get the errormessage 'delay to short'. v Reason: Your PC or floppy is slower then my configuration. Select Configuration and set the delay to a higher value. : Problem: You get the errormessage 'device not present'. Reason: Either the cable isn't correct, the floppy drive isn't switched on or the configuration isn't set correctly. If your are sure you build the cable correctly and the floppy drive is switched on select Configuration and select the right device number and a higher delay time. ; Problem: You get the errormessage 'wrong device number'. Reason: Your cable is correct but you selected the wrong device number. Select Configuration and select the right device number of your floppy drive. 4 Problem: You get the errormessage 'timeout (..)'. Reason: Your PC is too fast or too slow for the program. Select Configuration and change the delay. If this doesn't help then try the following: If your PC is a 486DX2 66, 486DX50 of faster switch your PC into slow mode (mostly by pressing the turbo button so the LED 'Turbo' swiches off). If this doesn't help or if this is not possible try to disable the cache via the BIOS. ATTENTION: you should only try this if you are familier with your PC and the BIOS-setup. If not don't try it. You could damage your PC when changing the wrong parameters. If your PC is not a fast one try to disable all tsr's you've loaded while booting the PC. If this doesn't help or if your PC is a slow 80286 then your PC is too slow for the program. Don't wonder about this even if the C64 runs with 1 MHz and your PC is running with 12 MHz. The PC must emulate the C64 routines and this routines depend on a 'tricky' timing. So if the PC isn't fast enough to do the timing you can't transfer any data with the floppy drive. 6 Problem: You get the errormessage 'fastload error'. G Reason: You selected the fast transfer routines. If you have connected more than one drive to the PC turn off all drives you don't need at the moment and try again. If only one drive is switched on then your drive seems to be incompatible with the fast routines. Sorry but you must disable the fast routines in Configuration. v Problem: When you open the 1541 the program shows a small box for counting the directory entries and then hangs up. Reason: Your PC is not very fast. The internal timing gets corrupt when you press a key or even move the mouse while the program tries to access the floppy drive. If you have put your PC into slow-mode enable the turbo-mode. If you are already in turbo-mode don't touch your PC or the mouse while accessing the floppy drive. You can also try out the fast transfer routines. This routines use simple handshaking and they should work even with a 'slow' PC. l Problem: The menupoint you want to select is shown in gray and when you try to select it nothing happens. k Reason: You didn't open the right dialog boxes. Move the scrollbar on the desired menupoint and press F1. U Problem: The program runs and you can transfer files but it seems to be very slow. k Reason: You have set the delay to a high value. Select Configuration and set the delay to a smaler value. f Problem: The transfer works fine with fast routines but you find some error in the transfered file. Reason: You don't use a screened cable. If you use the cable shipped with the 1541 and a short interface there should be no problem. If you have build a cable yourself you should use a screend cable. Problem: The transfer works fine if you have only connected one drive with the PC but if you have connected more then one drive the transfer doesn't work. Reason: There could be some electonic problems if you connect more then one drive with your PC. Especially if you have connected your c64 to the floppy, too. Remove all cables you do not need for the transfer. Do not only switch the non used drives (or the c64) off. You should disconnect them while the floopy drive is connected to the PC. Remove also the cable PC <-> 1541 when you use the drive with your c64. 5 Problem: You get the errormessage 'out of memory'. & Reason: There is not enough memory for the operation you want to do. Delete all programs from the clipboard. If you get the errormessage again close all dialog boxes you don't need at the moment. If this doesn't help you have to remove some TSR programs so you get more free memory under DOS. \ Problem: Interupting of the transfer by pressing ESC doesn't work or seems to be delayed. * Reason: To get the maximum speed for transfer Trans64 only looks for the keyboard after every block. So it can happen that some more blocks are transfered after you've pressed ESC before the transfer stops. If the transfer isn't interupted hold down then ESC key until the transfer is interupted. Index Bug report If you find any bugs or problems please contact me. Please send a detaild description of your problem, your configuration and, if the problem only appers on some files include a copy of this file if possible (e.g. you have a problem with some .D64 files, others are running ok, so please include one of the files you have a problem with). You can fill out the file "bugrepor.txt". Please include as much information as you have about your problem so it's easier to find and hopefully solve. Author Index Commandline options The following commandline options are supported: LPT1, LPT2, LPT3: selects LPT1, 2 or 3 for the connection of the floppydrive. This is usefull if you have a printer selected to another printerport and Trans64 hangs if you try to start it. Index