;* These are the strings used to customize the Setup program. Setup reads these strings and displays them in the ;* various dialog boxes used in the program. (Lines beginning with a semicolon are ignored. This is a useful way ;* to leave comments. ;* ;* Feel free to change these strings; the Setup program will not need to be modified. ;* ;* ;* ;* IMPORTANT! IMPORTANT! IMPORTANT! IMPORTANT! IMPORTANT! IMPORTANT! IMPORTANT! IMPORTANT! ;* ;* The order of the strings _is_ critical. If you make changes please be sure to leave the ;* strings in their original order! ;* ;* ;* ;* OK button text OK ;* ;* CANCEL button text Cancel ;* ;* The message that's printed on the starting screen Microsoft Press Setup ;* ;*** Application name ; Setup ; ;*** The "Welcome" dialog box ; The %s in the second line is optional. If used, the Setup program replaces %s with the name of the product from the SETUP.INI file. ; Welcome Welcome to the %s Setup Program! ; ;*** The "Install where?" dialog box ; The %s in the second line is optional. If used, the Setup program replaces %s with the name of the product from the SETUP.INI file. ; Install Where? The Setup program will copy the %s files into the specified directory. Click OK to continue. ; ;*** The "Are you sure you want to exit the setup program" dialog box ; Are you sure? Setup has not completed installing the files. Are you sure you want to exit Setup? ; ;*** The "Installing" dialog box ; Installing.... Setup is installing to ; ;*** The "Finished" dialog box ; The %s in the second line is optional. If used, the Setup program replaces %s with the name of the product from the SETUP.INI file. ; Finished! Setup has finished installing the %s files. Enjoy! ; ;*** The "Not enough free disk space" dialog box ; Not enough free space! You don't have enough free space to install the files. Please free up some space and try again. ; ;*** The "Confirm File Replace" dialog box. ; Confirm File Replace This folder already contains a file named '%s'. Would you like to replace the existing file modified on %s with this one? ; ; Yes To All button text Yes To All ; Yes button text Yes ; No button text No ; ;*** Title of the "Change Directory" dialog box Change Directory ; ;*** The "Did Not Finish" dialog box Setup Failed Setup did not finish installing the files. Please run Setup again to complete the installation process. ;*** The "Long Filename Problem" dialog box. There was a problem installing the files. Please restart your computer in safe mode and try reinstalling the files. (To start the computer in safe mode, press F5 when the computer beeps during the boot process.) ;*** The "Problem Installing Files" dialog box. (Currently identical to the "Problem Installing Files" dialog box.) There was a problem installing the files. Please restart your computer in safe mode and try reinstalling the files. (To start the computer in safe mode, press F5 when the computer beeps during the boot process.) ;*** The "Browse" dialog box. Browse Current Directory: New Directory: ;The "Do you want to create the new directory" dialog box The directory you've specified does not exist. Do you want to create it?