SLIP and Scripting support for use with Dial-Up Networking Use this software to add SLIP support so that Windows 95 Dial-Up Networking clients can connect to any remote access server that uses the SLIP standard, and to add Scripting support so that you can automate the process of connecting to an Internet access provider, online service, or remote computer. To install SLIP and Scripting support on a local computer, use the Add/Remove Programs option in Control Panel, select the Windows Setup tab, click the Have Disk button, and install from the ADMIN\APPTOOLS\DSCRIPT directory. To install SLIP and Scripting support using setup scripts, first use INF Installer in the ADMIN\NETTOOLS\NETSETUP folder to install the SLIP and scripting files with the Windows 95 source files on the network. For more information about SLIP and Dial-Up Networking, see those topics in the Windows 95 Resource Kit (WIN95RK.HLP). For more information about Scripting support and Dial-Up Networking, install the software as described above, then start the Dial-Up Scripting Tool (from the Accessories folder under Programs on the Start menu), and click Help.