Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++)

Setting Video Compression Properties

Video compression filters can support the IAMVideoCompression interface on their output pins. Use this interface to set compression properties, such as the key frame rate, the number of predicted (P) frames per key frame, and the relative compression quality.

First, call the IBaseFilter::EnumPins method to find the filter's output pin, and query the pin for the interface. Some filters may not support the interface at all. Others may expose the interface but not support every compression property. To determine which properties are supported, call IAMVideoCompression::GetInfo. This method returns several pieces of information:

The method has the following syntax:

hr = pCompress->GetInfo(pszVersion, &cbVersion, pszDesc, &cbDesc, 
         &lKeyFrame, &lPFrame, &dblQuality, &lCap);

The pszVersion and pszDesc parameters are wide-character buffers that receive the version string and description string. The cbVersion and cbDesc parameters receive the required buffer sizes in bytes (not characters). The lKeyFrame, lPFrame, and dblQuality parameters receive the default values for the key frame rate, P frame rate, and quality. Quality is expressed as a floating-point number from 0.0 to 1.0. The lCap parameter receives a bitwise OR of the capabilities flags, which are defined by the CompressionCaps enumerated type.

Any of these parameters can be NULL, in which case the method ignores that parameter. For example, to allocate buffers for the version and description strings, first call the method with NULL in the first and third parameters. Use the returned values for cbVersion and cbDesc to allocate the buffers and then call the method again:

int cbVersion, cbDesc; // Size in bytes, not characters!
hr = pCompress->GetInfo(0, &cbVersion, 0, &cbDesc, 0, 0, 0, 0);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
    WCHAR *pszVersion = new WCHAR[cbVersion/2];  // Wide character = 2 bytes
    WCHAR *pszDesc = new WCHAR[cbDesc/2];
    hr = pCompress->GetInfo(pszVersion, 0, pszDesc, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

The value of lCap indicates which of the other IAMVideoCompression methods the filter supports. For example, if lCap contains the CompressionCaps_CanKeyFrame flag, you can call IAMVideoCompression::get_KeyFrameRate to get the key frame rate and IAMVideoCompression::put_KeyFrameRate to set the key frame rate. A negative value indicates that the filter will use the default value, as obtained from IAMVideoCompression::GetInfo. For example:

if (lCap & CompressionCaps_CanKeyFrame)
    hr = pCompress->get_KeyFrameRate(&lKeyFrame);
    if (FAILED(hr) || lKeyFrame < 0)
        lKeyFrame = lDefaultKeyFrame; // From GetInfo.

The following code example tries to find the IAMVideoCompression interface on the output pin. If it succeeds, it retrieves the default and actual values for the compression properties:

IEnumPins *pEnum = NULL;
IPin *pPin = NULL;
IAMVideoCompression *pCompress = NULL;

// Find the pin that supports IAMVideoCompression (if any).
while (S_OK == pEnum->Next(1, &pPin, NULL))
    hr = pPin->QueryInterface(IID_IAMVideoCompression, (void**)&pCompress);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) // Found the interface.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) 
    long lCap;                     // Capability flags
    long lKeyFrame, lPFrame;       // Real values
    double m_Quality;
    long lKeyFrameDef, lPFrameDef; // Default values
    double QualityDef;
    // Get default values and capabilities.
    hr = pCompress->GetInfo(0, 0, 0, 0, &KeyFrameDef, &lPFrameDef,
             &QualityDef, &lCap);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        // Get actual values where possible.
        if (lCap & CompressionCaps_CanKeyFrame)
            hr = pCompress->get_KeyFrameRate(&lKeyFrame);
            if (FAILED(hr) || lKeyFrame < 0)
                lKeyFrame = lKeyFrameDef;
        if (lCap & CompressionCaps_CanBFrame)
            hr = pCompress->get_PFramesPerKeyFrame(&lPFrame);
            if (FAILED(hr) || lPFrame < 0)
                lPFrame = lPFrameDef;
        if (lCap & CompressionCaps_CanQuality)
            hr = pCompress->get_Quality(&Quality);
            if (FAILED(hr) || Quality < 0)
                Quality = QualityDef;

Note   If you are using the ICaptureGraphBuilder2 interface to build your graph, you can obtain the IAMVideoCompression interface by calling ICaptureGraphBuilder2::FindInterface, instead of using IBaseFilter::EnumPins. The FindInterface method is a helper method that searches filters and pins in the graph for a specified interface.