Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++)

IVPBaseConfig Interface

IVPBaseConfig is implemented on a filter that wraps a hardware device such as a decoder, if that device has a video port to the graphics adapter. This interface allows the video port to communicate with the Overlay Mixer filter regarding configuration information. The IVPConfig interface derives from this interface. See also IVPBaseNotify and IVPNotify.

Applications never use this interface.


Requires Dvp.h, Vptype.h, Vpconfig.h.

In addition to the methods inherited from IUnknown, the IVPBaseConfig interface exposes the following methods.

Method Description
GetConnectInfo Retrieves connection information structures.
SetConnectInfo Sets the index for the current video port connection information.
GetVPDataInfo Retrieves the current video port data information.
GetMaxPixelRate Retrieves the maximum pixels per second rate for a given width and height.
InformVPInputFormats Informs the device what video formats the video port supports.
GetVideoFormats Retrieves the video formats the decoder supports.
SetVideoFormat Sets the format that the video will use.
SetInvertPolarity Reverses the current polarity the decoder uses.
GetOverlaySurface Determines whether the overlay mixer should use the driver's overlay surface and if so retrieves a pointer to the surface.
SetDirectDrawKernelHandle Sets the Microsoft� DirectDraw� kernel handle for the decoder's minidriver to use.
SetVideoPortID Sets the port ID that the video will use.
SetDDSurfaceKernelHandle Sets the kernel handle that the DirectDraw surface will use.
SetSurfaceParameters Tells the capture driver about the surface created on its behalf by the Overlay Mixer or VBI surface filter.